Will "Vladimir" Work In Carrara?

I use a lot of Poser content in Carrara, adding the Runtimes to Carrara's browser. The "Vladimir" product says this:
Vladimir uses EXP Morph Technology
It should be installed to the Runtime containing the !DAZ folder.
You must run DzCreateExPFiles-M4.bat after installing this product.
I don't recall having a !DAZ folder, just a lot of Runtimes in a big Poser directory. Nor do I recall any of the rest of that ...
Will this work in Carrara Pro 8.1?
I've used Vladimir in Carrara 8.5. I might have had to create the textures manually, but I think the morphs worked Ok. I have it on my home computer. I'll try to upload a picture later.
OK, thanks. I found this which makes it sound like "ExP Technology" means Morphs++, which I have for M4:
And since this goes back to 2010, there should be no differencebetween Carrara 8.1 and 8.5. I dunno about running that *.bat file, but if its just a matter of loading M4 Morphs++ first, I can do that.
Not sure if this involves any textures, it sounds like just morphs.
Run the batch-file after you installed Vladimir to your Daz-Runtime (that's the runtime, where your M4 is located). Loading Morphs++ has nothing to do with this.
Here is Vladimir rendered in Carrara 8.5. The textures are my own. The screen shots show how it appears in the browser and that morphs that get installed when you inject them.
OK, many thanks. I have used Carrara quite a bit, but this is new ground for me. I went ahead and bought "Vladimir" since it was 65% off and I now know its possible to get it into Carrara. I searched a little for the batch file @ DAZ and Google, didn't find it, and it did not come with Vladimir. Something in the Forums made it look like its in the "Runtime/Libraries/!DAZ" folder, which for me is the Poser 7 runtime which I link in Carrara's browser (that's also where I load M4 from). So I'll look there (not on this machine).
I've been thru the DAZ catalog many dozens of times, looking for bargains, and this is the only item I recall using this ExP technology. Are there others?
OK, many thanks. I have used Carrara quite a bit, but this is new ground for me. I went ahead and bought "Vladimir" since it was 65% off and I now know its possible to get it into Carrara. I searched a little for the batch file @ DAZ and Google, didn't find it, and it did not come with Vladimir. Something in the Forums made it look like its in the "Runtime/Libraries/!DAZ" folder, which for me is the Poser 7 runtime which I link in Carrara's browser (that's also where I load M4 from). So I'll look there (not on this machine).
I've been thru the DAZ catalog many dozens of times, looking for bargains, and this is the only item I recall using this ExP technology. Are there others?
All the 4th Generation morph packs from DAZ are ExP: morphs++, muscle, creature, A4, H4, F4, etc.
If you install with a stand-alone installer it asks if you want to initialize the morphs. If you install with DIM it will initialize automatically. If you extract a zip manually you need to run the batch file (DzCreateExPFiles-M4.bat for M4, .COMMAND for Mac)
hmm I bought it ages ago and installed it manually without reading the directions and it works fine - maybe I am missing something?
I should go and have a closer squiz - thanks for the heads up ;)