Physics gravity no worky (bug)

I made this model in another program sorry can't show it for various reasons, but I brought it into carrara and when I use a sphere with physics attached with the default metal material nothing happens. I did the same thing using the same exact default setting with a sphere and a plane, and gravity worked fine everything went peachy, and I just tried to fix it, and now it works some how if you export it as a .car file and re import it works. I dunno if this is a bug report now or not honestly at first it was confusion, and now I guess it is a bit of a bug report. I guess since it partially a bug report, I will explain better what I did, actually either way I would anyways, I exported the model from another modeling program a friend got me as a present, modo 701 and well I basically wanted to test some quick physics on it, and well carrara is the simplest program to me to set up any physics test honestly, and I exported it as a obj file and imported in there, well I might have just opened it maybe that is what happened not quite sure kinda late night so my brain is a bit fried, (been working on this model for a week or so) and I created the sphere, and set is location to where I wanted it at the time and set everything up to default, and mash the calculate button and nothing, so I tried setting the velocity on the ball into the negative z direction around 1 in. to give it a nice kick, and it bounced off out into space. I was a bit confounded so I set up everything in the scene to physics instead of key frame or still you know the other options, just to see if anything would move but nothing moved, I said screw it lets make sure what I am doing is right, if not I wont mess nothing up to bad, so I opened up a new scene created a plane and a simple sphere and set everything to default as I originally did with the previous project, and it worked the end. I was in the middle of typing this when I realized I might have just opened the obj file instead of importing it so I just saved the scene that I was going to test physics on and made a new scene and imported it and it works, a bit tinier and a bit precarious in a sense, and very finicky because of its size, but since it is a test and nothing more I guess I can blow it up to work appropriately. So yeah guess I should change the title to bug, or something like that, by the way it is 8.1 . Sorry if I come off a bit rude, it is a game model for a non profit game, and I am the game producer, and that is why it may be bad for me to show it, and why my brain is fried it is a remake and lets just say when you have few images to go on, and you have to figure out a lot of stuff and everything is iffy at best it becomes a bit of an annoyance, and stressful.
Anyways here is a bug report I suppose, wish you the best.
:long: I'm sorry that is just not a bug report, and this isn't the bug tracker….. You are not rude, but the post is confusing….
If it happens again, or is reproducible in some way, or you can actually remember what happened post again and let us know. Any number of "user-mistakes" could have caused the behavior you (didn't) see. Guessing from your tired state, and the fact that it worked(?) later after saving and re-opening, it's impossible to call it a "bug"…. Call it an anomaly. It might be a sequence of events, or a setting that didn't "take", or a memory fart, or indeed a user-is-too-tired-to-be-sure error.
Bullet also has limits on how many polygons it can process, and you say nothing about your model.... Assume the collision object was a plane primitive, but a vertice model "square" or "box" (with some extrusion depth) might make bullet behave differently too.
If anyone has had a similar experience maybe they will post here?
Indeed reproducible, I opened the object file instead of importing it default setting for gravity, both items have metal material calculate leads to nothing. Take the sphere set initial velocity to -1 and set motion to physics calculate it goes straight down hits the model and bounces off infinitely into space. Now, close the scene make a new scene with a plane, and a sphere settings the same except for velocity is off and hit calculate it works properly it drops the ball and bounces, also the collision distance is 5. Ok, now take the first scene save it as a .car file doesn't work either actually, ok now I am going to try and import the model and test and see if it will work (I just opened the .car file not import), now importing works, so it is something to do with open. I will try import for the .obj file it works. So from this troubleshooting I am all about certain it is a bug with open, instead of importing even with a .car file odd. It is reproducible, I can do this over and over again and have the same outcome. So yeah I guess it is a bug, and the model has a little over 2000 poly's .
If you create a new Carrara document, or "Open" one that has been saved, the Physics properties in the Scene settings will default to "Use Default Gravity" checked, and "Bullet" as the "Physics Solver".
I you "Open" an OBJ document, the Physics properties in the Scene settings will default to "Use Default Gravity" unchecked, and "Standard" as the "Physics Solver".
Once you correct these two settings, physics should function as expected.
Ok, thanks that is something odd, to have that happen when you open, and change to something else if you import, ok thank you. I am so used to it working right off the bat. I never really ever try to just open something but being in a hurry and being late leads to the easiest method usually which is sometimes bad, and other times like this very confusing wtf is going moment. I will add this to the other notes that is up here.
Thanks, again