
edited December 1969 in Product Suggestions

I would like to see in DAZ is deferred lighting and a better lighting engine that is more user friendly and adds more to the model


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Then use LUX or Reality, they both support the Lux Render engine that supports real world lighting and can be ran from DAZ studio.
    You can also use Octain from DAZ Studio. It is up to you to do so. DAZ Studio uses a Version of the Renderman Render engine that is industry standard, but you can use any render engine that has a plugin interface for DAZ Studio.

  • TjebTjeb Posts: 507
    edited December 1969

    I agree with Jaderail.
    Nothing wrong with 3Delight. I think it's the #two render engine in Hollywood.
    The examples in this image are from the 3Delight site.

    It comes all to understanding how light works.

    900 x 744 - 115K
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    Richard said it well the other day.
    Taken from

    Estroyer said:
    While LuxRender, via Reality or Luxus, is a solution it involves losing all the other features of 3Delight which may be too high a price.

    I have lost track of 3Delight's abilities to be honest.
    Can you point out those features you are talking about for me?

    Things like having lights selectively apply to the scene, or ghost effects, or toon effects - or specular-only lights, or objects that don't cast shadows. LuxRender is a light-simulator - if you are happy for your scene to obey real-world rules, more or less, then it's superior to 3Delight; if you want to bend reality then it isn't.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    3D lighting is a ART form in itself. That is why the people that does the lighting in the movies get a large area in the credits. I'm not a master of 3DeLight lighting but I suggest you learn as much as you can. As noted EFFECTS need to be able to BEND the rules, and in 3Delight that is built in for you when you study all the different ways lighting can be done and used.

  • edited December 1969

    I use daz for star trek space scenes and orthographic view y'all think either one is right for that type of lighting

  • edited December 1969

    well I download 3D Delight for the free download on there website
    When I install it, it installs and then when it is finish the finish page comes up and the freezes
    when I run task master it shows that it isn't responding.
    If it has completely install I have no idea on what to do to start it up.
    No icon on my desktop.


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I was suggesting to learn lighting in DAZ Studio which has a version of 3Delight BUILT in, not install the stand alone version that is limited in the number of cores it can see. But each to their own....

  • edited December 1969

    O ok sorry misunderstood

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Is fine no issues. But let me be one of the first to welcome you to 3D. Lighting in 3D rendering IS without a doubt the hardest thing to learn. I'm 5 plus years in and I'm still learning as I go. As a New to DAZ Studio and 3D in general let me point you to some fast links to get you started.

    Here is one of the best but more advanced topics Uber Area Lighting: The Basics
    Here is one of the Basic for New Users topics "Beginning to see the Light"
    Yet more designed for a beginner “3D Lights & Magic”
    One more MOOD LIGHTING and then
    Look here for other topics at a beginners level TIP’s and Trick’s for ALL NEW USER’s

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