[Released!!] Merkava Tank

DarkEdgeDesignDarkEdgeDesign Posts: 489

This will be be available soon! Treads are posable with movement of treads, wheels and springs all through one dial!

Post edited by DarkEdgeDesign on


  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    Broken tread option?

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    That looks amazing, but now you need some IDF uniforms to go with it

    Interesting choice though. Why not  a T-90 or even a T-80 which are used by many more countries than just Israel. I hadn't really thought of doing any IDF scenes, wonder if there are other assets avaliable to add to the scenes, hmmmmmm

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    The Merkava rocks! A really underappreciated tank but quite the workhorse. I would also like to see something in a Leopard 2A4 perhaps in the future.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,062

    I saw "Merkava" but didn't see "Tank," and I excitedly expected to see YHWH's Throne/Chariot. But that is a great tank. Can we have some alternative textures or at least different markings/numbers?

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited June 2019

    Oh, excellent! Nice to see Israeli military hardware being represented, considering how advanced much of it often is! We've got enough Middle Eastern environments to make use of stuff like that now. I'll definitely obtain this.

    Hope the level of articulation is up to your usual standard. :)

    Wouldn't mind seeing the British Army Challenger 2, as well as German Leapard, Russian and Chinese ones, too. But pleasantly surprised to see Israel's famous tank available. Those have seen a huge amount of action.

    Post edited by Xenomorphine on
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Looks great! One question, is there ammo for the .50?

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Done, bought. Excellent job.

  • There is ammo in the can and feeding the gun. Hope you all enjoy!

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202
    edited June 2019

    It was an instant buy for me.

    Love the LAV and the WW2 aircraft , they have all been instant buys for me.

    I would love something to put against it such as T55 T64B and not to mention Leopard 2A4 or A6 to go with the LAV.

    I agree now we need tank crew uniforms to go with it.

    If the dials don't work I can normally get them to work by changing them to blended wheight and saving as a seen subset in order to work in Carrara.

    Most dont seem to need this though.

    I will try to get a Carrara review up if I get the time.


    Post edited by chickenman on
  • Thanks chickenman!! smiley

  • FInally a tank with tread suspension!!! Looks amazing.

    It would be incredible if you you would do some contruction equipment? Large Bulldozer, Escavator, Giant Dump truck etc!

    Tank is on my short list for sure.



  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    It was an instant buy for me.

    Love the LAV and the WW2 aircraft , they have all been instant buys for me.

    I would love something to put against it such as T55 T64B and not to mention Leopard 2A4 or A6 to go with the LAV.

    I agree now we need tank crew uniforms to go with it.

    If the dials don't work I can normally get them to work by changing them to blended wheight and saving as a seen subset in order to work in Carrara.

    Most dont seem to need this though.

    I will try to get a Carrara review up if I get the time.


    There is no problem with the rigging in Carrara. I just need to figure out the best way to do the textures as the PBR conversion script we have is not working so well on some of the shaders like the side skirts where they are rubber are really shiny.

  • DarkEdgeDesignDarkEdgeDesign Posts: 489
    edited July 2019
    You can try eliminating the gloss map and see if that helps...just an idea
    Post edited by DarkEdgeDesign on
  • Waiting for this to go on sale :)

    $24.95 is pretty steep.


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    • -40%
    • $24.95


  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    This is awesome. What are the machine guns mounted on the turret? The one by the hatch looks to be a 7.62, so perhaps an M73 or M1919 or something similar, and the one mounted above the barrel an M2BH .50 perhaps? I am curious for a project I am working. The one I am trying to replicate had an FNMAG by the hatch and a M2 by the gun but this is pretty close. The question I asked ealier was in regards to the fore mounted MG's feed tray. I could not see it in the pictures so I was wondering what it was eating.

    Once again it looks awesome.

    Merkava Mk 4 coaxial M2 | Merkava Mk 4's coaxial M2 ...

  • Dangit, I must have missed this discount. It still shows 24.95.

    If possible, please do another this weeknd, I'll buy :)

  • Went back on sale...Got it!

  • doorknob22doorknob22 Posts: 59
    edited October 2019
    Sigurd said:

    This is awesome. What are the machine guns mounted on the turret? The one by the hatch looks to be a 7.62, so perhaps an M73 or M1919 or something similar, and the one mounted above the barrel an M2BH .50 perhaps? I am curious for a project I am working. The one I am trying to replicate had an FNMAG by the hatch and a M2 by the gun but this is pretty close. The question I asked ealier was in regards to the fore mounted MG's feed tray. I could not see it in the pictures so I was wondering what it was eating.

    Once again it looks awesome.

    Merkava Mk 4 coaxial M2 | Merkava Mk 4's coaxial M2 ...

    Former Israeli armored corps soldier here.

    The front machine gun is M2 Browning. It is used mainly for training, as a very cheap substiture to the main cannon, rarely used in combat. In the back you can see the Israeli armored corps machine gun of choice, sturdy and reliable Belgian FN MAG (7.62 mm). The Tank actually carries 3 FNs: one for the commander (the one you see in the photo), one for the Loader and one for the Gunner. Hope this helps.

    Post edited by doorknob22 on
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Thank you for the info. The FN MAG has one of the highest MRBF (26,000 if memory serves me). I have only used it on only a couple of occasions but was impressed.

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