Growing Up for G2M/M6 & Brothers (Now Available)(Commercial)



  • 3dLux3dLux Posts: 1,231
    edited December 1969

    Zev0 said:
    Products are now live:)
    They certainly are. Polly's having a blast with her new kid brother.

    Awwwwwwww this is adorable :)

    Got it, Zev0 :cheese:

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489
    edited December 1969

    Yes indeed, straight into the cart! And thanks for the discount for owners of the Genesis/G2F version, and for getting Brothers and Growing Up together - every little helps! (It took me a few minutes with a calculator to work out how the calculations were done, but they seemed OK to me in the end)

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    MelanieL said:
    Yes indeed, straight into the cart! And thanks for the discount for owners of the Genesis/G2F version, and for getting Brothers and Growing Up together - every little helps! (It took me a few minutes with a calculator to work out how the calculations were done, but they seemed OK to me in the end)

    I was having problems with the cart would you mind saying how much discount you got, I've got both the Growing up products already and with both Growing up for Genesis Male 2 and Brothers in the cart I was getting $2 discount.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489
    edited December 2013

    Sorry but I'm really confused by the offered discounts, I have Growing up for Genesis and Genesis 2 Female, I have both Growing up and Brothers in my cart and the discount I'm getting is $1 off each is this correct.

    Assuming you're in PC, then the prices should work out as:
    Growing Up for G2M = 10.47 minus $1 for having a previous version = 9.47
    Brothers = 13.97 minus another 10% for being in basket with Growing Up = 12.57 (or maybe 12.58, not sure about that rounding)
    Total = 22.04
    I you have any Snowball discounts apply that before totalling - I had 10% Snowball discount so that was 8.52 + 11.32 = 19.84 (which is what I was charged)
    NOTE: I think you only get 1 x $1 if you have EITHER the Genesis version OR the G2F version, not $2 if you have both (I do and I didn't)
    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • CyberDogCyberDog Posts: 232
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for explaining that. There was nothing indicating a discount for previous versions.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    Thank you yes that's what I got too; to me it didn't seem quite right, the bundle for all 3 Growing ups is $22.37, I've already spent over $20 dollars on the other 2 and now need to spend another $9+, seems a bit unfair to those of us that have already purchased. Unfortunately at this time of year I really have to count the pennies.

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    Thank you yes that's what I got too; to me it didn't seem quite right, the bundle for all 3 Growing ups is $22.37, I've already spent over $20 dollars on the other 2 and now need to spend another $9+, seems a bit unfair to those of us that have already purchased. Unfortunately at this time of year I really have to count the pennies.
    An incredible amount of work goes into creating these morphs, so it's hard to begrudge the extra cost considering what you get for your money. It would be a far greater injustice to give it away at a pittance, and to be fair with the discounts already in place, it's already a pretty good bargain.

    I'm currently the happy owner of all the Growing Up sets for both Genesis 2 and Genesis. I've also purchased both Brothers and Sisters. They really are worth the asking price, so if you use teens and tots as much as I do then I really can't recommend them highly enough. It's a good investment since the kids are so often left out of the big releases.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    Thank you yes that's what I got too; to me it didn't seem quite right, the bundle for all 3 Growing ups is $22.37, I've already spent over $20 dollars on the other 2 and now need to spend another $9+, seems a bit unfair to those of us that have already purchased. Unfortunately at this time of year I really have to count the pennies.
    An incredible amount of work goes into creating these morphs, so it's hard to begrudge the extra cost considering what you get for your money. It would be a far greater injustice to give it away at a pittance, and to be fair with the discounts already in place, it's already a pretty good bargain.

    I'm currently the happy owner of all the Growing Up sets for both Genesis 2 and Genesis. I've also purchased both Brothers and Sisters. They really are worth the asking price, so if you use teens and tots as much as I do then I really can't recommend them highly enough. It's a good investment since the kids are so often left out of the big releases.

    I said nothing about them not being worth the price its just that the bundle price is a great deal lower than buying individually, I don't use Teens or youngsters enough now I think about it to warrant buying another set when I have the Genesis set already.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489
    edited December 1969

    Thank you yes that's what I got too; to me it didn't seem quite right, the bundle for all 3 Growing ups is $22.37, I've already spent over $20 dollars on the other 2 and now need to spend another $9+, seems a bit unfair to those of us that have already purchased. Unfortunately at this time of year I really have to count the pennies.
    An incredible amount of work goes into creating these morphs, so it's hard to begrudge the extra cost considering what you get for your money. It would be a far greater injustice to give it away at a pittance, and to be fair with the discounts already in place, it's already a pretty good bargain.

    I'm currently the happy owner of all the Growing Up sets for both Genesis 2 and Genesis. I've also purchased both Brothers and Sisters. They really are worth the asking price, so if you use teens and tots as much as I do then I really can't recommend them highly enough. It's a good investment since the kids are so often left out of the big releases.

    I said nothing about them not being worth the price its just that the bundle price is a great deal lower than buying individually, I don't use Teens or youngsters enough now I think about it to warrant buying another set when I have the Genesis set already.

    I was lucky enough to pick up the G2F version then the Genesis version in special offers in the first place, so I've now spent $27.50 in total on all three - which I do consider a bargain for the use I've had and plan to have - which runs more than the bundle, but on the plus side I've had several weeks of fun with the other two already.
    I do love zev0's stuff (only a couple missing from the full collection) so am grateful if I get any savings at all on them.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489
    edited December 1969

    CyberDog said:
    Thank you for explaining that. There was nothing indicating a discount for previous versions.

    It was in this morning's newsletter (and I think it's now on the Hot Promotions page too - not sure when that went up though as I'm in the UK so I always arrive here a few hours after the offers go up)
  • DolbomirDolbomir Posts: 73
    edited December 2013

    At last :lol:

    Can't wait to mix these into my genesis 2 chars! Dang work keeping me away from my 3D fix >.<</p>

    Insta buy.

    In my case buying the g2f and g2m together came out cheaper than the bundle so xP

    Post edited by Dolbomir on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Bought, installed. Will be twiddled with in the very near future... [Close - Browser] Reboot PC [Start DAZ Studio]

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451
    edited December 1969

    I'm debating on getting brothers or add it to my wishlist, I ultimately want to get brothers and the sisters product

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    Having been looking forward to this for over a month, I've wasted no time putting them to use. I don't want to spam the thread with them, but here's the more recent of them, also featuring the Sisters pack.

    1000 x 1000 - 827K
  • Tarina KiviTarina Kivi Posts: 488
    edited March 2017


    Post edited by Tarina Kivi on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489
    edited December 2013

    First chance to play - just a simple use of the 10-year-old, using Brothers ...
    ETA: I was doing a much more complex version with three boys, different ages, but unfortunately DS crashed when I hit one of my periodic and unexplained problems using a Leatherize shader preset. As I'd carelessly failed to save the scene it's gone ...

    768 x 1024 - 343K
    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • NadinoNadino Posts: 258
    edited December 1969

    Having a big issue with the textures for the Brothers set.
    Sorry, but since it's suppose to be a younger person I was expecting a cleaner, smoother texture, not blurred and wrinkly.
    Normally I would not say anything but since I cannot return the product (Due to the snowball promotion) I would like at least the following issue fixed please.

    Texture template exposed on the toes, also visible on the bump, sss, and normal maps.

    677 x 388 - 52K
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  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited December 1969

    We shall review this. Thanks.

  • DolbomirDolbomir Posts: 73
    edited December 2013

    From what i can see, all bros share the same texture set. The set looks fine for the oldest 2-3 of em, but looks weird for the youngest ones, unless you cover all but their face, neck, and hands or put them at a distance.

    tbh, I use a transferred k4 texture set on the youngest ones in the scenes I started with them. Not perfect either, but at least they can wear more believable clothing (although Melanie's armored pic above works with any texture xD same goes for ninja outfits, as I found xP)

    BTW, is there just a body morph--no head/face? Or am I missing something?

    ...would post a render of wth I'm talking about, but I can't render anything more complicated than a single character with no background and 1-2 lights at most until my new PC arrives--just playing around with scene arrangements in preview mode for now.

    EDIT: actually, I should probably correct myself. Their legs look hairy. the arms look passable for even a 5 yearold (I think). So it isn't as dire as I originally stated :lol:

    Post edited by Dolbomir on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871
    edited December 1969

    Here is 5 year old surfer Dan. I used the FW Dan character as the starting point. I modified the Dan texture to reduce bump and displacement, because I wanted smoother skin without the bulging veins. He still has a little issue with minimal stubble and arm hair, but I think he is OK. I certainly have a shortage of skins that could be children skins. I'm sorry to hear that Brothers isn't a perfect solution to that problem. I had considered buying it just to get a child skin. I'll hold off for now.

    1236 x 1600 - 1M
  • DolbomirDolbomir Posts: 73
    edited December 1969

    Here's a render of Gareth (the 10yo version) showing off his hairy legs :P

    Children skins are in short supply, I agree. This one, if nothing else, is easier to modify into a child skin compared to a lot (if not most) other male skins I've seen.

    ...on a side note: is it me or all my char renders looks smug? O.o

    1545 x 2000 - 1M
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited December 2013

    Appreciate the feedback:) I'm sure we can have these changed to have less\no hair on the legs:)

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • Tarina KiviTarina Kivi Posts: 488
    edited March 2017


    Post edited by Tarina Kivi on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited December 2013

    Hi Guys, An update for Brothers has been sent to Daz. The textures have been reworked. Changes are the following -

    -Hand detail refined
    -Leg hairs have been softened to barely visible
    -Top of feet removed some vein details
    -Toenails have been corrected

    Thanks again for your support and feedback:)

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for all the wonderful products you have made for us this year, ZevO. I'm looking forward to seeing even more in 2014. Happy New Year.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited December 1969

    You're welcome and it's been an absolute pleasure:) Happy New Year and see you all in 2014:)

  • DolbomirDolbomir Posts: 73
    edited December 2013

    Sweet! Thank you much <3</p>

    Growing Up is one of my favoritest products (all of the versions actually) and now the Brothers' versatile morphs and textures can be used without extra work even with beach/surf themed renders :lol:

    Really impressed with your attention to detail O.O

    Hav a Happy New Year! :D

    (pic showing off his legs for comparison with my previous screenie--hence the weird choice of clothes :P)

    1545 x 2000 - 4M
    Post edited by Dolbomir on
  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    I'm a little late to the party, but I wanted to let you know that in the middle of a family vacation to Disneyland, I woke up one morning, checked email on my phone as I was waking, and saw the 'brother from another mother' tag line, went straight to DAZ on my cellphone, didn't really notice what discount I got, put everything in the cart, bought it, smiled happily, and put my phone away and took my own little boys (5 & 3) to Disney.

    I only a day ago actually installed it all, and if D|S will stop crashing for one g*d**n render, I'll see about putting it up here.

    Count me in the camp who didn't buy Olympia because I was saving my zlotys for this. I'll get around to her in March... :)

    Thank you so much!

    -- Morgan

  • ScraverXScraverX Posts: 152
    edited December 1969

    Well, thought I'd peek in and contribute.
    I have a thing for the Garth body/ Young teen preset, lol.
    Anyway, been playing for a while and mixing in various other dials.

    Used the Summer on the River clothing (genesis with auto fit), G2F standing pose from Dumor3D (yes I know, not a boy pose) and two Advanced Spots - rendered in under a minute :)

    600 x 900 - 640K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871
    edited December 1969

    I'm having a problem with the Adult Proportions morph. When I use it, the eye no longer fits in the head. This is M6 with Adult Proportions set to 100%.

    1735 x 1706 - 162K
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