6 caneras and one production frame????
Im new to this
I have 6 cameras in a scene each framed differently.
Now I come back to the scene and wanted to re-render the 6 views only to discover that there is only one production frame.
That is not logical
Each camera should have its own production frame.
each camera does have its own production frame which you can see in the preview. You have to turn on VIEW PRODUCTION FRAME (see pics)
if your veiws for each camera have a different aspect ratio, it cant be done. a complaint of mine, each camera should be able to have its own aspect ratio, made a request for this option. it is only one production frame
No, it is only one aspect ratio per render, each camera has a different production frame.
You can get around this by setting up multiple versions of the same scene in the Batch Queue. You can have each one version of the scene to use a different camera and you can also set the resolution for each instance of the same scene.
You will have to do a bit of work to make sure that a 16:9 camera (for instance) is framed properly, and a 4:3 camera is also framed correctly. Then in the Batch Queue, load the same scene twice and make one a 16:9 ratio and select the camera that is framed for the 16:9 shot as the output camera. Then set the file name for that version of the scene as something unique so that when the 4:3 scene is set up, it doesn't overwrite the the 16:9 render.
beat me to the answer...
what would be nice is a different prod frame and aspect ratio for each camera. when working in print it would require 6 different files to show the client before render time
I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice, it would. As far as workarounds go, it's not that bad if you plan for it.
I'm not sure how you could show a client in print anything but six different renders if you had six different cameras? You don't have to render photo-real in the Batch Queue. If time is an issue, you could render using draft to show a client the differences in framing.
I would imagine a video where you're trying to show a client different aspects by switching to different cameras with different aspects could be useful, but then again, a draft render would work fine for that as well.
before rendering they usually want to see a view of scene before they submit to a render. in one file if the aspect ratios could be different i could show all views with a different cropping or view and they can chose without going through lets say six different files. less file managment. i was hoping with the new lock production frame option it was locking the prod frame for each camera to a different aspect ratio but no