Calling all Carrara 8.5/Windows 8.1 users

I have been using C8 with win 8 for a couple days and have noticed some wierdness with Gen 2 and runtime folders. They done seem to save and need to be reinitialed everytime I use an item. Anyone have any experience or know of any issue or concerns.
Thanks all.
Not had any issues with Carrara 8.5 with Windows 8.1, but I did find out too late that Poser 9 won't work with Windows 8.1. The response I had back from Smith Micro was that they are not supporting Poser 9 under Windows 8.1 and that I would need to upgrade to Poser 10. I made the alternative decision to delete Poser.
Hi all. Just moved up to Windows 8.1 and having some issues. If you are using Win 8 let me know so i can ask you some questions about some stupid issues I am having.
I use Windows 8.1 on all my computer, desktop, Laptop and tablette.
I have Carrara 8.5 Pro installed on my desktop and laptop.
At the moment, everything i do in Carrara work correctly, but i am not using it often, real life issues goes first.
What i do at the moment is more testing in carrara for light setup.
Forgot to say,
When i update from 8.0 to 8.1 for Windows, i uninstalled everything that was carrara.
Then i installed Carrara 8.5 pro manually.
Carrara 8.5 works perfectly on my Windows 8.1 machine. On Windows 8.0 I had issues with the DPI-fonts.
Humm, do you use DAZ content?
Yes, Michael 5 works perfectly. I was able to change his skin. Moreover I was able to add props.
I was eben able to animate some blood-particles on his skin. (yay!)
Use it, abuse it, ride it hard and put it away wet.
Carrara 8.5 Pro can handle it.
Akulla - what issues are you having? If you can specify it, we can maybe try to duplicate to see if it is also an issue for others or not? I am using Win8.1 with C8.5 and it seems good so far.
I bought PoserPro 2012 in March when it was discounted..
now 8 months later they don't support it!!
That was $150 wasted... lost me as a customer.
Seems to me it would be a bit better to have one thread, than two threads about essentially the same thing by the same person.
Agreed, I have merged the two threads, so all the answers are in one place, to avoid duplicating information in two places.
Not sure why but I was having a problem when adding a morph to V6 or Josie(using smart content tab) as it threw a pop up box error that just said error and nothing more for why it happened. It is working now as I added the new content as a folder under normal content tab and the error stopped. It appears it was looking for something that it couldnt find probably some path issue. Once I also added it to content tab it worked. I will try doing some screen caps.
Why are people posting stuff about Poser on this thread as this is a carrara thread.
Probably because there are quite a few Carrara bashers that complain about its support. PhilW was commenting that he had better support from DAZ with Windows 8, than he did with Smith Micro. It's a bit off-topic, but still within the the realm of conversation.