Not much choice for modern-day autos at Daz3D

Uman1912Uman1912 Posts: 28
edited December 1969 in Product Suggestions

During the Power Up sale I happened to notice that nearly all the models for automobiles at Daz3D are for vintage designs. The contemporary ones are all deluxe models that no middle class commuter might be expected to use. Car models change quickly and can become dated rapidly, but to illustrate a common modern day street scene one has to go elsewhere to try and find appropriate autos. I think one could go a long way with just one master car model that can be supported by multiple morphs.

Another area that the stores are weak in are historical military uniforms. The coverage is very spotty. It's a tough subject, I admit. There have been many eras of combat, and many variations of uniforms even within one army in one war. An artilleryman does not dress like an airman, for example. And textures are needed; soldiers on active duty tend to get ragged and dirty. And if one gives the uniforms for one army, it does little good unless the uniforms for the opposing army are also given, and in just about equal detail.


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