Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 6
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Yeah, Horo...water is so essential – especially for morning coffee ;) (my local aquifer feeds my well, so unless that dries out).
Thanks, Trish and Chohole concerning the next topic, and understand completely its timely release.
Guss...the technician actually had the fault fixed by 6 pm that day, but I had been out when he rang then. But, anytime was a good time for me – once I was back in the real world (the digital world...hahaa) again ;)
Oooh, David... that’s super spooky....will have to check out the vid later today.
Sean, on the star field stuff – you’ve probably seen David’s vid, which I found very useful, but sometimes, I just put a large picture of a starfield (e.g. below) on to a 2D vertical face, and then adjust the transparency accordingly. I recently used the star image below for using it on the face of the monolith (my version of Kubrick’s classic film from Clarke’s book, '2001: A Space Odyssey'), which came out better than I had expected, as it didn’t quite fully show the stars exactly.
Title: ’My God, it’s full of stars’.
Thanks everybody for the suggestions.
@bullit35744, the contest theme was "Love's in the air", over at DSA. Not my typical subject matter, but I got inspired to do that render anyway.
@Jamahoney, your "My God, it’s full of stars’" render came out nicely.
@David Brinnen, I like the spooky tree scene. Those light rays in the fog are cool. They actually remind me of something I saw many years ago (minus the spooky trees) when a bunch of friends were over to visit at my parents house out in the country, and it was really foggy. After dark we got a bunch of flashlights and started wandering around up the driveway and down along sides of the road. At some point we started seeing this really strange and super-bright glow with a bunch of beams moving around, which turned out to be a car going fairly slowly down the road, and of course the hills made the headlight angle constantly but gradually change, and the shadows of all the shrubs and trees on the fog made all the individual light beams move around at different angles and change shapes and widths as the car progressed. But for whatever reason, we couldn't hear the car at all until it got much closer, plus we weren't directly on the road, and it's a dead-end road with normally zero traffic and we didn't connect the light to a vehicle at all for a few minutes because it was so very non-car-light-like in appearance and behavior. It was actually a very neat experience.
David - I always enjoy doing your tutorials both the Bryce and Wings ones. Thanks for the new spooky tutorial. Something to try later today.
Guss – thanks
Jay- It’s nice your connection is back. Cool render, I thought the link you posted was an animation you did.
Sean –I love your render, awesome.
Cheers, Sean and Mermaid (sorry for the animation link - thought it might have given an idea of the version I was doing).
Had a go with David’s spooky cool and easy to do (all the graves, bat, Nosferatu character...etc are just simple flat silhouettes transposed onto terrains). Tried ridding the banding, the unnecessary duplicate shadows...etc., too, but in the end went with them as sort of they added to the creepy atmosphere.
Title: “I Vant Toooo Drinnnkkk Yurrrrr Blooooooodddd”
(must be said in a deep Transylvanian voice, and end it with that spheh, spheh, spheh sound like actor, Anthony Hopkins, makes in ‘Silence of the Lambs’ - with some 'Fava beans and a nice Chianti' ;) )
That turned out very well, as you say the shadow banding adds to the effect, like after images. Super! A better advert for the video than my own. Excellent!
Bryce 7.1 Pro Easy - Spooky trees in Dan's fog - by David Brinnen
Sean: Well the theme fits nicely with the render...I don't know...For me winning I just get lucky sometimes...I never follow composition rules or anything I just do what looks good to me...and on rare times it works out me its all about having fun with my art....
David: spooky trees are really cool am going to watch later tonight
Jay: WOW The space theme is really good... too bad you posted it or you could have used it in the new contest theme for Bryce...
just kidding.... I am so bad keeping secrets it is killing me not to tell...LOL...I can't spell it the way you did but...I want to drink your blood is super!!
@bullit35744, my thoughts exactly. I'm not the least worried about not winning, I have fun either way and enjoy seeing the other better winning entries too, I just wanted to see if there were any obvious areas in the drawing that everybody thought needed improvement. Sometimes I can't see the obvious but another set of eyes can. Sometimes I think maybe there's something I could have improved but suspect nobody else will notice as a problem, and want to see if I'm correct or really should have worked harder on the suspected issue after all.
@David: Great spooky trees video. Thanks.
@Jay: The first image is wonderful. And your try at David's spooky trees video is really good. I'm of two minds, one says there are fog shrouded building on both side of that stand of trees. The other says there are additional trees on both sides. The effect is awesome.
Jay – your render using David’s tutorial is awesome.
Here’s my Foggy Night Thanks David, for the tutorial.
Very good. A different atmosphere again, subtle. But was it not "easy"?
@David - nice backlit trees in the fog.
@Jay - looks great.
@mermaid010 - looking really great, too.
Love it, Mermaid...I think with David's method one could throw in anything and it would turn up great. Your water inspired another attempt - this time with a sort-of ghostship scene (reduced the shadow effects this time).
Edit: I guess some great effects could also be rendered when using letters and words etc., on, say, the horizon, as they shoot out long shadows to the observer.
Thanks David, Horo and Jay.
David - It was very easy to do except the render time was about 3 hrs .Looking forward to more tutorials.
I like the ghostship Jay
Ah... no I didn't say it would be easy AND quick! Just easy. You don't have to watch it render for that time, you can do something else... Although I can understand the attraction of watching the render process.
Also, I too like the ghostship Jay!
My next foggy render should be done in about... er... 3 hours!
@mermaid: What a lovely ghost tree image. Your addition of the water and dog really add to the overall atmosphere. Just like in one of those mysteries where the good guy is chasing the bad guy through just such a place.
@Jay: What neat results you achieved. It's like silhouettes shadowed onto paper, cut out, and pasted onto another piece of paper.
Jamahoney - excellent image and great homage to Kubric and Clarke. Was wondering what space suit that is...
David et all - Love the Volumetric atmospherics. Definitely spooky.
Pleased to hear it! As here's another one.
Yeah, thanks, the Marsman model from DS (have used it several times, and the detail is super - three coloured suits - red, gray, and white options). I'm sort-of 'Moon-Mad' (meaning I do a lot of work - all Bryce only - of single renders and animations concerning the Moon and its features), so the Marsman model was brilliant, and plan to use him in future projects - particularly for the animation-side-of-things).
Bought the Marsman model through a previous Bryce challenge-win (thank you judges, and competitors royal/all), but also purchased one of David's skies, too). Must stay loyal to the Brycer masters - will never be disapponited there, that's for sure.
Thanks Guss
David -really cool, nice effect
@David: Love the effects of your latest image. I think that one more than the others give me a feeling of seeing something not of this world walk out of the light. Guess I've seen too many movies of this type. :lol:
Finally took the time to give David's spiral torus tutorial a try. Below are a few images with different material on the torus and ground plane.
Jamahoney : excellent use of fog recipe from Dan Whiteside ! a nice and creepy scene.
David : very nice and mood atmosphere on your last render. So sad that Bryce make trouble while rendering xfrog trees with foggy dome and blend transparency.. Bryce trees works well for sure.
Thank you Marco,
Well, the transparency thing was not an entirely altruistic inclusion since it gives me the opportunity that the scene I began with is part of this product here, by Horo and me and is currently on sale in the store as part of the MM promotion!
Here's some Bryce renders from that thing...
Thank you also to Jay for your support with our products.
Mermaid, thank you.
And well done Jamie with the torus tutorial, good to see that being put through its paces.
Guss – the torus objects look great, you used lovely materials for both the objects and ground plane.
David-the product looks great - hope you and Horo have good sales.
A variation of the spooky tutorial using the same setup as my previous render.
I'm loving the "spooky" renders... And I may have to have a go at one myself because the 58 Plymouth Fury is crying out for an atmospheric scene to be put into so that Christine can show her malevolent side. :-)
Meanwhile, here she is looking quite 'normal'
@Jay - nice idea with the sail boat and the red backdrop.
@GussNemo - nice Wings3D shapes. The green one looks particularly good to me.
@mermaid010 great idea with the dog or wolf or whatever in the foreground.
@Dave - looks great. Reminds me of Elele's Immortal Elegance. Got that car for ages on my To-Do list. Yours looking great.
I had also a look at the spooky video but used Creepy trees from Lisa's Botanicals and made a visible moon near the horizon. And a lantern to light up my sig. Because of the fine twigs, i had to render with AA tolerance of 0.5 pixels, which took nearly 14 hours to finish.
Nice one, the third best (what say you to a spooky spiral...hahaaa, we've all gone spookified since David's tut, I'm afraid ;)
Mermaid...good idea to add more than one colour to the spookie, and Horo's one is just way too creepy (nightmares tonight, me thinks :vampire: ).
Thanks Horo and that's exactly what it is... Immortal Elegance. Bought it this morning, without the expansion pack which I may get eventually. There is a template for UV mapping but it's complex, I may see if I can figure it out and do some of my own paint jobs on it too. :)
Those trees are looking great BTW.
Dave-the car looks great. I admire your patience in your work.
Horo- awesome spooky scene
Thanks Horo and Jay
Thanks Mermaid. :)
So a big thanks to David once again for another excellent instructional video... Here's how mine turned out.
The two foreground trees are from Arbaro, the three in the background are Bryce.
I also added a small radial to highlight the car a bit and turned up the specuiar on that light to get some faint highlight on the trees which shows best at bottom right.
The car headlight glow comes from just turning the ambient right up on the glass material.
@David: Thanks for the comments. The items included in that package really look great. Wish list, wish list, where'd I put my wish list?
@mermaid: Thank you. Adding the color for the lighting really changes things from your original. Real nice.
@Dave: Car is great, and adding to your spooky trees. is super.
@Horo: Thank you for the kind words. Nice job with spooky trees. I almost think having those hulking trees makes it look even better.
@Jay. Thanks. All this spiraling reminds me of water circling the drain. :cheese:
Finally took the time to give David's spooky tree tutorial a try. The first image settings follow the tutorials, but the other two I played with those settings. In the second and third images I added hypertexture to the diffusion for the fog material, set it to .02, Fuzzy to 70, Quality to 75, and Base Density to .5. I reduced diffuse for the radial light to 4 and set Fall Off to none. I also added a bit of blue to the radial light. The effects turned out rather interesting, I thought.