Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 6
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@goshtac: Thank you very much for you suggestion to make breaking waves/foam. Interesting idea to use a tree. I am afraid, I won't have much time the next days to try it out.
@Horo, Jamahoney, GussNemo: Thank you too, for your comments. A try to change the plane in to a terrain, as soon as I have the time.
@HORO: Gorgeous bit of art on the mountain valley scene my friend. I know what you mean about how you can start out working on one project and then end up going a totally different route in the end. Been there, done that...
Have a good one my friend!
Its been awhile.....under the old bridge......just throwing this up since I played with Bryce tonight...just a simple picture
everyone has really great renders!!! I just can't seem to put together anything but simple stuff lately....Trish
Beautiful renders from everyone.
Fran- from the sketch of BlooPea, I thought it was female, looking forward to SweetPea and her companions. Are you writing the story too or just doing the illustrations?
Goshtac- thanks for mentioning using foliage for splashes.
My attempt at Hypertexture driven ambient reflection mapping and scattering - by David Brinnen
New product for Bryce.....
Haven't done a dragon for a while... So here goes.
Nice works above...the variety in this forum changes like the weather (should I mention weather?). On another topic, was watching China's newswork the other week concerning their 'Year of the Horse' where hundreds of people were launching lanterns - hence, the below. Good luck to all, especially to those who launch such wonderful objects.
@Bruce - thank you for your kind words.
@Trish - I like the atmospherics of the bridge render. A bit of soft shadows would make it quite realistic. Thank you for presenting our newest product.
@mermaid010 - very nice material on the shape.
@Dave - that lady has two nice pets.
@Jay - very nice idea and nicely done.
I've been tunneling a bit and came up with these two simple renders.
@Trish ... great render on the bridge, the water looks so serene
@theSavage64 .. nice dragon, what product is that?
@Horo ... the tunnels are awesome, really like the first one looking out over the water
@jamahoney ...very nice effect
@mermaid .. like that effect altho I haven't tempted trying to do that yet
@Dave: Of your three images I like the second best. It has colors which seem more realistic to me. Yet, the desert image is very believable. And the dragon scene, nice.
@Horo: Your latest images are really nice. Especially the cave which took on a life of its own. The look of the scene looking out of the cave is marvelous.
@Trish: Really nice underside of a bridge. Love your color choices.
@mermaid: Really nice results from David's tutorial.
@Jay: So, what was everyone drinking in that scene? Nice work.
Thank you very much everyone !!! Trish
It's the Millennium Dragon from DAZ.
I made my own red skin for it and then posed it in Poser and then exported to Bryce.
@Kharma - thank you. The water ought to be ice, like the cave window that came out rather like a coal mine.
@GussNemo - thank you.
Knocked this one together quickly using the same lighting set up as the Dragon pic.
Well, it would have been quick until I added the trans map to the girl's hair... Then it became a 6 hour render.
Hi folks;
Just a little update on my WIP on the Church model I have been working on. Made quite a few changes to it since I last posted a preview.
The front doors now open and close. You can see inside the foyer ( Way too much time on my hands making pens for signing church guest book, putting lightbulb into a fixture that can barely be seen, etc ) Also put a back door on the Church and a set of wooden stairs there. Fixed some texture issues on a number of things.
About the only thing I really need to work on is I am not totally happy with the stained glass on building sides, so I may change these windows before I post this model as a freebie.
Comments, suggestions, etc. are appreciated. Thanks for looking.
@ Jamahoney,
Um... I'm not sure if cuteness is a good thing or not, it's certainly not the effect I was going for. (Personally I can't stand 'cute', so I tend to avoid it, if at all possible. But perhaps cute means something quite different to you from what it means to me – golly, I hope so!)
Nice soft effect on that wheel hub thingie's reflection.
I have written a short outline and a sample scene, plus character descriptions. The sample scene managed to make a friend laugh, I valued that at the time, since I admired his own animations – which contained some lovely humour.
I wonder where I put that scene...?
If that's what you are throwing up – then I think you should see a doctor without delay.
Nice render.
@Jay, love that lantern render.
Those rocks look rather impossible at that angle but lovely skies. Nice punk hair style on the girl. Love the dragon.
@Electro elvis,
Those rocks in the sea remind me of The Needles, love the look of the sea, but even more so the sky.
I have a question.
Please could you all take a look at these two renders – at the BlooPea character and tell me what you think each character is like – the one with the face full of berries, and the naked faced one.
Does this make much difference?
And if you can, why...?
This would be most helpful.
Fran: I am not sure I can explain why but ...The blue pea with the face full of blue berries reminds me of a male character very serious or could be and the other seams more female ...more open and cheerful.....If I had to chose one though I would pick the full face one....hope that helps you ...Trish
@Dave: That wonderful looking lady seems to have serious work on her mind. Very nice sword, BTW.
@Bruce: Really like the look of the church. Nice you've included opening doors and a foyer. Did you do the stain glass with individual panels of glass or one solid pain and use a variegated colored material? If the latter, then maybe individual panes and assorted colored material might help?
@fran: Personally I vote for the plain face figure. It lets you give expressions to the face which can't be seen with the fully berried face. Especially around the eyes, which I find sets the entire atmosphere of a face.
Hi folks: Thanks for the comments on the church - after my last posting, I took another look at my handicap ramp and now in process of redoing that as well.
@ Guss: I had found some stain glass images of a real church and just put a series of them on 2D faces that I stuck just inside my window openings - Still not happy with that and almost feel I am stealing someone elses art by using actual stained glass window art.
:red: So I think I am going to try and come up with my own art for the windows and replace the ones I have now.
@ Fran: I am torn on the two versions of your cute creation. Yes - Sorry, I called them cute as well... ;-) To me, they both have merit - Although I guess I am tending to lean toward the render with the full berry face. Love these guys you created and always look forward to your revisions...
How about using Gimp (which is Free) to make stained glass.
I found this but have not tried it myself.
@ Hi Stuart: Thanks for the suggestion on Gimp. I know a lot of people really like that program and like you said, it's free. Personally I use Paint Shop Pro ( Various versions for about 20 years now ) which I use for my graphics and textures. I also have Photoshop but I personally prefer my PSP (( Especially my version 9 - I have versions 7 thru 15 at this time installed ) for majority of my graphics work over the years.
I really like your idea on using the mosaic effect to add that something extra to a stained glass look. PSP as well as some plugins I have do mosaics, so I will have to play around with that idea.
Thanks again for the feedback and the suggestions. Have a great day !
(PS: As you can see, I have no shortage of Graphic or 3D programs on my system - Even have programs that create bricks, pavers and woodwork of various types ) I just have been out of the loop in the forums for the past 2 years since I had major system issues and was without a decent computer for awhile. It is so great to be able to get back into playing with my artwork again and get to hang out with lots of old friends and new friends in primarily the Bryce forums... :-) Although I must admit that being retired now and spending way to much time on the computer at times, drives the wife a bit nuts sometime... :red:
Here are a few images of four Torii crossed at the center with the camera inside. Also tried one with a reflective sphere but didn't like the results all that well.
Guss: The second one reminds me of a wizard....They are all really cool!!
@Dave - lady with sword looks great.
@Bruce - church comes along nicely.
@fran - difficult to get a preference. Finally, I think I like the full berry one a tad better. The one with the more open face gives me the impression of hair and beard.
@GussNemo - the camera inside crossed tori gives almost unlimited possibilities for abstracts. No, I don't start again with them at the moment, it gets rapidly addictive and all the work to be done gets forgotten.
@ Guss;
Wow my friend - really love the creative images you did with the multiple Torus primitives - Very cool. Like Horo tho, I don't want to get into that again right now (Still have my sewer project to get back to which started with Torus models) Playing with those are as Horo stated, highly addictive.
Very nice creations and the colors and lighting makes for some awesome designs...
Miss punk girl... Are you ready for your close up? :-)
Playing catch-up. Just wanted to say, anyone that has emailed me in the last week and is wondering what's up it seems my ISP has for as yet unknown reasons decided to disable my email server. Grr... In the mean time, here's another random cave pic.
Yes David, I've try to send you a mail today to get some news from you because I've understand that you've got problems because of bad weather in england. Hope you're well.
Saddly gmail deliver me a failure status notification on you domain name.
Hope you'll get back your email adress.
I know... I keep gravitating back to vehicles...
@Trish: Thanks. Had to take a second look at that second image, but yeah, it sort of looks like a wizard.
@Horo: You are so right. I didn't remember trying this so I gave it a whirl. Different material, lighting, camera position, possibilities are endless.
@Bruce: Thanks. I can, and sometimes do, get distracted trying abstracts. But if you come up with something producing very nice results it's rather hard to stop creating. In this case I was basically just playing around while trying to figure out another water scene.
@Dave: Neat closeup. Only thing catches my eye is the lifelessness of the cheek. Almost seems like a piece of paper. Color on the lips is great looking. I say not ever have tried something like this.
@David: Love the cave. Hope your ISP gets ironed out.