Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 6



  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited December 1969

    Thank you. Concerning David's leaf video: he told me that he removed it. We're still working on the subject.

  • useroperatoruseroperator Posts: 247
    edited December 1969

    just something simple......

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  • Francis TaylorFrancis Taylor Posts: 84
    edited December 1969

    More Bryce7

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  • NeilrNeilr Posts: 69
    edited December 1969

    Ok I think I am calling it done as far as it goes, now I just need to put it in a scene :-)

    I changed the mats for the city and urban terrains, and I re did the urban terrain completely to give it more definition.

    Of course I will have to change all the mats when I use some different lighting but the components should all be there.

    The second shot is from the directors cammera just moved it up a bit.

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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647
    edited December 1969

    user.operator – very nice, not really a reflection although the material looks reflective.

    Fran444-both renders are cool

    Nreed- I like where you are going with this, looking forward to the final render.

    Working on Horo’s suggestions, the ship render again after making the sails a bit transparent.

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  • GoshtacGoshtac Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    user.operator: Neat image - I really like the simple but creative and effective idea you had with the coffee cup and image reflection. Nice.

    Fran: I found your two Bryce 7 images quite nice - Reminds me somewhat of a movie poster. Well done and fun images.

    NReed: Your city scape has really turned out great - Fabulous birds eye view of your city. I can almost image people down below walking
    at ground level.

    Mermaid: Ship render came out very nice and the transparent sails really seems to add to the illusion. Might I suggest you look into putting
    some minor texture into the sails to add a ripple effect?

    Have a good one folks. Hope you are warmer where you are as we had -28 below temps here early this AM and this not counting the wind chill factor.


  • Dino GrampsDino Gramps Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    goshtac said:
    Have a good one folks. Hope you are warmer where you are as we had -28 below temps here early this AM and this not counting the wind chill factor.


    We are having a heat wave down here 100 miles west of Chicago. Temps were 20 degrees warmer than yours this morning. It is 5 degrees above zero right now, getting ready to go below zero one last time tonight.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647
    edited December 1969

    goshtac said:

    Mermaid: Ship render came out very nice and the transparent sails really seems to add to the illusion. Might I suggest you look into putting
    some minor texture into the sails to add a ripple effect?

    Have a good one folks. Hope you are warmer where you are as we had -28 below temps here early this AM and this not counting the wind chill factor.


    I already have the waves2 texture in the second channel for the bump but I don't see the effect. Maybe I should check the mapping mode or other settings. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • GoshtacGoshtac Posts: 0
    edited January 2014

    Hi Guys;

    Finally finished my 6 volt lantern model to my satisfaction at least. Not overly happy over lack of shadows from spotlight as I think the sun overwhelmed the shadows even though I kicked up the shadow intensity settings. Will have to do a night render to check on this.

    Everything with the exception of the text and the wire were done with Bryce Primitives - Textures of the knobs were just my own texture maps, but the ribbing on the handle is real as these are somewhat around 20 torus primitives wrapped around a cylinder. ( Don't even want to think what the poly count is - the render with standard anti-aliasing took about 20 mins... This for just a prop )

    After the last issue with my battery glowing in the dark, I fixed that and so decided to rebuild the entire lantern from scratch for the 4th time.

    The engraved text on the back handle support as well as the sign ( Did that as I intend to use this as preview image for posting as a freebie at ShareCG in day or so ) and the wires, were created as OBJ files in HEX.

    I originally thought of setting the lantern head with the origin point set at the pivot point by the adjustment knob and then parenting the head to the lantern body so the head could pivot up and down, but ran into issues with the head pointing in some strange directions and twisting - So instead of all Boolean Meshes, I did a number of groupings and left it at that, so users of the model can make modifications as they see fit including the adjusting of the internal spotlight.

    Now that this project done, I can get back to the main project that prompted the creation of this light in the first place. Thanks to all for the support, comments and suggestions during this process.


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    Post edited by Goshtac on
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @mermaid: I'm posting my fountain here since I don't think I'll have it finished by the challenge deadline. I'm having trouble coming up with an acceptable scene. The sails on the ship are coming along.

    @user: That image is rather neat.

    @fran: Those are two very nice scenes.

    @nreed: Both of those views are excellent. Amazing what can be done using terrains.

    @Bruce: Your final 6V lantern image is really good. As to the shadow you're not happy with, you have to remember if a 6V lantern lights something head on, what's being illuminated on the face won't have a shadow. Even if it's a raised surface. Pan or tilt the lantern and the shadows will show up, but slightly. Exaggerate panning or tilting they you'll get the shadows you show. What I see in your image is a head on lighting, with additional lighting from the left. Still, that whole scene really looks nice.

  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 898
    edited January 2014

    @Goshtac: I congratulate Goshtac Industries to this product. That is a very well and accurately made Bryce model. It shows (once more) that you can make good and convincing looking models with Bryce.
    I especially like the little logo on the back handle support and the rivets (they give your lantern a very professional and industrial look). It often are the little details that gives that certain something.

    Post edited by Electro-Elvis on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647
    edited December 1969

    GussNemo said:
    @mermaid: I'm posting my fountain here since I don't think I'll have it finished by the challenge deadline. I'm having trouble coming up with an acceptable scene. The sails on the ship are coming along.

    I hope you come up with something you like, there is still a month to go and I really like what you have done so far.

    Bruce: Your final 6V lantern image is awesome.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited December 1969

    @user.operator - looking good but this is not a pure Bryce render.

    @fran444 - the Land Forever looks interesting.

    @nreed - now I start to see what you're up to. Keep it up.

    @mermaid010 - I think the sails look better this way.

    @goshtac - torch looks great.

    Been experimenting a bit with simple caves. Lit by hyper gel obscure light, looking through the wide fisheye lens. There is an alien artefact by MatCreator submerged. Looking forward in the cave and backwards.

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  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited December 1969

    Hello fellow Brycers! Just popping in to say hi and hoping to be back Brycing in 2 weeks. Work has got me busier than a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest and I have to finish a presentation document by the end of next week or I'll probably be on the unemployment line. Thanks for the inspiring works and looking forward to seeing y'all real soon. Cheers!


  • GoshtacGoshtac Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi folks;

    First of all, thanks to everyone for the overly kind comments on my lantern model - It was a pain at times, but I finally was fairly happy to get it done - Will be posting it as a Bryce OBP freebie maybe even tonight at ShareCG - Have to work on the material textures, etc. on the OBJ version yet so it will work in DAZ Studio, etc.

    Horo: Fantastic caves my friend - Very impressive as always. I still have the bug on playing with inside primitives that you folks had gotten me into a few weeks ago and have a WIP of a sewer scene that was the inspiration for me to build my lantern model.

    So far I have worked on this for 2 weeks and it is coming along slowly with minor changes being made daily, but wanted to give you folks an idea what I have been up to. Note: Image is just from a quick render, so resolution is not the best and lots of changes and additions still need to be worked on.


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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647
    edited December 1969

    Horo-Thanks. I love your caves and how you use the fish lens. Is David okay? He hasn’t been around much.

    Goshtac-the sewage is coming along nicely.

    Fencepost- nice of you to pop in. Hope to see a few more tuts from you. ;)

    My take on

    Wings 3D project - bobbly torus knot strip - by David Brinnen

    The material is from Bill’s metals - Share CG.

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited December 1969

    @Bruce - thank you. That's not a very inviting place you're working on, but it's going to look great in the end. The water flowing out the tube at left looks particularly great - and without the torch there were no light.

    @mermaid010 - thank you. Yes, David is okay, he's just terribly busy at the moment. Great torus ribbon knot. I had rendered an anaglyph of this one.

  • edited December 1969

    This is Who I am: The Missing Man.

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited December 1969

    This is Who I am: The Missing Man.

    Indeed, you were. Now you're here. Welcome to this forum. Nice render.
  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited January 2014

    hope your wife found the image more funny than disturbing. It is really fun to think that someone who worked for Kraft would see this and get a chuckle from it. all in fun even though the message is serious. thank you, love the lamp, as does the ShareCG crowd, many views and as many downloads, when I last looked. I really like the engraved text it adds that commitment to detail that sends that piece over the top.I agree with what electro-elvis said. a side note on your sewer build, I have noticed that most brick sewers are either perfectly round or have flat walls leading up to an arch. as you said, its still a w.i.p, so I thought i would throw that in the mix.
    seriously after my own heart, this is the level i want to get too, the combination of color vs. black and white, outstanding impact, and the lighting, perfect. a perfect combination of 2D in a 3D world.
    love those images, your imagination is wonderful and your use of depth, and camera choices is only topped by your attention to detail.
    "simple caves" ha! it makes my head hurt just trying to feel what you have done there, beautiful and full of potential, i will look into what a hyper gel is, it has caught my attention that is for sure.

    you have the eye for surrealism, this one, for me any ways, has a Salvador Dali feel, with the crisp lines and color choices, looking forward to your next creations.
    GussNemo :
    you have really lock in on what water falling looks like,and it is subject to the object it falls off of. I am curious where the green comes from , it adds a very nice depth to the scene.

    here is a still image of a water wall I am presently working on. i will admit i have a lot to learn about water in Bryce and right now i am learning to animate water,and will be asking a boat load of questions to improve on this. This animation is a couple of hours from wraping up rendering. i will post it when I can, but right now the nieghbour wants to have a jam and I am more than ready to jam with her.

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    Post edited by dana365 on
  • GoshtacGoshtac Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    This is Who I am: The Missing Man.

    Welcome to the Bryce Forum - Really like the image - Very creative and imaginative. Well done.


  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Horo: Great looking cave images. The first one reminded me of the movie Aliens.

    @Bruce: Wow, nice sewer image. That lantern looks right at home.

    @mermaid: Thanks. What you saw was plan A, which fell into the loo. Plan B WIP is posted in the challenge thread. Nice results with the torus.

    @Forhammer: Welcome. That's a lovely image.

    @dana: Thanks, but lock isn't the word I'd use. I'd use hair thinning. It took a lot of try this and try that before I got the terrains to the point they produced the wanted geometry. That image is a real nice start. As to the green in the water, it's actually from the water material I chose in the material library. Of course I might have also tweaked it a bit, I don't remember.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited December 1969

    @dana365 - good start, I like the idea of a water wall.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    I don't know why but I was inspired to model this in Bryce today... Thought I'd better look sharp and get it finished. :cheese:

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  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I don't know why but I was inspired to model this in Bryce today... Thought I'd better look sharp and get it finished. :cheese:

    That's a cutting edge bit of modelling there. :coolsmirk:

  • edited December 1969

    The dream:

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  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Dave: Appears someone got too interested in that blade in the second image. Soooo...where's the rest of the model? Kind of hard to shave with just a blade. Nice work.

    @Forhammer: Stylized writing on that plaque is wonderful. Now if I could only read upside down I be set. Love your choice of background color.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Horo-Thanks. I love your caves and how you use the fish lens. Is David okay? He hasn’t been around much.

    Aye, just been occupied, I've been fixing my parents conservatory since water leaked into the wall, killed the electrics and rotted out the wood. So I've been sorting that out, stripping it back and re-cladding the walls. And then while that was going on part of my own office ceiling fell in (the little yellow room) due to leaking and I've still got that to deal with. Thankfully the computer wasn't under the leak! But did make a right mess. And now it is quite chilly in here due to the evil draft from the hole - not to mention the damp.

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  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @David: Ah, what luck. That will keep a person busy.

  • NeilrNeilr Posts: 69
    edited December 1969

    @ David sorry to hear about all that, funny (not) how things happen all at once.... I had my water pipes freeze, the pump crack and the valve at the bottom of the well break over fun digging in sub freezing temps....oh and those damage pics look like a good render challenge :-)

    Getting my city close to completion and almost ready for the background terrains......

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This discussion has been closed.