Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 6



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I did this one for a One Hour challenge.

    Start the clock, start putting the render together, render and post withing an hour. OK I had prepeared the snowmen and the puddle and added then to a preset library, but then DS and Poser users would be able to do this as well.

    This is what I got

    May actually now go back and tweak it some, see if I can make it into a good render.

    Alas poor Frostie, I knew him well

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  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Stuart: Whoa, nice work. As always.

    @user.operator: Those two are nice looking.

    @fran444: Nice image.

    @Pam: I've been scouring the web for answers, also sent Bryce support a tech request. Several places said Dep is keeping Bryce from accessing all needed memory, but in following how to exclude Bryce from Dep I found out it did no good. I looked at the two links you gave, one for an HP system having problems, which I don't have, and installing Visual C++2005. I did discover how to run a memory test on my system but nothing ill was reported, and the system requirements for Visual didn't list Win 7 Ultimate so I passed on that one. Now as crazy as it sounds, Bryce doesn't have this problem all the time, just when I tried to export a metaball object, the decorated spoon I made for my bowl of ice cream image. I can export just the spoon, or just the little decoration, but not both together. Anyway, I'll wait to see if I hear from Bryce support and go from there. And I love your snowman scene, it's really cute.

    Okay, I once again redid the floor drain in my last scene and think I got something I can live with. Instead of recessing the drain as would be expected in RL, I brought it up level with the floor. Also, I used the same material as is on the floor, which helps it blend in better.

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  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596
    edited December 1969


    I thought it looked odd, and when I checked I found that nowhere could I find any photos of this model with the front radiator grill the same colour as the bodywork, it’s always chrome

    Thank you. That's just me, I like the colour coded look.

    Thankyou. I like what you're doing with the rusty benchs, keep expecting to see
    a few rats in there.

  • useroperatoruseroperator Posts: 247
    edited December 2013


    I bet I could put these up on ebay and someone would actually buy them ;)

    @guss that scene looks pretty much complete. you could experiment with other rust texture for fun though. if you're interested I came across a material pack with some rust textures, including a reflective rust texture that looks quite good.

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  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Stuart: Thank you. Hmmm...why ever did you let your imagination run wild? Yeah, as cruddy as that place looks there should be a few rats around somewhere. If I could find them without using coin. What I've seen so far wouldn't work, or cost, which is not in the cards right now.

    @user.operator: Thanks. Yes sir, I think I need to leave it as is. Anything more and it's going to look out of balance, or too cluttered. You've turned out some rather nice objects. Any chance of an instruction sheet on their construction?

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    Pam: Help me I'm melting...melting...poor guy lost his friend what a way to cute though

    Jamie: That is a awesome scene...makes me want to get out some sandpaper and go to work.....LOL

    user.operator: that is really a cool shape....make us a tutorial on that one....please....before you become rich and famous at the diamond companies

    Stuart: of course the Christmas card list.....not the Corleone must have been in my gallery.....LOL

    Post edited by Trish on
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Trish: I'd be faster dipping all of those pieces into a vat, it'd likely be the only way to get them completely clean.

  • useroperatoruseroperator Posts: 247
    edited December 2013

    I may make a tutorial. they are ridiculously easy to make, but they require hexagon. it may be possible in wings3d, but it may not turn out right. I couldn't give the instructions for an exact match because I didn't record the exact values required, but the general method allows you to create a great variety of similar looking gems. some might turn out better than others with trial and error.

    I wouldn't even know what to call the shape, since it doesn't have any relation to existing gem cuts. the closest to any existing cuts it would be, is a "trilliant" cut. I suppose you could call it a "concave trilliant", but even then that wouldn't be entirely accurate since this is symmetrical from 4 angles.

    Post edited by useroperator on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    @Pam - amazing to do this scene within an hour. Looking great!

    @user.operator - gems look nice, certainly special.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 2013

    Thanks all for the comments, much appreciated.

    Horo-the “ancient” curtain render is so cool, I will love to try something similar. Is the water metaballs? The shadow for the shadow capture experiment is looking nice.

    Franontheedge – Wow 4 days+ you have loads of patience. Did you try the UV Mapping Classic? Here a link to David’s video just in case you missed it.

    Guss – I like the results for Once Loves’ Helpers” , the second set of renders on page 16, the lighting enhanced the image. Both images are very nice.

    User -nice coffee mug and gems

    Hansmar – nice abstract and I love the colors, I would be interested in how you made it, I love abstracts.

    StuartB4 - another cool one

    Fran444 – I wish I had one of those- I’ll settle for the Lamborghini . Nice Render.

    Chohole- wow very cute - one hour from start to finish...that's awesome

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 2013

    Guss...what about this guy...heheee (free at here, but it’s in .3ds format).


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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    Jay he is cute!!! thanks

    This is free also under new releases....I even logged out to make sure

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 2013

    Horo-the "ancient" curtain render is so cool, I will love to try something similar. Is the water metaballs? The shadow for the shadow capture experiment is looking nice.

    Thank you! The water is a terrain. The possibilities of the TE are underrated.

    @Jamahoney - cute chap.

    @Trish - there will be more Xmas freebies coming up the next couple of days.

    David and mine (Golden Lighting) is scheduled for tomorrow, but the schedule is not rigid and may change at DAZ's discretion.

    EDIT TO ADD: Here is the official thread: 2013 PA Giveaway!. This year, DAZ3D hosts the freebies in the store of the participating PAs.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:
    @Pam - amazing to do this scene within an hour. Looking great!

    Well as I said I did have the snowmen and puddle saved as presets, so could just drop them into the scene once I had a couple of terrains made and used a Snowmat David did for me last year on the terrains and the ground plane.. Then one tree, duplicated several times. Standard render, saved as JPG

  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596
    edited December 1969

    Thanks mermaid010.

    The surface the rabbit in the first image is sitting on remiinds me of the suns corona when seen on images like this.

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    Horo and David: thank you very much!! in advance and a very Merry Christmas to you both!!!

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Well as I said I did have the snowmen and puddle saved as presets, so could just drop them into the scene once I had a couple of terrains made and used a Snowmat David did for me last year on the terrains and the ground plane.. Then one tree, duplicated several times. Standard render, saved as JPG

    Somtimes, nothing you attempt will work, no matter how hard you try. It comes out wrong. Abandon it and start something different and everything just falls in place. Below a sphere and a cubical object made in Wings3D surround the HDRI from inside in the world centre. Set up in minutes, renders in minutes.

    @Trish - thank you. Let's hope this won't be messed up like our contribution for the PC sale which I've never noticed to appear.

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  • useroperatoruseroperator Posts: 247
    edited December 2013


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  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Jay: I surfed the web looking for rats, and saw many nice ones out of my price range. Some WAY out of my price range; those people are VERY proud of their work. That little fellow is one I saw on my journey, but just wouldn't fit with Stuart's idea--though I really did consider trying to fit it in somehow.

    @mermaid: Thank you very much.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 2013

    Guss...ah, yes, fully understand the ratty-guy not fitting in to your simply would have 'reduced' your efforts to a comical theme or cartoon-like render. Yes, the rat is 'cute', so it really suits these latter themes ;)

    Good suggestion by Stuart, though - never would have thought of a 'rat'. Amidst all the confusion, did I mention your series of renders are a very nice 'rust work' in development - the time put-in shows (perhaps, they rusted a little while laying dormant overnight on your computer ;)).


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    StuartB4 -Thanks for the link, it seems we can make any effect with Bryce, following the right tutorials ;)

    Horo- the GreenBeam is awesome

    User.operator – nice dragon renders.

    Thanks in advance to Horo and David for the gift. I hope someone puts a link here or I will miss it for sure. :blank:

    I tried to make some gems too using a tutorial I saw a while ago on and David did a gem stone Wings 3D tutorial so here’s my attempt at both, experimenting once again with lighting one using the Indoor Hdri - Premium render 64 RPP, Mrd 4 and Tir 2 and the other Gossiping Hdri - Premium render 256 RPP, Mrd 8 and Tir 2

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    mermaid nice gems!!!

    Thank you again Horo and David!!!!!

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  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Horo: Darn, I forgot to compliment you latest image in my last post. Really like what you did in that image. Could you explain in more detail how you made that image.

    @user.operator: Nice looking dragons. Like your choice of material for the pedestals.

    @mermaid: Nice looking gems.

    I'll second Trish's thank you David and Horo for the Golden Lighting.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 2013

    @mermaid010 - nice lapidary.

    @Trish - thank you for putting this up. Yes indeed, Golden Lighting is up as new release as scheduled.

    @GussNemo - thank you. The setup is rather simple. IBL from inside has the HDRI in a tiny invisible sphere at the world centre. You can put an object with a material with transparent parts, or an object that consists of holes, in the world centre. The IB light shines through the holes or transparencies. To capture the shadow pattern, surround the whole mess with a large sphere and put the camera inside it. Now you can give that sphere which is lit by the HDRI shining through the transparent parts of the object in the centre some reflection if you wish. And/or make it fully or partly transparent and use the same HDRI also as backdrop that is visible through this outer sphere. It is worth a try.

    In my particular case, I used a specular map (blurred) as HDRI and on the transparent and reflecting outer sphere a medium resolution high contrast gel that matches the HDRI. So a sharp and a blurred background are combined. HDRIs and gels are from a forthcoming product David and myself have been labouring now for almost 2 months. However, every HDRI works and the gel on the surrounding sphere is not mandatory.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • useroperatoruseroperator Posts: 247
    edited December 2013

    great gems, it doesn't get any better than that.

    I created some new ones from scratch. took a bit of experimenting to get the faceting right, but it turned out well.

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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 2013

    Thanks Trish, Guss and Horo.

    Wow talk about co-incidence. I just completed these tutorials and saw the link to the gift from Horo and David. Thanks a ton.:-)

    My attempt at David’s Canyon -geocrafting and lighting tutorials.

    Thanks Trish for posting the link, it’s a big file and with my slow connection it will take a while to download.

    Horo thanks for the explanation on how you did your last render.

    user.operator - nice gems

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    Ok everyone they have a new page listed with everything free so far........

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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Trish :-)

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    AHHHHH mermaid love the way the sun reflects in the water

    user.operator: The purple wins hands down

    This is fun with Guss and Horo's help on the links thing I can just put them everywhere.....LOL
    since I have no life at the moment I have lots of time ..
    I can be the poster

    and Sean has given us these materials for Bryce.......

    Post edited by Trish on
  • useroperatoruseroperator Posts: 247
    edited December 2013

    they don't call it the devil stone for nothin.

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This discussion has been closed.