Bryce out of memory when trying to import objects from Daz Studio

SassanikSassanik Posts: 340
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

Is this a common problem?
I recently tried to import a Genesis, V4 and a mount into Bryce, both characters were in full outfits, and Bryce threw an out of memory error and crashed.
I was hoping to be able to render the scene in Bryce because the terrain I generated looked so much better in Bryce than DS, and I was hoping to get shadows without having to add them in post work.
I was curious if this is a fairly standard problem? Is there a way I can increase how much memory Bryce is able to use? I am running Vista Home Pro (yes my computer is old, but it gets the job done most days!)



  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    Not actually a common Bryce problem but nevertheless somehow a Bryce problem. Bryce is still a 32-bit application and can only address 2 GB of memory. Bryce does everything in memory and cannot use virtual memory on the HD. If your computer sports at least 4 GB of memory, you can make Bryce large address aware (LAA) and get about 3.4 GB that can be used.

    If possible, you can make the UV maps smaller. You would export the character from DS as OBJ and then change the images. You cannot do this via the bridge.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    The problem is probably going to be with the textures.

    Ah I see Horo got there first.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited November 2013

    Some random things to try that may or may not help:
    Before sending anything, exit and restart to clear the memory used by Undo.
    If your machine doesn't have a lot of memory available, make sure you aren't running any other applications that are using it all up at the same time as you are doing your transfer.
    Try doing an export/import instead of using the bridge.
    Try sending only one or a small number of items at a time across the bridge instead of everything at once, possibly exiting/restarting between items.
    If you don't need textures because you are going to replace them with Bryce textures, remove the textures before sending them to bryce. If you haven't considered doing that, consider it.
    If you don't need the full size of your textures for closeups (and it sounds like you definitely don't, if you have three figures in the same scene), reduce the resolution of your textures before sending them. You can do that manually one at a time with photoshop, but that would probably be really time consuming and unpleasant if you have a lot. I personally like to use TextureAtlas, because I can resize all the textures for the entire figure at once relatively easily, but after you do that you are pretty much stuck with them because they are combined.
    I can get more things transferred through the bridge without problems using my 64-bit PC than my 32-bit PC. Although Bryce is only 32-bit, I see several possible reasons for this, including being able to use LAA on this PC, running 64-bit DS on one end of the bridge, having more memory available overall, and perhaps just some unknown difference in software configurations, although I don't actually know which is really making it work better. You could consider this as an expensive potential option with no guarantee of actually helping.
    While it isn't directly related to the bridge, obviously if Bryce is using less memory you may be less likely to encounter memory problems. Consider using instancing to reduce memory, and you can also delete things that can't be seen. For example a figure's teeth if their mouth is closed, parts of a figure facing away from the camera, any limbs sticking off camera or behind other objects, body surfaces hidden underneath clothing, etc.

    Post edited by sriesch on
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