General Art Help Topics and Tutorial Links

Color and Monitors
Color Theories
Subtractive Color (Pigments)
Additive Color (Light)
Computer Monitors and Color
Gamma Correction
Monitor Calibration
DPI vs PPI/How do I create a high-resolution image?
Rendering Out an Image or Figure at 300 DPI for Photoshop
How Do I Create a High Resolution Image?
DPI and PPI Explained
A Few Scanning Tips
*See also Rule of Thirds Below
Photo Composition Articles
Fantasy Art Resource Project on Dynamic Composition
Rule of Thirds
The Rule of Thirds
Rule of Thirds
Reproducing Real World Lighting
Paper as Softimage Ice Nodes
Light - A Detailed TUtorial
Critiques – Giving and Receiving Them
Part 1: Giving Critiques
Part 2: Receiving Critiques
DAZ 3D Tutorials
DAZ3D Tutorial - Home
DAZ3D New Users Forum Tutorial Lists
Photoshop/PaintShop Pro
Tutorials Supplied by Our Friends at Adobe - NEW SECTION
The Russel Brown Show - CS4 3D Quick Look - A Quick look at creating 3D Artwork (You'll have to see this one to believe it...VERY COOL New Feature!)
The Russel Brown Show - Demosaurus - Discover how to combine two 3D objects and simulate a realistic shadow in Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended.
The Russel Brown Show - Advanced 3D Opacity Texture Masks - Discover some advanced techniques in Photoshop CS4 Extended for merging 3D images together, and creating special transparency effects.
The Russel Brown Show - 3D Mesh from Grayscale - Bring 2D images to life with this new Photoshop CS4 Extended technique for converting grayscale images into 3D objects.
The Russel Brown Show - 3D Astral Projection - Learn how to take a 2D object and project it into 3D Space in this Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended Tutorial.
The Russel Brown Show - Text on 3D - Learn how to place live editable text on the surface of a 3D object and have that text distort to the contours of said object in this Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended.
The Russel Brown Show - Creating Transparent 3D Globe Graphics - Look like a professional with this easy to create, 3D transparent globe technique in Photoshop CS4 Extended.
Photoshop Cafe- CS4 and 3D - Information on Bridging the gap between your 2D and 3D workflow using Adobe CS4 Extended
Planet Photoshop - 3D Light Beams - Creating Beaming Light using Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended.
General Links - Contains some PSP and Photoshop tutorials. - Some excellent 2D painting and digital painting tutorials. - Digital painting, focusing on concept and design. - Step by step digital painting, showing how an artist did what he did (rough overviews only, no real explainations or detailed techniques) - Videos of painting, plus numerous Photoshop brushes. - Yet another example of digital painting step by step, with a little more explaination - A site with plenty of tutorials (though supposedly specific for a given program, most can be replicated within the user's modeller or 2D image proccessing program of choice
Free Photoshop Tutorials & Adobe PhotoShop Tips
Hair Tutorials
Painting Hair in Photoshop with Iggy
Texturing Tutorials
Sewing Seams with Photoshop CS
Har Surface Texture Painting - Stonemason's infamous hard surface texturing tutorial
Scratch Painting - To go along with Stonemason's tutorial.
Creating Hair Textures
Hair Painting Tutorial
Computer Arts
It's Art Magazine
3D Artist Online
3d Hobby Mag (NEW!)***
C3DE (NEW!)***
Other 2D/3D Communities and Sites
CG Society - Contains 3d Lighting Challenges and the highly recommended book by Jeremy Birn, “Digital Lighting and Rendering.”
Oldwolves CG Concepts
Lakeworks - Don’t let the name fool you, they have a wonderful Computer Graphics Forum.
Silverblade's Suitcase - jam packed with goodies from tutorials to models. - A list of numeroud general art tutorials from GFXartist, including Concept and Design, Advice from Industry Pros, etcetera - Several 3D focused tutorials, including dealing with texture sizes, beginners' advice and more
3DTotal - A site with plenty of tutorials (though supposedly specific for a given program, most can be replicated within the user's modeller or 2D image proccessing program of choice. - Contains tutorials and freebies for a variety of applications.
The 3D Links Collection - Contains links to 100's of resources for 3D Content and Tutorials.
Remember to always read the TOS and EULA (License) of each site for yourself to ensure that you may use the materials without copyright issues being raised.
Morgue File
Texture Archive
Commercial Training Sites
DreamLight Club - You may also check out some of the offerings of this Club right here at DAZ3D - A learning center for 2d and 3d applications
LVS Online Classes - Offers online training on a variety of applications.
Visual Arts Academy (VAA) - VAA offers beginner and advanced classes in DS (NEW!)***
*I want to thank the Community Volunteers Group who made this and all the other Tutorial Lists for this new forum as well as all those who have donated their time to creating tutorials for the benefit of the community (there would be nothing to list without all of you)....Thanks for your hard work and dedication to making these lists possible!*
**If you know of any tutorials you feel would be an asset to this list, please contact me at [email protected] with the subject line: DAZ3D Tutorial List Addition. Be sure to let me know which list(s) and what part of the list you feel the tutorials would best fit and we will review them for inclusion.
*** LIST UPDATED 07/19/2011 ***