May 2019 - Daz3D New User Challenge: Action & Props

DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861

New User's Challenge - May 2019

Sponsored by DAZ 3D

Are you new to the 3D World? Are you at the beginning stages of learning 3D rendering? Have you been around for a little bit but feel you could benefit from some feedback or instruction? Have you been around awhile and would like to help other members start their creative journey? Well then come and join the fun as we host our newest render challenge!

"Action and Props"

This month's focus will be action with an emphasis on interaction with props. Your characters' actions, or the props they are using or interacting with, should be a major aspect of your image. As always, posing techniques, composition, and lighting will be important considerations as well.

Here are some useful links:

For some inspiration:
Digital Art Action Scenes
Fighting Poses
Action Poses
Action Photography

May 2017 New User Contest (Action & Props)
May 2016 New User Contest (Action & Props) May 2015 New User Contest (action)
September 2012 New User Contest (props)
The Fundamentals of Action Photography
Best Sports Photos of 2016

Finally, while we encourage you to create your own poses from scratch for this contest, many of the pose sets available in the store can offer some great inspiration on how to use props in active situations!

To fit the theme of "Action & Props," your render could depict anything from a melee to a barbecue, or from a pop concert to a masquerade ball. The key points are that it must include some sort of dynamic movement or activity, and that it must involve interaction between figures and props (tools, weapons, or any sort of objects being manipulated).

How to Use Your Software:
Software is often updated, and online tutorials and information often demonstrate older versions of the software. The software version you are using may differ in User Interface and tools available. Please share links to reference material that you have found helpful in the Challenge thread.

in DAZ Studio
Daz Documentation Center [Wiki] [Associated YouTube Video]
The Daz Studio Timeline Explained
How to Make Your Own Props in Daz Studio
How To Create A Smart Prop in Daz Studio
Importing Props Into Daz Studio
Daz 101: Posing
Pinning, Posing and the Active Pose Tool

DAZ YouTube Channel:  Lots of video tutorials on various subjects

in Poser
Parenting a Prop to a Character
Poser Smart Props Basics
Pose and Editing Tools 101
Artistic Posing Techniques for 3D Human Figures - Very in Depth

in Carrara
What Content Can I Use in Carrara? (Using DS and Poser Props)
Dartanbeck's simple method of character animation (Carrara Cafe article, great for those who prefer illustrated written tutorials)
Huge list of helpful forum links (scroll to Animation and Posing section) If you have a problem, your answer might be here!
Carrara 8 Puppeteer
Carrara 3D Tutorial - Posing a Figure
Posing in Carrara
Posing Tips - Carrara Cafe

in Bryce
While it is not possible to pose things in Bryce, you are welcome to do your posing in another program such as DAZ Studio or Poser, then export and render in Bryce. For information on how to use the Bryce bridge to import a DS scene into Bryce:


I will be checking in as will the rest of the Community Volunteers to try and help with anything you all may need.

For a list of the current challenge rules, please see this thread : Challenge Rules

Closing Date: May 31st 2019

Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on


  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192

    Here's my start for this month. I've got two shadowrunners and a guard in a shootout at a security station. One runner is ducked behind the desk as he reloads while his partner is firing at the guard who's come rushing in from the attached hallway.


    I plan to have more guards coming from the hallway, and more texture work.

    1068 x 872 - 1M
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited May 2019

    Here's my start for this month. I've got two shadowrunners and a guard in a shootout at a security station. One runner is ducked behind the desk as he reloads while his partner is firing at the guard who's come rushing in from the attached hallway.

    Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a big fan of dark, cinematic images! What a great start.

    The only (minor) issue I see is the guard rushing in appears to be floating. I know when running, it's common for there to be an instant where both feet are off the ground, it's even called the float phase, but I think (personal opinion) his front foot should be touching the floor, though you may need to bend his back leg more to keep that foot in the air. (I told you it was minor.)

    If you're going for a cinematic look, (and you're well on the way,) after saving the scene, experiment with different Dimension Presets in Render Settings->General. There are several options with the 16:9 ratio of a widescreen monitor, as well as several that take the width even further. You'll probably need to zoom the camera in after making the change, to bring the figures back to the camera. If you don't like the results, you can just reload the previously save file.

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192
    edited May 2019
    L'Adair said:

    Here's my start for this month. I've got two shadowrunners and a guard in a shootout at a security station. One runner is ducked behind the desk as he reloads while his partner is firing at the guard who's come rushing in from the attached hallway.

    Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a big fan of dark, cinematic images! What a great start.

    The only (minor) issue I see is the guard rushing in appears to be floating. I know when running, it's common for there to be an instant where both feet are off the ground, it's even called the float phase, but I think (personal opinion) his front foot should be touching the floor, though you may need to bend his back leg more to keep that foot in the air. (I told you it was minor.)

    If you're going for a cinematic look, (and you're well on the way,) after saving the scene, experiment with different Dimension Presets in Render Settings->General. There are several options with the 16:9 ratio of a widescreen monitor, as well as several that take the width even further. You'll probably need to zoom the camera in after making the change, to bring the figures back to the camera. If you don't like the results, you can just reload the previously save file.

    Thanks for your feedback, when I checked what you were mentioning about the guy rushing my shadowrunners, and it turned out that his heel was sinking into the ground as was the feet and knee of the shadowrunner shooting at him so I made some adjustments to the two of them, some more texture work and changed the aspect ratio. I've known about how to change them for some time but I've lately just been using my viewport for the dimensions.

    3840 x 2160 - 5M
    Post edited by Shinji Ikari 9th on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    L'Adair said:

    Here's my start for this month. I've got two shadowrunners and a guard in a shootout at a security station. One runner is ducked behind the desk as he reloads while his partner is firing at the guard who's come rushing in from the attached hallway.

    Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a big fan of dark, cinematic images! What a great start.

    The only (minor) issue I see is the guard rushing in appears to be floating. I know when running, it's common for there to be an instant where both feet are off the ground, it's even called the float phase, but I think (personal opinion) his front foot should be touching the floor, though you may need to bend his back leg more to keep that foot in the air. (I told you it was minor.)

    If you're going for a cinematic look, (and you're well on the way,) after saving the scene, experiment with different Dimension Presets in Render Settings->General. There are several options with the 16:9 ratio of a widescreen monitor, as well as several that take the width even further. You'll probably need to zoom the camera in after making the change, to bring the figures back to the camera. If you don't like the results, you can just reload the previously save file.

    Thanks for your feedback, when I checked what you were mentioning about the guy rushing my shadowrunners, and it turned out that his heel was sinking into the ground as was the feet and knee of the shadowrunner shooting at him so I made some adjustments to the two of them, some more texture work and changed the aspect ratio. I've known about how to change them for some time but I've lately just been using my viewport for the dimensions.

    I tend to work with a perfect square in my viewport, then decide on dimensions later. That works for me; I let the image dictate the dimensions.

  • CoryllonCoryllon Posts: 284

    I am trying to upload a jpg... but it won't accept it. just get  No file data could be found in your post. 

  • dragoneyes002dragoneyes002 Posts: 205
    Coryllon said:

    I am trying to upload a jpg... but it won't accept it. just get  No file data could be found in your post. 

    recheck the file to make sure its the Jpeg and not a PNG or other file type version of it. the attach file is pretty limited in that it wont take anything but Jpegs

  • Sisyphus1977Sisyphus1977 Posts: 306

    Here is my first go for this month's challenge.  I call it "Bigger Boat", as these guys need a bigger boat (respect to Jaws).  Two camera angles of the same scene setup.  I have more work to do with tweaking the poses some, lighting, spray and getting a water look on the shark skins.

    All feedback is appreciated. 

    Bigger Boat Wide Shot v1.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 2M
    Bigger Boat Full Shot v1.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 2M
  • dtrscbrutaldtrscbrutal Posts: 521

    @Coryllon What dragoneyes002 said. 
     Also I have trouble uploading anything over 7MB, could be your issue.

  • CoryllonCoryllon Posts: 284
    Coryllon said:

    I am trying to upload a jpg... but it won't accept it. just get  No file data could be found in your post. 

    The irony is I CAN attach a png... But it's the beta version before I got my lighting right

    recheck the file to make sure its the Jpeg and not a PNG or other file type version of it. the attach file is pretty limited in that it wont take anything but Jpegs

  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192

    @Coryllon What dragoneyes002 said. 
     Also I have trouble uploading anything over 7MB, could be your issue.

    Myself, when I have troubles uploading anything, png or jpg, it's when my data plan is throttled becouse I've already used all my high speed data for the month and it's a good sized file.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    Coryllon said:

    I am trying to upload a jpg... but it won't accept it. just get  No file data could be found in your post. 

    file size should be below 5MB.

    Sometimes there are some bumps with uploading, I suggest to try again

  • dtrscbrutaldtrscbrutal Posts: 521

    @Shinji Ikari 9th I really like what you have done so far. The light from the muzzle flash looks great the way it carries across the scene. Could use the display screen right as another light source, if wanted. Wider format looks very good here. Another awesome set too!
     I have been meaning to ask you if there is anything special done with detail levels, texture size etc. with all the multi-character renders you do? Using G8 assets I am rarely able to have more that two figures in one render without problems. 

    @sisyphus1977xx Very cool idea! Creating a dynamic water scene like that is very ambitious IMHO. Is it rigged splashes or are you using something else like Fluidos? The splash screen right on "wide shot" looks pretty good, I hope you can get that level of detail through out the scene. Great start!

  • Sisyphus1977Sisyphus1977 Posts: 306

    dtrscbrutal said:

    Very cool idea! Creating a dynamic water scene like that is very ambitious IMHO. Is it rigged splashes or are you using something else like Fluidos? The splash screen right on "wide shot" looks pretty good, I hope you can get that level of detail through out the scene. Great start!

    I used Fluidos for the splash, but not quite what I was going for (see the two reference photos of sharks jumping).  I need to keep tweeking it to see what the prop can do.  I would like to accomplish it within DS without resorting to post processing.  I might try various shape geometries, instances and deformers to see what result I can get with those tools.  If anyone has any other suggestions, let me know.

    Shark Jump 1.jpg
    2560 x 1600 - 990K
    Shark Jump 2.jpg
    1920 x 1200 - 1M
  • dragoneyes002dragoneyes002 Posts: 205

    Ok this one should fit the subject. "will they drown?"

    rendered in Iray on daz 4.10 some imported obj's

    3840 x 2160 - 3M
  • CoryllonCoryllon Posts: 284

    There we go...

    Title:   Always Bet on the Underdog

    Software: Daz Studio

    Always Bet on the Underdog.jpg
    3072 x 1728 - 6M
  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861
    edited May 2019

    Really nice job so far the images thus far heart

    As far as notes (I admit I had to look hard to find some so all of you should be very proud of your work here heart):

    @Shinji Ikari 9th

    Really nicely done. Looking, the focus of the image (to me) seems to be the guy far left of the image (the lighting there is very well done so the eye goes right to him - Though I think I prefer the lighting in the first image thats a bit brighter) The only feedback I would give is maybe adding in some sort of flash inbetween him and the guy in the background. Im fairly certain he is firing at the other and I think it would add a nice touch to see the tragectory of what is being "fired" so he feels even more like there is imminent danger. Really nicely done smiley


    That is a very very bad day LOL I really love both images. Knowing how water can be in 3D, I think the splashes actually came out very well. The only feedback I could give you is in the second image maybe play with his expression a little (this is one time where an extreme, almost unatural expression could be fun) In the other image with the two guys, maybe add a few more props that are sort of flying through the air out of the boat while its flipping. Love both of them though..very fun and creative idea smiley


    Nice job with the situation, lighting, and all that posing. I knew right away what was going on there. The water looks very good and I appreciate the small details here like the light sticks or them trying to keep the guns out of the water as well as the two men trying to pry the doors open (nice job on the expression and possing on those two guys) The only advice I would give would be to work on the expressions of some of the other people a little bit (I find PowerPose can be great for this) so their reactions seems more under stress. Very well done smiley


    That is one serious battle! smiley I can imagine the posing to get all the light sabers at good angles was quite challenging. The lighting looks really good and the image came together really well. The only feedback for you I would give is on the girl on the ground..Id pull the non-kneeling legs foot back a little (try to keep the knee about where it is) so that she is sort of more stable on that foot and able to "spring up" at any moment. It will also help her look a little more on balance/firm. I'd also maybe play with her expression to be a bit more intense (she is definitely getting quite the workout here)  That said it was very nicely done and you did a great job with all that posing. smiley

    Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Here's my first entry. I'll fix up some of the details that didn't come out so well, if the picture on the whole meets the requirements. How important is it to have the tops of the fishing rods in the picture? 

  • dragoneyes002dragoneyes002 Posts: 205




    Nice job with the situation, lighting, and all that posing. I knew right away what was going on there. The water looks very good and I appreciate the small details here like the light sticks or them trying to keep the guns out of the water as well as the two men trying to pry the doors open (nice job on the expression and possing on those two guys) The only advice I would give would be to work on the expressions of some of the other people a little bit (I find PowerPose can be great for this) so their reactions seems more under stress. Very well done smiley

    the group is a squad of military trained people they are going to do what needs to be done they look busy not freaking out because this may be a potentially bad cituation but panic would solve nothing they all have jobs to do even if some seem little more than hold my gun for me or keep an eye on that and tell us if its getting worse or even keep communications with HQ ....etc... the Hollywood habit of making everyone over react to everything would have you believe every woman instantly screams at the site of a body men become bumbling idiots if handed an infant and teenagers can computate PI to the thirtieth digit but can't understand anything more that a year in the past has been a cancer on reality everyone expects more shock and aw when human nature really doesn't react that strongly to stressful stuff 

  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192

    Version C here, adding in a muzzle flash for the guy in the background as he is shooting and the shadowrunner that is firing back. Also added were a cylender premitive that was instanced twice to try and give the feel of some rounds going down range. I also added some sparks coming off of the support behind the shooting shadowrunner from a round that just missed him. (Sorry if there's any misspellings in this post I realy should be trying to get some rest.)

    1920 x 1080 - 2M
  • no noseno nose Posts: 310

    while not really action, I would say it fits the theme of using props. Need to work a bit on the lighting and pose though

    a (1).png
    500 x 500 - 383K
    a (2).png
    500 x 500 - 391K
    a (3).png
    500 x 500 - 379K
  • Sisyphus1977Sisyphus1977 Posts: 306

    DAZ_ann0314 said:

    The only feedback I could give you is in the second image maybe play with his expression a little (this is one time where an extreme, almost unatural expression could be fun) In the other image with the two guys, maybe add a few more props that are sort of flying through the air out of the boat while its flipping.

    Those were my thoughts too after I looked at the first scene blocking.  On the second shot, I tightened up the framing and removed the character's sunglasses so you can see his expression better.  This still needs some more work on the splashes and working on the shark skins more. 

    Bigger Boat Wide Shot 2.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 2M
    Bigger Boat Full Shot 2.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 2M
  • Here is my "rough draft" of my entry this time around, need to make some tweeks to it but I think it is a good start.

    Title: "Through Fire and Flames"

    Software used: DazStudio 4.11(beta), Iray render, no post work


    Through Fire and Flame 001.jpg
    1280 x 1280 - 2M
  • dtrscbrutaldtrscbrutal Posts: 521
    edited May 2019

    @sisyphus1977xx The lighting change and props are a real improvement. I like the affect the light has on the splash, looks more natural to me. Your image is really coming together.

    @dragoneyes002 A very complex and ambitious water scene! Very good start. I really like how you show the light sources on screen, some excellent posing too. I take your point about the characters being professionals and no stranger to danger, but I think a couple of the expressions are too blank. 
     The wave action looks very good as does the material floating the fluid layer. Is that a prop?

    @Coryllon I am glad you sorted your upload trouble. Very dynamic scene! The posing on this could not have been easy. Have you thought about doing this as a vertical image? It would allow you to to extend the attacking character's poses to look more fluid and add a greater sense of motion, at the same time eliminating the empty space to the sides, adding focus to the fight. What light are you using other than the weapons? You have balanced it very well. Looks great!

    @TigerAnne Cute image! That looks like some serious saltwater tackle they are using so I suspect you could scale it to fit on screen and it would still look good. I would at least get the girl screen left to have her rod in frame so she looks more connected to her catch. Great lighting here. HDRI?

    @Shinji_Ikari_9th That is really taking shape. Great work!

    @no_nose That is definitely prop interaction! I agree with you on lighting and pose. (I know, WIP smiley) I suspect it will be the subtle little things in the pose, expression, and posture that make or break this image. A very ambitious choice. Very interested to see where you go with this.

    @marjoemartino Very nice image! Dramatic and a great sense of movement and danger. I can only pick at nits here. Convention would put the figure on the thirds line and a bit lower in the frame, that may or may not be what you want for your image. For this scene, I would recommend a right side not left move, if you go that route. (keep the wing in frame) I really like how her blade disappears into the smoke and fire, but would like to see it emphasized more, might be as simple as slight twist to the figure's forearm. A thirds line composition will require a more dramatic adjustment for this, if wanted. I realize this is your rough draft, but to my eye I think the lighting on the figure is a touch too dim for being so close to the flames, but that's just me. The fire effects look awesome. This is a very fine image as is, you are doing a great job with this!

    Post edited by dtrscbrutal on
  • CoryllonCoryllon Posts: 284
    edited May 2019

    @DAZ_ann0314, I wanted to move her leg and I just learned a new trick that might help.the boots don't fit just right since they are for another model, but I can hide them. I had her posed like that to hide where they poke through. The expression was chosen so she wouldn't look so serious, I won't use the J word, but she was not trained my them, so she has a more care-free attitude that I wanted to capture. I will adjust the footing though with the new trick. Thanks for reminding me!

    @dtrscbrutal, I thought about it, but I wanted to keep them centered and also wanted to get the "Watch your head" sign at the bottom of the stairs :) and this angle  gives the impression that they S people are beating down the non J person (he he) but she still seems tp be in control. Also, I used a distant light and positioned it so the walls would cut off half of it and allow it to flow around the corners then dimmed it a bit

    Post edited by Coryllon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Great lighting here. HDRI?

    Thank you! laugh It's the Iray sun from JeffersonAF's My Little Lake. The actual environment is TangoAlpha's Hemlock Folly, minus the tower. I wanted the light a bit brighter than the sun preset that comes with that set.

  • dtrscbrutal said:

    @marjoemartino Very nice image! Dramatic and a great sense of movement and danger. I can only pick at nits here. Convention would put the figure on the thirds line and a bit lower in the frame, that may or may not be what you want for your image. For this scene, I would recommend a right side not left move, if you go that route. (keep the wing in frame) I really like how her blade disappears into the smoke and fire, but would like to see it emphasized more, might be as simple as slight twist to the figure's forearm. A thirds line composition will require a more dramatic adjustment for this, if wanted. I realize this is your rough draft, but to my eye I think the lighting on the figure is a touch too dim for being so close to the flames, but that's just me. The fire effects look awesome. This is a very fine image as is, you are doing a great job with this!

    So here is my first revision,  I did read over your nits and I do agree with you, on most of it. I'll admit I'm not really good at following the thirds convention with my artwork so I usually tend to just center my characters in the frame, That being said I think if I were to try it would probably require changing from a 1:1 to a 16:9 ratio, I may just toy with it to see how it looks though.

    As for what I changed this go 'round:

    I changed the angle of the camera slightly, as well as lowering her position in frame. as for the sword and the lighting , they are part of the same changes though I'm still not completly happy with the sword, I want to try to get a glint across the entire front edge of the blade to highlight it more. I increased the luminosity of some of the front flames and ended up haveing to move some of the smoke around to get the sword highlighted, and to keep the increased light from washing out the character ( lighting has been my bane since I started doing renders).

    The smoke that I moved I used to create a DOF effect instead of adding it to the camera, I wanted to highlight her face,sword arm and closet part of the sword with this effect.


    Through Fire and Flames 002.jpg
    1920 x 1920 - 5M
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    So here is my first revision,  [snip] I think if I were to try it would probably require changing from a 1:1 to a 16:9 ratio, I may just toy with it to see how it looks though.

    @marjoemartino, I like your changes. She now looks like part of the fire, or "one with the fire." You can try moving her hand slightly to see if you can get the light to follow along the entrie front edge. I'd recommend saving a pose preset first. That will allow you to start over, if need be. If your computer can handle the viewport in Nvidia Iray draw mode, it might be a little easier, too. You can always hide a few things while you work, like the smoke in the back and the character's wings and hair. (The outfit, too, if you don't mind her in the nude.) Basically anything behind her and the sword that won't affect the glint anyway.

    As for the ratio, 16:9 would look good. So would several other options. Even 5:4, (monitor dimensions before HD,) or 5:3. What fits your vision? If you don't want to make her smaller, but need more of the wings showing, plus more space on the right of the sword tip, you'll definitely need to make the image wider. But play with it. Find the ratio that sells your vision, don't feel constrained by one ratio or another.

    Before you change the image dimensions, I recommend you create a Camera, if you haven't already, that has this view. Go into the camera's Parameters->Transitions and lock the Translate and Rotate settings. (Click on the small padlock icon on the top line of each setting.) Then select Dimensions in the left column and in the right column, 1) set the numerical values to the same as the current render settings dimensions, 2) Now turn on Local Dimensions. These steps will lock in the current point of view, and not lose it when you tweak the ratio in the render settings.

    Now create another camera with the same view as the first. Use this second camera for tweaking the dimensions, and you can switch back and forth between the two in the viewport and ensure the second camera has the figure at the same height in the camera frame.

    Make sure you save the scene before you start tweaking. (Just a very good habit to get into.)

  • @L'Adair, Thanks its always nice to hear your going in the right direction.  You have a lot of good pointers in there I'm going to have to go through them and see which ones work for me. Cameras are my best friends in the view port, I create a generic one I call "scene" so that as I move around I can always come back to the point I felt was best for my picture at the time- I learned that lesson early- never thought of locking the camera in place, that will come in handy. I normaly save a new file for the scene when making big adjustments like this -just in case I really screw something up, I have 4 versions of this one file as it stands now, and I do "small" saves as I go along because I've had a couple of crashes that cost me a couple of hours worth of work.

    As for view port in Iray, I wish it could handle it, I'm sorely in need of a better rig for that, I'm currently running a $600 Wal-Mart special (yes I actually bought it at wal-mart) HP Pavilion with Windows 10 pro, onboard graphics and only 8gb ram, Though on the up side it has an 8th gen Core I5 + 8400 processor .

    So, after I posted the last pic I started to play with the aspect ratio to see what I would need to do to try a thirds composition tweak, and I think this is where I would start from, though I will look at other ratios to see how they look first.

    I know one of the first changes I will make is to rotate the camera back twards her wing to bring it back inline with what I've already done in the other renders

    Original render:

    I had to resize the pic 'cause the render came out at 11.2mb , I went all the way up to UHD 16:9 3840x2160 to get as much detail as I could to see what needed work.

    fire and flames camera2 resize.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 3M
  • dtrscbrutaldtrscbrutal Posts: 521

    @marjoemartino The changes you have made look great! That goes for both revisions. That rising line of the figure in the widescreen version really works for me personally. Shows a more intense dynamic movement and sense of speed. I think the closer crop is more "intimate" and claustrophobic with the fire and smoke. Which render is stronger depends on what you want this image to be. 
     I have started rendering everything over-sized by at least 50%, I find it better for post work, and cleans up some issues like noise when the image is reduced.
     That is sage advice from L'Adair, I learned the lesson about creating a "master camera" and locking it the hard way. LOL

  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192

    @L'Adair, Thanks its always nice to hear your going in the right direction.  You have a lot of good pointers in there I'm going to have to go through them and see which ones work for me. Cameras are my best friends in the view port, I create a generic one I call "scene" so that as I move around I can always come back to the point I felt was best for my picture at the time- I learned that lesson early- never thought of locking the camera in place, that will come in handy. I normaly save a new file for the scene when making big adjustments like this -just in case I really screw something up, I have 4 versions of this one file as it stands now, and I do "small" saves as I go along because I've had a couple of crashes that cost me a couple of hours worth of work.

    As for view port in Iray, I wish it could handle it, I'm sorely in need of a better rig for that, I'm currently running a $600 Wal-Mart special (yes I actually bought it at wal-mart) HP Pavilion with Windows 10 pro, onboard graphics and only 8gb ram, Though on the up side it has an 8th gen Core I5 + 8400 processor .

    So, after I posted the last pic I started to play with the aspect ratio to see what I would need to do to try a thirds composition tweak, and I think this is where I would start from, though I will look at other ratios to see how they look first.

    I know one of the first changes I will make is to rotate the camera back twards her wing to bring it back inline with what I've already done in the other renders

    Original render:

    I had to resize the pic 'cause the render came out at 11.2mb , I went all the way up to UHD 16:9 3840x2160 to get as much detail as I could to see what needed work.

    Looking good so far. The only thing that I can advise with the resulting size of your render is to use a smaller HD setting (at least at this point in the month as things are developing on your render.). Going with the lowest HD setting should still give you good details, but will only be about a 4th of the file size.  That's what I did with the last version of what I'm working on this month.  2.41 MB vs. 9.76 MB between versions C and B respectively. 

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