Shows That Inspire Animations



  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,226
    Mystarra said:

    watching my inspiration scene again.  it looks like lighting is teal?  and  orangie?

    Yeah, teal & orange sounds right.  Pretty good scenes.  What was that sound at ~4:13?  Sounds like the Wookie in "Star Wars" ... 

    As an aside, I live near Ellington Field in the Houston area, home to the 147th Attack Wing, a unit of the Texas Air National Guard.  So we have fighter jets and big helicopters, like those in the video, flying over all the time, nobody even looks up - and they can be loud.  But when the WWII B-25's and Japanese Zeroes show up for the air shows, everybody parks on the side of the road to watch (and save the $10 admission).  Now if one of the copters does the "Transformer" thing, people would probably pay attention.


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i work with some people from the air force.

    he said the awacs don't sound like in the transformers.  must be weird for them

    i used to get weirded out when ironman talked about calibrating the ciscos  LOL
    now i cant watch ironman, too much crying

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited September 2019

    luv these cut scenes and music is jam heart

    wanta somehow meld this style with transformers style

    teal mann teal laugh

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,226

    I don't think I'm up to doing the animation, but this five minute highlight footage is sure inspiring.  "The movie has three sensational race sequences, so well photographed by John Toll that we feel able to float effortlessly a few feet away from the competing boats and see everything. There are shots and camera angles here so spectacular they amazed me; knowing what I know about cameras and photography, I wasn't able to figure out how the cinematographer got the shot."  (Roger Ebert, 1992)  “Watching sailboat racing is like watching grass grow.”  Maybe so, but racing a sailboat is definitely not like that.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Steve K said:

    I don't think I'm up to doing the animation, but this five minute highlight footage is sure inspiring.  "The movie has three sensational race sequences, so well photographed by John Toll that we feel able to float effortlessly a few feet away from the competing boats and see everything. There are shots and camera angles here so spectacular they amazed me; knowing what I know about cameras and photography, I wasn't able to figure out how the cinematographer got the shot."  (Roger Ebert, 1992)  “Watching sailboat racing is like watching grass grow.”  Maybe so, but racing a sailboat is definitely not like that.

    a fluidos scene smiley

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    the dragons i visualize i've never seen.
    i guess the closest i've seen to weredragon men are the hawkmen in the flash gordon movie in the 80s. different wings obvs

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,130
    edited September 2019
    Mystarra said:

    the dragons i visualize i've never seen.
    i guess the closest i've seen to weredragon men are the hawkmen in the flash gordon movie in the 80s. different wings obvs

    1936 versions


    836 x 562 - 49K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,226
    Mystarra said:

    the dragons i visualize i've never seen.
    i guess the closest i've seen to weredragon men are the hawkmen in the flash gordon movie in the 80s. different wings obvs

    1936 versions

    Great stuff, especially the retro rocket ships, e.g. starting at 17:26.  Some great models available, one of which inspired me to do this 2 minute animation:

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    1936 was the best Flash heart

  • Mystarra said:

    1936 was the best Flash heart

    But the soundtrack by Queen for the later one made up for everything 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    the Brian Blessed version ... DIVE!!!!

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Steve K said:
    Mystarra said:

    the dragons i visualize i've never seen.
    i guess the closest i've seen to weredragon men are the hawkmen in the flash gordon movie in the 80s. different wings obvs

    1936 versions

    Great stuff, especially the retro rocket ships, e.g. starting at 17:26.  Some great models available, one of which inspired me to do this 2 minute animation:

    i remember this one. smiley  

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Mystarra said:

    the dragons i visualize i've never seen.
    i guess the closest i've seen to weredragon men are the hawkmen in the flash gordon movie in the 80s. different wings obvs

    1936 versions


    mann i just love this stuff  love it  love it  love it  love it  love it

    thanks so much for posting it

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,130
    edited September 2019

    Glad you like them.  I'm a fan of a whole bunch of similar imitations.  There are too many to mention them all.  The old serials are part of my inspiration for Brash Lonergan and Moxie Espinosa (because he is Brash and she has Moxie!).  George Lucas has made no secret that Commander Cody (Radar Men on the Moon) inspired him.

    Here are a few of many.

    - Crash Corigan's adventures in the  Undersea Kingdom

                (watch the Crash Corrigan trailer at least as far as the line "Go ahead and ram!")

    - Rocky Jones, Space Ranger

    - Radar Men from the Moon


    EDIT - Can't stop with three

    - Batman -

    - The Phantom -

    - SOS Coast Guard -

    - Perils of Nyoka -


    Should give a warning and disclaimer.  The old serials by Republic were made decades ago.  They contain some material that by today's standards are offensive or insensitive.

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited September 2019

    i ordered me one of those snowball microphones, so looking up some great voice actors

    finding these inspiring.

    anazing stuff, no synthesizers, no screaming bee

    link ignores the start time,  the voice acting is near the end.
    at 9:50 he reads trump's tweets as Thanos.  lol

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,226

    Yes, voice actors can be amazing.  I've mentioned this before, but the best voice acting I've seen is the original "Toy Story", in particular this scene with Tom Hanks and Tim Allen (and BTW, our 48 Hour Film Contest team name is "Perfect Time to Panic Productions"):

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,130

    More on voice actors.  The great Hank Azaria marvels at the skills of Mel Blanc. with an example.

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,226
    Diomede said:

    More on voice actors.  The great Hank Azaria marvels at the skills of Mel Blanc. with an example.

    Truly impressive.  Azaria's comment reminds me of the line in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid", where Butch is watching the Super Posse track them thru ... everything.. "I couldn't do that.  Could you do that?  How can they do that?"

    And BTW, my wife & I still giggle thinking about Azaria's role in "The Birdcage" ... 

    Armand (Robin Williams): You look like Lucy's stunt double.

    Agador (Azaria): [dancing around in red wig cleaning] No actually I'm a combination of Lucy and Ricky


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    my whole sciff universe was inspired by an AC/DC song. (hells bells)  
    furter refined by a he man cartoon episode. over 30 years ago. no dvd back then  i may never find that episode 

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,130

    That is cool, Misty.  I wonder if the old He Man episodes are catalogued and available on one of the streaming services.  Perhaps Netflix or Amazon Prime?  Might be able to find it.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,130

    Here is an ad for short screenwriting projects.  I haven’t checked it out, but maybe someone here is interested.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Diomede said:

    Here is an ad for short screenwriting projects.  I haven’t checked it out, but maybe someone here is interested.


    writing a movie treatment is very mysterious.  well kept secrets.


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    luv the lightnin special effect around him when he moves

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    this guy has lightnig and some kickass intro music


    Methos was my favorite on the highlander show

    i forgot there was a lady highlander with her own show

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675


    Franke n furter doesn't suspect a thing  lol




  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited September 2019

    browsing DC database of comics

    this cover caught my attention. 
    is so diabolical, what kinda villain would do such a thing.

    a 1946 comic.  red capes. should be it's own genre.  lol  the red cape genre

    10 cent  lol  cant even find the cents on keyboard.

    doh, the 1st issure he's a blue cape

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • Mystarra said:

    browsing DC database of comics

    this cover caught my attention. 
    is so diabolical, what kinda villain would do such a thing.

    a 1946 comic.  red capes. should be it's own genre.  lol  the red cape genre

    10 cent  lol  cant even find the cents on keyboard.

    doh, the 1st issure he's a blue cape

    OMG one could do a cool render of that, with FLUIDOS too

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Mystarra said:

    browsing DC database of comics

    this cover caught my attention. 
    is so diabolical, what kinda villain would do such a thing.

    a 1946 comic.  red capes. should be it's own genre.  lol  the red cape genre

    10 cent  lol  cant even find the cents on keyboard.

    doh, the 1st issure he's a blue cape

    OMG one could do a cool render of that, with FLUIDOS too

    tee hee i would even pay to see it

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,226
    edited September 2019

    One of my favorite comic series as a kid was "Classics Illustrated".  Much later, around 1990, they brought out a newly illustrated series, including "Moby Dick", with some great illustrations by Bill Sienkiewicz.  If you do this search and look at "Images", you get an idea of it:

    "Bill Sienkiewicz moby dick"

    Post edited by Steve K on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 7,998

    one of my fav TV cartoons...  wink

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