Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 12
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Awesome pictures!
How did he not wake up when the water spilled ? :))
Thanks for that tip!
Omg gorgeous puff ball you got there. Congrats!
Wonderful photos of both of you! And adorable puppy!
Oh he is just gorgeous
Novica, he is simply lovely. And those pictures, how wonderful to wake up and see them in your thread! Now, you have to tell us, when he woke up, was the other side of his face flat?
He was absolutely SOPPING wet, when he fell asleep in the bowl it was about half full. Half his chest and one entire leg were drenched. Literally drops of water coming off the fur tips.
Yesterday was 73 degrees and 60 at night, tonight will be 37 with a lower real feel. He'll love it. Me, not so much.
Well that is better than the 9 degrees we had in Denver this morning. I am sick with the never-ending cold, and Bugsy, the American Eskimo was more than happy to take me for a walk in the new snow this morning. We still have piles of snow left over from November that he tries to climb. And comes home with muddy paws. For some reason, I can't get him to 'wipe your paws' before entering through his head.
So I have to keep trying with the old man! He is around 15 or 16 now. Met him in 2014 when he tried to tear my right arm off. His owner thought it was funny.
That is an awesome post!
A friend posted it on Facebook
My yellow Indian Ringneck Missy after 13 long months has finally grown back enough of her wing feathers they clipped to hesitatingly fly again. She's wanted to fly for so long now.
Congrats on Key Poof. Sort of jealous, I want a service obiediance school trained dog but I can't even go outside into my own yard without setting at least 5 other dogs at my neighborbors' houses nearly choking on their own rabid saliva
threatening me so they'd only to the same to any pet dog I got.
Ain't going to put it through that.
He looks just like our dog did when we got her in back in '77. She was a Chow/Spitz mix. We named her Snowball, on account of she looked like (and was the size of) a snowball as a puppy, and we got her during th Blizzard of '77.
Want photos of Bugsy!
@fishtales Hilarious!
I got the and the They're lovely, but a bit of a resource hog. I have 16 GB memory and an 8GB videocard, so not the most beefy system, but decent enough.
It doesn't fit on my videocard, but once it had finished loading on CPU the coat rendered within a few minutes without the fur.
With the fur trimmings from the add-on, I had to switch off my secondary display and use just one screen to free some extra memory and I used the Scene Optimizer as well, and it managed to load, again rendering within a few minutes once it had loaded.
The model is Alexandra.
Bugsy has two forms. One just after he has been shaved for the summer, which I call his 'Elf Dog' mode, then his 'Winter Frost Demon' mode, and then there is the dog that is at heart a 'trucker's dog' and had to retire because of arthritis. When I drove back to California last summer, he rode as shotgun and met my family. And keeping my 6 year old granddaughter from trying to pet, hug, cuddle and kiss him was an ongoing thrill for her father and me. He took up guard duty around their pool when she went into to play. (He hates water.) Now snow, loves that, but ice or non-dog friendly stuff on sidewalks on paws he is not happy with. So three pictures of Bugsy. and of course they all loaded sideways!
We had a Samoyed growing up. Yelta was one of the best dogs ever - multiplied by a factor of 10. You're in for years of awesomeness. Congratulations on Ci Pwff!!!
On dogs wiping their feet: I taught one of our past Poodles to spin on towels on command so he would dry his feet before coming in the main house. I hadn't thought of it with previous dogs, just wiped their feet for them.
Unfortunately, the two current Standard Poodle boys are so huge (75 and 90 pounds), there isn't room for both of them to turn and spin in the entry room. Still considering how to train them to wipe their feet. I'd make them come in one at a time, but they are joined at the hip, figeraturatively speaking. Presently, I cover the floor and make them stay in the utility room for 10 minutes to dry off their feet. Makes me wish they spoke English or I spoke better dog.
Adding another post and a pic.
Brothers... Eli (black) and Josef (brown), full brothers 15 months apart and named after favorite characters from the imagination of Rachel Aaron (The Legend of Eli Monpress).
Posting a picture just celebrating 'cause our brown moose is still alive today after almost losing him last week.
Note: Sometimes disobeying your vet is the right thing to do and can keep your dog alive. They were giving him pain medicine that made his liver shut down. He's still alive despite one of the vets' total ignorance and lack of listening skills, because we were right - and stubborn - and he was wrong. He ignored the symptoms, wanted us to continue all pain medication, and sent us home with wormer. Despite the fact that we had just had a clean fecal and urinalysis. (I was so mad, I could have spit.)
We refused to continue the meds, refused additional meds, and got an internist to help who finally diagnosed the liver failiure and probable causes. So our 26-month-old brown boy is still alive despite said vet. And his liver is working again with the help of support meds and hopefully will return to full function.
Both look like they are plotting! What, no idea, but beware.
@Nath, that looks great. I bought the outfit and texture too, but other than checking out the boots, haven't played with it yet.
Thanks. It is a lovely - and versatile - set.
Most likely! ;) What can you expect from these buds - the greatest thief in the world (Eli Monpress) and the greatest swordsman in the world (Josef Liechten)? Pure mayhem and a lot of mischief. Luckily only in the books is it truly major.
I was testing a character and an outfit, today when I noticed the shoes that came with the outfit. I did a close-up of the shoes because I think they are remarkable. I thought I would share, so if someone is looking for really nice, moderate height pumps for a render they could see these. And the outfit, wonderful in simulation.
@memcneil70 Bugsy is adorable, even sideways! (What talent! The dog, not the poster LOL) Thanks for showing the shoes too.
@firewarden PLEASE post reviews on both Google and Yelp about that vet with the specifics! Give them a one star rating and help other dog owners steer clear! Gorgeous pooches, and yes, they are definitely plotting something!
@nath Thanks for showing that. I think it's a lovely coat, very well done. Good to know it's a resource hog.
Ci Pwff has found his voice. Brother, has he. SHARP barks, and piercing. And yeah, I'm ignoring them and not going to the utility room door when he does that. We also had strong winds last night which knocked out the power for FIVE HOURS (I have an entire house generator though, in hurricane areas / strong summer thunderstorms it's a smart idea.) Felt bad for folks who didn't have one as it was 37 real feel so I know the homes got a bit chilly. Ci Pwff would have loved that, me not so much.
Anyway, it took out internet too. I just got back on line and will be off and on today/tonight. Puppy keeps interfering with what I need to get done around here. Going to be that way for several months I think.
Won't be so bad once you get him on a schedule Sammies are fast learners, but can be independent and stubborn.
Yeah, I've had two previously :) He's already learned (in first ten minutes) how to fetch toy and bring it back, getting the gist of "no" and quiet. :)
I have a Belgian Malinois. She's family, super friendly, loves to run, play tug, Climb simple slide rungs and go down the slide. Stuff like that.
Good looking dog