Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 12
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Wow, the wind is literally howling outside. That cold front is sweeping through and the temperatures are plummeting. But it reminded me SO much of the hurricanes when they came through, the trees are blowing so hard it's a steady, low roar, not the swishing sound you hear when trees go back and forth. UGH.
I thought I'ld ask here:
Any idea if I can somehow make my classic side part hair not have this white in it?
Whatever color I use, it looks like the guy is greying already.
First one is just brown color, second is supposed to be black but both have these white hairs in them :(.
I loaded G8M, Classic Side Part Hair for G8M on him and did a series of renders, first default load of brown color and default light in DS. Then the Brown hair but I switched to HDR Lights 01R, a render, then started to change hair colors: Black, Salt and Pepper, then to shaders SloshWerks ColorWerksXtreme CWX A Greys 001, then ColorWerks Hair Shaders CW 01 Gray 085. What I found is what I think is highlights from the lighting. I also messed with moving the HDR's slider around and it did move it a bit, but mostly changed the character.
One thing I should point out, no hair has a solid color, unless it is a cartoon paint job. We all have various shades or our hair reflects the colors/lights around us.
I admit I am no way an expert in this, and sometime I have noted the highlights in the black hair myself.
Thanks for this. Yes, there are some highlights in the hair and one color would look weird but I feel like the default colors, especially black looks more like black hair with white strands in between.
I even blocked the hitting the hair directly with a plane and still it looks weird.
For me, from your renders, the last one looks like the most realistic black, with highlights from lighting.
Unfortunately I only have hair shaders for G8F for now but I'll definately add the G8M one to wishlist as that is something I could get behind.
Edit: Looking again at the products I saw that female or male is not mentioned and there are screenshots for male hair in the promos. I have this one. Any idea how to make it work for make hair? For me it only shows up for female one.
If it's under shader presets, you should be able to select the hair (not hair cap, if that is an option, but the actual hair which is attached to it) in the scene window, then go to the surfaces tab and select the hair surfaces, then click on the shader preset of your choice.
There is only one surface it seems to this hair. But this is where I do not have enough experience to comment, possibly fooling with the sliders?
Just saw what you said about what you have Alex. This hair has hair sets for G3F, G3M, G8F, G8M and materials for MDL and RSL for both sets. Even if the color material says it if for G8M, it works for all for hair pieces.
You'd reduce glossiness and top coat but the effect is going to be to make the hair look more plastic because I can see that grey you see if light not color. You could try changing the glossy color / top coat color to a shade of brunette or grey.
Thank you both for the feedback. I was trying to apply the shader directly to the hair object/figure.
Once I selected it's surface it worked without a problem. now I just have to play around with all these colors and overlays to see what works for me.
The good thing is, thanks to you now I figured out how to apply to eyebrows as well so I can match the colors :).
Edit: second render is same after adding a Blend Mask. Not sure exactly what it does but the hair looks great after applying it!
Alex, check out this commercial forum for this shader package, it has a great tutorial on You Tube that walks you through some basic things that went right over my head these past few years, even though I buy lots of shader packages. I also recommend the shader set highly, as well as all iray hair shader you can get your hands on, you never know when you will run into a hair that won't work well with your favorite one, or has a different 'mapping' (I think that is it, not sure). Really great for using older 3Delight hairs.
Thank! I'll check it out. I have purchased loads of shaders, especially for clothes to add more variety but haven't had a chance to use too many yet. This guide before I start to use them extensively is exactly what I needed,
If you take a look at the original black texture of the hair it has some highlights.
Thank you very much @Novica, you made my day.
I don't have the render computer on yet, but as this is one of Redz' hairs, I'm almost positive there are two parts to it. One will be the scalp and that will be parented to the figure. The other is the actual fiber mesh hair, and it is parented to the scalp. Many of her hair products include three material zones throughout the hair so you can apply different colors to the different zones to get more variation.
The bright white I'm seeing in your hair, @alex86fire, is probably caused by a high Glossy Weight setting and a Glossy Color of white. For black hair, I usually change the Glossy Color to dark gray, usually with a hint of blue in it. Settings that may help by being lowered are Glossy Weight and Glossy Reflectivity. One that can also help by increasing the value is Glossy Roughness.
As for color presets, as there is support for four different figures, there will be four sets of Presets. In reality, any preset will work on any figure's hair. While it seems odd in Smart Content, for those using the Content Library, it puts a set of presets in a subfolder for the hair for each of those four figures. It's only in "Smart" Content where the organization isn't broken down by figure and things get confusing.
The color preset also have a tag of RSL or MDL. The first is for 3Delight and the second is for Iray. Make sure you are using the MDL presets if you're rendering with Iray, as the RSL materials will have to be converted on the fly, and are not optimum. (In fact, it is possible you've applied 3Delight materials inadvertently, and the issue with the white glossy areas is caused by the conversion at render time using the Iray Uber Base "behind the curtain.")
ETA: And reading further, I see you are using Colorwerks and that you have solved your problem. I'll leave the bulk of this post up, as it could be useful for others having similar issues.
Tips: The AntFarm's old Poser models make great dreary
One is brown hair & one is black hair but they look the same.
Hi, I was looking for some thecnical help and I just saw, your comment..
In my defence that was one of the first HDRI´s product that I made and didnt make the last post processing steps that I do now, because some people like the photo with the Raw look with the grain to make it more realistic. So at that stage I decided to keep it. Only after the use of them I realised that it would be more convinient not to have that grain. So my lastest HDRI´s dont have that Sky grain. (wich can be removed by bluring it in PS).
But, yes it is a bit too much grain, also in my first´s HDRI´s the Horizon line is not tottaly straight. To be honest I didn´t worry too much because those are things one can fix when doing the post work in Photoshop. Now I am more worried.
When you guys see, serious error´s or anoying stuff you can message me (you can use the contact page at, so I know because I dont go to forums that often.
You can also check the quality of the HDRI´s here before you buy.
@whitemagus Thanks for popping in, so nice to hear from you and getting some feedback. Really appreciate your honesty.
@Novica You are welcome, hope it helps.
Hey, congrats to @melaniel for her winning render in the PC+ Inspirations Contest! Love the "Cat Trouble" action! (Look out below!) For those who can't see it, falling flowerpots from high balconies are not desirable...)
Gotta love the "page not found" notices when you're typing on a post then try to post it. It happens when a new post had been added while you're typing, but not always. Anyway, if you've ever had to do a copy/paste when that shows up, you may have encountered your post now has that white background on a gray post or a gray background on a white post. How to get rid of it- go above the textbox to Source, which gives you the html. You'll notice a < span class and then a color given in numbers. Erase everything in that < span class blah blah > section, and go to the end and erase < span > Click Source again to exit. Your white (or gray) background is now gone.
I typically copy text periodically on these forums as I type as I tend to ramble and the forums crash much faster and more often than I can ramble.
Usually it happens to me when I've spent time in the store or cart in other tabs while the thread was open, that seems to somehow "lose" the fact that I'm signed in the forums. In that case I just open another forums tab so it signs me in again, and then the initial thread tab works again.
LOL yes, that too! Sometimes it's when I go to research if what I am mentioning has already been mentioned. Aka, the sale thread with "not working is it?" information. Like the library bundle today, not having the poses in it. BTW, I've never seen a library with empty shelves, even on the top. They're usually turning away donated books here, even fantastic ones. They have a local place where they take them and then sell them dirt cheap, then people resell in garage sales, so I took books to the seniors' home or schools as I want the most people possible to enjoy them.
So the question of the day- What did you do with your old books that you no longer use?
Here a library support group called "Friends of the Library" collect them year round at two locations then have a semi-annual sale. Any books they can't use are recycled.
For my old art books, NatGeo magazines, and other magazines with good images, I donate them to a local non-profit that provides studio and gallery space to adult artists with disabilities. They then get used as references or in collages.
I have, in some big libraries.
Usually I give them to one of the local Emmaus communities (which resell them to help finance their actions).
Thank you kindly ma'am!
Honestly? I can't bear the thought of losing my books. I think I have a library bigger than that one in the store today! Every room has bookshelves which are full, the deeper shelves are double-stacked and there are piles on the top too. I keep intending to sort through and give away to a charity shop the ones I didn't enjoy when I read them, but somehow I never find time. Maybe we'll get to downsizing at some stage and I'll have to bite that bullet.
I hear you I miss all the books I lost when the apartment burned back in 2012 Many of which can't be replaced
@robertfreise Ohhh, I'm sorry to hear that. Fires are so devastating.
Ouch! Sorry to hear about that.
Argh, that is worse than a field mouse invasion and puppies that ate the bindings off my leather-bound books I bought in London. One a 19th Century Pride and Prejudice. But also many of my first paperback Pern novels. Moved all over the world with thousands of pounds of books, many research, art, and history.