Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 12



  • escrandallescrandall Posts: 491

    Happy Birthday Novica!

    I just made it through mine.  I like to think that after a certain age we're entitled to a few days... after all, one day is a much larger chunk of a ten year old's life than those of us who are more experienced.d

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    Happy Birthday Novica! 

    Will try to attach my first image, a photo of a quilt I made years ago on display. It has a happy vibe.

    You look great and are such an inspiration. 

    Thanks for the link to the GoFundMe and I made a donation. 



    @memcneil70 Mary, that is a beautiful quilt. I like the way the colors sort of blend and flow.

  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152

    Happy birthday, Novica!

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Happy Birthday Novica!

    Good luck. I went from 215 to 155 from Feb 15 2017 to Jun 15 2017. I was actually somehow skinnier than when I weighed 155 in high school even though I only grew 0.25 inches in height after high school. I did it with very technically insistent logging of my calories and nothing else so it is possible to lose weight via caloric restriction only but I don't recommend it. 

    I also found out something interesting and that is the basal. sedentary, light, moderate, and heavy activity levels that the scientists and experts use to assign daily and activity burn rates to us are now very wrong. As I distressingly found as resumed eating the recommended caloric intake for someone of my new weight and proceeded to gain most of the weight I lost back. Some of those measurements were made nearing a century ago using people that had much higher levels of hard physical labour and so they had much higher muscle mass than we do today. That is historical fact.

    I did go to have my body fat percentage estimated when I finished losing weight in 2017 and despite losing 60 lbs they claimed my body fat percentages were unchanged at 26% body fat. That despite being able to see my abdomen musculature for the 1st time in my life ever. It said my bone densities was higher than normal for someone my age. So after that surprise I looked at the logic behind their estimates and realized the science behind their estimates was woefully inadequate and so often and mostly their estimates for body fat are quite wrong.  Only the bone density measurement was reliably correct but that wasn't a surprise as that's what the machine was designed for.

    So I will do your approach this time as it is the right approach - you want to use exercise more than use caloric restriction to lose weight to build muscle to burn more calories to lose weight. In effect get your body to be more like the body of those people they measured nearly a century ago so their estimates will be more correct. If you don't then it's a bit unnerving to realize how studiously I will have to record food intake and measure portions for the rest of my life to not consistently go over the needed amount every day and to maintain weight because I can't rely of the scientific recommendations given for people with a much heavier musculature. It was much easier before college when I didn't eat until I was ravishingly hungry, and only then the scant leftovers on the stove, because I was outside playing all day. I now realize I probably only ever needed 1500 - 1800 calories a day and adult life of desk work and social eating sets one up to overeat.  

    My birthday was a couple of weeks ago, 55 years old. Funny, a birthday hasn't made me feel old since the one where I turned from 19 to 20; not that advertisers and others with ulterior motives don't try to make me feel old in spite of my own personal lack of worry about age. Don't know why that one made me feel old but the others never did.

    My birthday goal is to finish all the MAJOR DIY in my house & yard by my next birthday. Without a lot of money or skills - DIY is not for the lazy, which I am. However, I did get down on my hands and knees much of last year with a 3"x21" belt sander (I managed to burn one out and set it on fire the work was so strenuous) and did what chemical varnish and paint remover couldn't; and what $300 spent at an industrial DIY rental place on an industrial floor sander couldn't. I stripped the 1000 square feet of heavily damaged wood floors including 50 years of varnishes, acrylics, carpet glues, stains and deep scratches from prior attempts by others and have the floors looking clean again in not perfectly new. 1000 square feet of it - finished. It took steady sanding, day after day, again and again, with breaks because it was absolutely wretched for my back and leaves me coughing up fine saw dust for weeks afterwards (I have masks but now have a chemical mask which works much better) with a tender sore back to match so it was slow going.

    The wood in my floors is red oak, I think. I am not sure though because some pieces of floor look as new as the day they were cut and sanded over 50 years ago while others are heavily oxidized grain such that no amount of sanding or bleaching could restore the unoxidized look again. It gives the floor a nice pattern but makes me wonder if they didn't just randomly mix different types of wood when they laid the floor. I'm not a wood identification expert. I know on the kitchen cabinets I was going to leave them unpainted but when I stripped them the cabinets were red oak while the doors were a heavy duty plywood with an maple veneer. I considered buying a maple veneer to match the cabinets with the cabinet doors & I may still do that. I love the look of unstained maple.  

    Now I need to learn how to do Venetian plastic well enough to disguise the disaster the drywalling job I done in my bathroom turned out to be because tiling the bathroom with even the cheapest tiles is much too expensive for me. All that for a house that is so out of date technically and worn out that the County PVA wrote it off as worthless on my property taxes. 

    By the way, I recommend water-based (Rust-Oleum) Varathane Polyurethane with clear satin finish. It makes my now unstained clean floors look clean but not shiny and is designed for heavy traffic. It also sands off much easier than the decades of old glue, varnish, and acrylic that was on my floor prior.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    Happy birthday, Novica!

    You're lookin' good! (Or should I say, "gooder"? You've always looked good to me.) Great birthday gift you gave yourself.

    (My birthday is in February. Turned 65, but only Medicare cares about that. lol)

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Happy Birthday Novica! 

    Will try to attach my first image, a photo of a quilt I made years ago on display. It has a happy vibe.

    Thanks for the link to the GoFundMe and I made a donation. 


    You MADE that? Ooooh. It's so colorful- agree it's quite a happy vibe!
    Thanks for everyone's donations- and I had to chuckle at the PM saying it was my birthday present- love that! Best present EVER! Hopefully we'll reach the $3,000 mark for Laura. I'm really concerned about the oxygen situation. That will affect the heart and could trigger more difficulties in that respect. 

    I'd like to ask you folks- if you haven't PM'd people with the link to the GoFundMe page, please do. Particularly if they don't visit the Art Forum threads. Laura's other posts are NOT in Commons, they are in the Commercial thread, and I for one don't visit there that often. I'm basically a Commoner. (couldn't resist.)  It doesn't matter if people get repeat PMs, it's better than not knowing at all.  

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Happy Birthday Novica and major congrats on meeting your goal. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Thanks everyone!

    Just a quickie- I read in another thread about using the PC+ July coupon to get the Gorilla down to $8.68  (71% off)   I don't have the July one showing, I still have the DO one for June- but thought I'd mention to use that (and try July even if not showing up) just in case. I had forgotten about it until I saw that and realized the gorilla is a DO (thought it was a vendor's) 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @nonesuch00   Would love to see some photos of your DIY projects. The floors sound amazing!

  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484
    L'Adair said:

    My birthday is in February. Turned 65, but only Medicare cares about that.

    Same here and your right 

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317
    @barbult and @Novica Thank you very much. I admit to loving color. I dyed the fabric and then played with the design in program in shades of grey. Some of the applique patterns are from a Baltimore Bride Quilt book, two are my own design, which I hand sewed, along with the border, which was from a Quilt magazine. The back is also a quilt, an Amish design of a square in a square. And my birthday was early June. Amazing how fast the DMV is when you are old and need to get a renewal in person of your driver's license! Mary
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited July 2019
    And my birthday was early June. Amazing how fast the DMV is when you are old and need to get a renewal in person of your driver's license! Mary

    And wouldn't you know it, Florida stopped asking for weight on driver's licenses- right when I wanted them to ASK! LOL. I had to renew mine also.

    BTW, I am adding the GoFundMe link to the contest page in case you want to find it easier, or in case folks from outside the Art Studio surf in. Edit- folks are rockin' it, went from $480 something to $523.  BTW we could add a link to our signatures and post around the forums (related to the topics, not bogus) like we normally do, and that could spread the word too.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    Novica said:
    And my birthday was early June. Amazing how fast the DMV is when you are old and need to get a renewal in person of your driver's license! Mary

    And wouldn't you know it, Florida stopped asking for weight on driver's licenses- right when I wanted them to ASK! LOL. I had to renew mine also.

    BTW, I am adding the GoFundMe link to the contest page in case you want to find it easier, or in case folks from outside the Art Studio surf in. Edit- folks are rockin' it, went from $480 something to $523.  BTW we could add a link to our signatures and post around the forums (related to the topics, not bogus) like we normally do, and that could spread the word too.

    That seems like pretty good progress on the GoFundMe. I hope it keeps growing at that rate.

  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548

    Happy Birthday, Novica!

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited July 2019

    thank you @odaa   

    Did you folks notice the $63 donation? (my age)  That was hilarious. 

    I am making a banner or two and will post here in a little while.

    Testing to see how this size looks. Dang, it can only be 100 px high or it stretches. Doing again.

    banner.png 100 high.png
    700 x 100 - 98K
    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited July 2019

    Tutorial: Putting A Photo In Signature And Making A Clickable Link

    Okay, got it- here's what you can do to post a banner in your signature that's clickable. I hadn't ever done it but was pretty sure it was easy. If you'd like to help promote the fundraiser it would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to make other banners and offer on my thread too. This is just to get us started.  Here's how to help:

    Copy this: (it's the image.) Or make your own banner,  the forum is 800 px wide but I didn't want the banner to be too obnoxiously big, and 700 across is a nice size. Has to be 100 px or less TALL. This is 700 wide by 100 tall.

    Then click your name in the Forum.
    Look for the blue cog in the upper right. Click it.
    Edit Profile
    Signature Settings
    Click on the Image Avatar- the mountains with the sun. You'll be in the Image Info tab. Right click and paste the photo information in URL.
    While the popup is still there, choose the Link tab. Select the dropdown in Target and choose New Window (_blank)

    Save that. You're still in the Signature section, so now we'll do the anchor to the outside reference (the GoFundMe page.)
    Left click the image you just added.
    Click on the little chain link avatar (up in the same section you chose the mountains/sun image avatar) You'll be in the Link Info tab.
    In URL paste your link. In this case,
    You can check the Target tab, but for me it was already set to the New Window (_blank) 

    That's it!  I clicked a bit and moved the banner over to center it (just put your mouse in front of the banner to move it.)
    Save and you have a banner that's clickable to an outside link.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I put Click Here For The Situation, and not "to donate" because they are gathering facts first and then can decide.

  • cismiccismic Posts: 629

    Happy Birthday @Novica 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited July 2019

    @cismic   Thank you so much!

    Oh man, this really made me smile. Couldn't have asked for a more perfect situation!  It's on CNN about the autistic boy flying alone on a flight and the passenger who became his buddy. 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,501
    edited July 2019

    Belated Happy Birthday and a quick render of GypsyAngel's Ren face morph!

    1544 x 1273 - 387K
    Post edited by nemesis10 on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Whoa. Love him!

    Just a heads up on UV Tailor (which I have no clue in how to use nor interest, but just in case I'm grabbing it for $2.99)  I found in the forums it CAN be used on Genesis 8 as they share the same UV maps as Genesis 3.  Also, DestinysGarden helps you in her thread, and you can use the UV Tailor to save time. Here's that post.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    Novica said:

    Whoa. Love him!

    Just a heads up on UV Tailor (which I have no clue in how to use nor interest, but just in case I'm grabbing it for $2.99)  I found in the forums it CAN be used on Genesis 8 as they share the same UV maps as Genesis 3.  Also, DestinysGarden helps you in her thread, and you can use the UV Tailor to save time. Here's that post.

    I have UV Tailor.

    In Daz Studio, there is the option to view the UVs in the viewport. You can do a screenshot, but the resulting image is limited by the size of your monitor screen. With UV Tailor, you can choose an output of 1024, 2048 or 4096. (The output size, however, will never be larger than the texture map.) You must select the item in the scene, and then select the material zones in the Surfaces->Editor. But that allows you to select just the zone(s) you want, if you don't want all of them.

    It's not my most used utility, but I do use, fairly regularly.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited July 2019
    L'Adair said:

    I have UV Tailor.

    Have you done anything with it in your wonderful thread(s)?

    Post edited by Novica on
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    Happy belated birthday!

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    Charlotte 8 Starter Bundle is in the $2.99 today, too. That is another bargain for people who don't have her yet. 

    Pro Studio HDR Lighting System 2 is there too. Is that one of the light sets you like, Novica?

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I'll be honest, I use the Pro Studio (first one) the most. If I didn't have it, I sure would pick up the second one for that price. It's got really nice lights too. 

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    Novica said:

    @nonesuch00   Would love to see some photos of your DIY projects. The floors sound amazing!

    I might...but be forewarned they were even worse originally than the original photos would show especially since the original photos weren't taken with the ideal of highlighting the problems. I didn't take many of the rooms "before" either and have none of the new "after" (yet). It looked like they had driven a tank though the house and left tread tracks in some places besides areas where old carpet glue, red acrylic stain, and good old fashioned varnish conspired to mutant in some new unknown substances. 

    LOL, I once posted the "before photos" of the bathroom on FB and even though I had already stripped out layers of filthy paint, wallpaper, vinyl sheeting that was so old it crumbled when I pulled it out, and lots of abandoned roach nests stashed between the wallpaper that had come loose (they like eating the glue) and walls (I got rid of the insects with diatomaceous earth which I consider a miracle!) such that the "before photos" where actually after a major cleanup...nobody would comment about the "before bathroom" - that's how bad it was. The bathroom is still the room that needs the most work, well not counting the basement which I don't - it does have a new sink, toilet, fixtures, & drywall though. So it's clean now if somewhat of a mess still at my failed attempt at plastering walls to be smooth and flat. 

    I've learned some things. I had spent a boat load of money (for my budget) on expensive Paint+Primer and 'high-grade' mold resistant primer but neither is really great at sticking to wood or prior coats of old paint (truth is it already peeling off in wooden places with the slightest friction and that stuff cost almost either $35+ and some types cost almost $50 a gallon!). The fellow that I ask for advice on doing Venetian Plaster told my that any 100% acrylic paint would have did a better job and given the very hard work I had to do to get the red acrylic stain off the floors and cabinets of this house I believe him 100%.

    I did start my walking 5+ miles today but I have to go to a track because the neighbors in my neighborhood let their dogs run loose and I've had to carry a large fallen tree branch and actually swing it at their dogs when they come running to threaten to bite me which they do every time I would walk past the house even though I was on the other side of the street. Very illegal but I can't make those responsible do their job and enforce city and county ordinances. I've tried, multiple times. I will have to get security cameras I suppose and start imposing real legal pressure on them. Anyway, at the track, I got there at 7:45 and I was one of three people while I was there and the other 2 people brought their dogs. Presumably their dogs are trained not to attack other dogs, pets or people encountered on the track but I've seen pets dogs attack too many times to have faith in that so I may buy and start carrying a heavy walking stick to defend myself against such 'pets'.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    barbult said:

    Charlotte 8 Starter Bundle is in the $2.99 today, too. That is another bargain for people who don't have her yet. 

    Pro Studio HDR Lighting System 2 is there too. Is that one of the light sets you like, Novica?

    I decided to look at the page with only the products I own, and I'm blown away by the generosity of our vendors and Daz: Here's a short list of products I think are well worth having in your library, especially for only $2.99:

    I have used and really like all the above products. If you don't have any of these, I think they are well worth taking a second look at.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,491

    I've been loving these $2.99 days - what a great deal! Today I grabbed that Pro Studio HDR Lighting System 2 following Novica's recommendation, and Santa's Toy Workshop following L'Adair's (I had the rest of her list already, don't know why I never got the toy workshop before). Seven today, used the PC+/PA coupon and only spent $14.93, so I'm delighted with that!

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited July 2019

    I asked my son a few minutes ago to tell the gamers on Discord about Laura's situation. He runs tournaments and he does it for a living. A lot of the gamers don't have much money, so I told him to ask for a lot of smaller donations like $5. Will be curious to see if any gamers take the time to help. 

    Here's my son, Dr Nitronio (go to 9:25 to see the end result) He WON the Smash Bros tournament when they got to the finals!  He's the one with the cap on, and is playing the big gray character. As the commentators say, it was the first high level match.

    Post edited by Novica on
This discussion has been closed.