-HOLY SMOKES! AN UPDATE!- Carrara Challenge V: Movie Night - Work In Progress (WIP) thread.



  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Stezza, that looks awesome! You're really taking the Spline by the metaballs! I mean the bull by the horns! ;-)

    I'll work something up for a bit of a tutorial today or tomorrow. It'll be fairly basic. I have a deadline approaching for a video project I'm working on.

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited December 1969

    Well I had an odd hour or two today so I started work on an idea I have. The most challending part of my idea involved creating a Avatar-ish type character, so I used Genesis and played with its morphs, plus I added a custom nose morph in Carrara. At the moment the skin shader just adds a simple cyan-blue multiplier, I may look at producing a custom map for more detail. Also added some Carrara hair. But as a first pass, this looks OK to me, plus the eventual setting will be quite dark anyway...

    All feedback welcomed.

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  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Nice work Phil! I can't wait to see how this looks when finished!

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited December 1969

    A second component of my scene - cinema seating, quickly modelled to only include the bits that will be visible. I am going to have to think of something that I can do in the spline editor...

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  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,251
    edited December 1969

    I need some help please....

    not with the spline modeller...%^#@*&

    but another problem which I saw the answer for in another thread and now I can't find that topic!

    I have created Robbie's brain thing for his head and I want the red glow shaders to show through the transparency as glowing..

    Can someone direct me to that thread or provide the answer here thanks... Can't for the life of me get it


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  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Stezza said:
    I need some help please....

    not with the spline modeller...%^#@*&

    but another problem which I saw the answer for in another thread and now I can't find that topic!

    I have created Robbie's brain thing for his head and I want the red glow shaders to show through the transparency as glowing..

    Can someone direct me to that thread or provide the answer here thanks... Can't for the life of me get it


    You mean you want the 3D aura? I remember the thread. I don't have it bookmarked. I think light effects worked, but I'm not sure about the aura. Try setting up your glass shader with the transparency and refraction that you want, then go to the alpha channel and try setting it to around 50% to start with, and work your way down fro there. The glow aura may have to be exaggerated.

    The other possibility is to set a bulb in there with a 3D light sphere. That doesn't seem to need an alpha channel. It does need a light though.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    If you don't need the aura, the glow will shine through fine without the need to set an alpha channel. Your picture looks like the glow needs to be bumped up.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,251
    edited December 1969

    You mean you want the 3D aura? I remember the thread. I don't have it bookmarked. I think light effects worked, but I'm not sure about the aura. Try setting up your glass shader with the transparency and refraction that you want, then go to the alpha channel and try setting it to around 50% to start with, and work your way down fro there.

    thanks ep .. that has worked for me :)

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  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited December 1969

    Gee I just stopped in today and I am gob smacked by the work so far.
    That squid is amazing!!

    stezza, that Robot (Robby ?) is superb and Phil W there's no critique on your avatar I would be game to offer!
    I think it;s shaping up to be a ripper challenge.
    Me, I am still fluffing around trying to make an ai/eps for a film reel to bring into the spline room.
    BY looking at evil's peice I shopuld just do it in the spline room.
    Note to self, read directions on spline room while wife is cooking dinner :)

    My question. I made the first image in ps, imported into illustrator and exported as an ai file
    It comes into the spline room and gives me a complete square with all the circles hidden in
    which I converted into a mesh
    and am chiselling away the unwanted parts

    what would be the easiest way to do this in spline room?

    thanks in advance

    (example of what I want at bottom)

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  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited December 1969

    Stezza - that's looking amazing!

    HeadWax - I don't know about importing files from drawing programs, but the basic shape shouldn't be difficult to do in the spline room. Use the circle tool to draw your outer and inner circles (you can copy and paste identical ones), and then select them all and use the menu Arrange->Combine as Compound, and any circles within the outer circle will become holes. That should get you close.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited December 1969

    thanks PhilW, I have your excellent tuts, haven't had a chance to watch the spline part yet. Thanks for your advice on this! cheers :)

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited November 2013

    Some extra props for my scene, the pop corn tub was done in the spline modeller, as were the arms of the glasses. I tried doing the frames for the glasses there too, but it was a lot simpler in the vertex modeller! The light effects are a spot with light cone and gel, combined with a bulb with a lens flare. I added blurred reflections to the plane, with such a simple scene it rendered very quickly anyway.

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  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Hey Headwax, the way Phil said to add holes is the way to go! I wanted to just add, it will be easier to add the shapes and conbine as compound before creating your next layer or whatever it's called.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    NIce Popcorn tub Phil! I wondered if popcorn is as popular in the old country at the movies as it is here.

    I'll post a brief tutorial on how I would make Headwax' film reel.

    1) I added 6 vertices to the extrusion path.

    2) I used the oval/circle tool to make a large circle (press shift while drawing it to constrain to a circle). I then went to Sections--> Center to center the circle.

    3) I drew another circle and sized it and positioned to where I wanted it, then copied and pasted the circle three more times, positioning the new circle between each paste function.

    4) I drew another smaller circle for the hub hole. I also added four additional small holes.

    5) I selected all the circles and went to Arrange--> Combine as Compound.

    To be continued...

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  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969


    6) I went to Sections--> Create. This copied the shape from the previous section and carried it into the current section.

    7) On the right side of the screen is the section's general tab. Make sure Fill and Disconnect from next are selected.

    8) Go to Sections--> Create. In the section that is created, delete the compound shape. Now draw a large circle. This will be the film roll. Add a smaller circle for the hub (I forgot to do this in my example) and combine as compound. Make sure the the Fill checkbox is enabled.

    9) Sections-->Create and make sure the Disconnect from next and fill checkboxes are enabled.

    10) Sections-->Create, Delete the film roll compound shape and copy and paste the reel shape from the first section and paste it into the new section. Make sure the Fill checkbox is enabled.

    11) Sections-->Create for the final section.

    To be continued...

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  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited November 2013


    You will notice that the shapes have a bit of a gap between them. That's okay, we can fix that!

    12) Go to Geometry--> Extrusion Envelope--> Symmetrical. Select one of your isometric views such as Left, Right, Top or Bottom.

    13) Select a vertice in the extrusion line (not the envelope) and move the points where you have gaps closer together. The end points may need to be moved in as well to narrow the sides of the reel edge. Hold shift while moving the vertices to constrain them to a straight line.

    14) OPTIONAL! To add a curve to the reel edges, add a vertice in-between the two sections that make form it, and in the envelope, move the vertices up a bit so that it forms a peak. Use the curve vertice tool to curve the line in the envelope. Note: The screen shot is not from my example. I wanted something a little bit easier to see

    To be continued...

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    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited November 2013


    15) go to Geometry--> Surface fidelity to increase the quality of the surface. 300% is the max.

    16) your model should be done. If you want to define specific shading domains you'll need to convert it to a vertex model.

    17) Image is an example of an added shading domain. The model will be a mess of triangles, but if the geometry in the final render looks fine you could probably leave it alone.

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    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited December 1969

    Great tutorial, and a nicely textured end result too! Though I don't really like the way that splines usually convert to a mess of triangles if you convert to a vertex model, it makes it difficult to do any further modifications. I think it is best used for objects (or object parts) that have one all-over materil and can be kept as a spline.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the tutorial, EP. That is a big help.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited December 1969

    EP, well, wow.!! Thank you so much for that! What a wonderful explanation. ! Really appreciate the time and expertise and clarity.

    now let's see, I am having trouble modelling the three headed dog I need for my render in the spline room. Each head must have eighteenth teeth and a forked tongue which is able to lick the innermost limits of it's ear.... (not rear)

    :) Just kidding. Really appreciate your help. Thank you!

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    PhilW said:
    Great tutorial, and a nicely textured end result too! Though I don't really like the way that splines usually convert to a mess of triangles if you convert to a vertex model, it makes it difficult to do any further modifications. I think it is best used for objects (or object parts) that have one all-over materil and can be kept as a spline.

    To be honest, I think my preference would be to do it as separate objects, keep them as spline objects and group them together in the Assembly room, just for the reasons you mentioned. I did it as one object just to show that with some planning, complex (or semi-complex) objects can be made with the spline modeler.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,251
    edited December 1969

    Looks like rainy days and Sundays in the spline room for me... :coolhmm:

    Thanks EP

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:

    now let's see, I am having trouble modelling the three headed dog I need for my render in the spline room. Each head must have eighteenth teeth and a forked tongue which is able to lick the innermost limits of it's ear.... (not rear)

    :) Just kidding. Really appreciate your help. Thank you!

    Okay, to do this:

    1) Unbutton your trousers.

    2) Pull them and your undergarments (if any) down around your ankles.

    3) Remove joint constraints. You'll need the extra flexibility for the next step.

    5) Bend over and position your head between your legs just so that it is sticking out rearward slightly.

    6) Bend your neck further so that the top of your head is pointing more or less upward.

    7) With a sharp thrust upwards, insert your head into your anus.

    8) From this perspective you should now realize that making a three headed dog in the Spline modeler is the least of your worries!

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Just kidding everybody! :lol:

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited November 2013

    I have hit a problem with my project - I can't reload it! I am getting the message below. Fortunately I have a reasonable render from it, but I can't do any final tweaking without recreating the scene, which I am loathe to do - it was quite a complex and busy scene, but mostly with relatively lo-poly resources.

    The file location seems to refer to folders that are either hidden or simply not there! Anyone have any ideas to see if this is recoverable? I am on Windows 8 64-bit.

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    Post edited by PhilW on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:

    now let's see, I am having trouble modelling the three headed dog I need for my render in the spline room. Each head must have eighteenth teeth and a forked tongue which is able to lick the innermost limits of it's ear.... (not rear)

    :) Just kidding. Really appreciate your help. Thank you!

    Okay, to do this:

    1) Unbutton your trousers.

    2) Pull them and your undergarments (if any) down around your ankles.

    3) Remove joint constraints. You'll need the extra flexibility for the next step.

    5) Bend over and position your head between your legs just so that it is sticking out rearward slightly.

    6) Bend your neck further so that the top of your head is pointing more or less upward.

    7) With a sharp thrust upwards, insert your head into your anus.

    8) From this perspective you should now realize that making a three headed dog in the Spline modeler is the least of your worries!

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Just kidding everybody! :lol:

    hey I already tried that yesterday , I had to get my 87 year old neighbour to come over with some baby shampoo to help the extraction process... lucky she used to be a nurse, or that's what she said, she keeps inviting me over for jam and scones now....

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited December 1969

    PhilW said:
    I have hit a problem with my project - I can't reload it! I am getting the message below. Fortunately I have a reasonable render from it, but I can't do any final tweaking without recreating the scene, which I am loathe to do - it was quite a complex and busy scene, but mostly with relatively lo-poly resources.

    The file location seems to refer to folders that are either hidden or simply not there! Anyone have any ideas to see if this is recoverable? I am on Windows 8 64-bit.

    Hey Phil, I guess you are not saving as a compressed file?
    If you are my only suggestion is to change the car suffix to zip and try unzipping it with an unzipper program
    good luck.!

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    PhilW said:
    I have hit a problem with my project - I can't reload it! I am getting the message below. Fortunately I have a reasonable render from it, but I can't do any final tweaking without recreating the scene, which I am loathe to do - it was quite a complex and busy scene, but mostly with relatively lo-poly resources.

    The file location seems to refer to folders that are either hidden or simply not there! Anyone have any ideas to see if this is recoverable? I am on Windows 8 64-bit.

    Hey Phil, I guess you are not saving as a compressed file?
    If you are my only suggestion is to change the car suffix to zip and try unzipping it with an unzipper program
    good luck.!

    Thanks for the suggestion. It was a compressed file - I know this is going to sound like a really lame question, but how do I change the suffix? Back in the day, you could just edit the name, but you can't do that these days!

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited December 1969

    Forget that question, I googled it. But when I tried to open the .zip file, it just said it was an invalid file type.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited November 2013

    hmm, not a lame question, if you are on windows they seem to do their best to hide stuff
    hopefully if you change your view of your directory tree to "detail" it will show the suffixes.
    then just right click on the file and choose "rename"
    erase the car part and put "zip" in
    if you can't see the file types then, you may have to change your folder preferences via... I don't know :) I'll look
    this is under windows btw

    edit sorry just saw your answer

    err next thing is to try importing it into another car file maybe?

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the suggestion but that did not work either. It gets to around 48% (on load or import) and then blobs out with this message. It seemed to save OK but it did take a long time to do so, so I am guessing that it is corrupted in some way.

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