►►► Carrara Cafe ◄◄◄

There is a place set aside in the web-way especially for all things Carrara. A place where you'll see things you may never have seen before - and it's all done with Carrara. A place where you can catch the latest in Carrara News or kick back and read an interesting article. See what projects might be going on or have been completed. Stroll through the Gallery of Impressive Carrara Art! It is also a place where Carrara Users can keep in touch. The forums there have great features and are awaiting your traffic. So it's a great time to Sign Up, if you haven't already, Log In and join us. What currently exists there now is a great collection of articles and tutorials, freebies and art. Tips and tricks from the pros, and much more...
The place that I speak of is The Carrara Cafe!
The Cafe can speak for itself, once you go there. I just wanted to make a short article thread here, so that people have a place here to ask questions, make suggestions and requests, etc., aside from being in the actual Cafe. It will also give me the chance to help illustrate some of what can be found within the rooms of inspiration. So I'll begin with one area, in the following post, and then move on to another. Since each will take a bit of work it's going to take a little time between now and the next post, and so on.
So here's a list of the indices that I have, so far, for this thread (although the list may expand as time goes on):
► My Cafe
► Articles
And here are some more places at the Cafe that deserve a visit:
► Projects
► Showcase
Some of these topics have fields below them within the Cafe, where you may post comments or concerns with what you've just experienced. I encourage you to do so. The people whom have brought all of this to you are dedicated Carrara enthusiasts, but also are very busy in their lives away from Carrara as well - so please be patient if you're requesting a response.
The staff at Carrara Cafe have put a wealth of time and effort into this site and many recent changes and improvements have been made, some still on-going, that have and will improve your experience. Eventually, I'm hoping to, perhaps, interview each of those involved for a 'Behind the Scenes' look into who is responsible for bringing this excellent site together. In the meantime, on with this thread:
► What's the latest Carrara News?
► Enough of this blabber. Take me to Carrara Cafe Now!
This thread is for you. So if you have any ideas on what sort of Carrara Cafe topics you'd like included in here, post your ideas or send me a PM ;)

My Cafe►►►
Once you get signed up and logged in to Carrara Cafe you'll see, on the far right of the top menu bar, your "My Cafe" downdown menu. Hover over this text to reveal your options, which allow you to:
* create and edit your profile,
* start and edit your own gallery,
* access the all new forum,
* create, view, or join a group,
* visit the Lounge and freeform discuss what's on your mind,
* check your Cafe mail,
* view Cafe members,
* view special alerts,
* view special events
The main usage of this menu, for many members, is to use the new forum, enter their group, and work in their galleries, as well as to hang out in the Lounge and chat with other online members. This, of course, after tweaking out their profile to their liking! ;)
Carrara Cafe News - Articles
While there are relatively few articles in this section currently, they are great articles and the number of them will be growing in the future. Here is a list of what's there so far, and please give me a nudge in my PM box if I miss one, and need to update this list:
► Creating cloths for Poser By GKDANTAS
Carrara's modeler is much more powerful than some folks like to give credit. With the new 8.5 upgrade, we can now do more and more between Carrara and DS Pro. Join GKDANTAS on and exploration of how you can make your own conforming clothing using a Carrara and DS Pro workflow!
► New DAZ Install Manager and Carrara 8.5 benefits By 3DRENDERO
Ever wonder whether or not using the DIM is a good or bad thing for installing Carrara stuff? Join 3DRENDERO in this enlightening walkthrough!
► Essential Plugins for Carrara By Holly Wetcircuit
Holly explores some of the plugins available for Carrara in this excellent and in-depth article!
► Project Walkthrough by StuOVision By GKDANTAS
Follow modeling expert Stu Sutcliff on a journey through the workflow he used to create one of his amazing pieces of art!
► Luxus the Luxrender plugin for Carrara By 3DRENDERO
The new Luxus the Luxrender plugin for Carrara is being developed by Spheric Labs at a very rapid rate. This blog is supposed to collect the most important information in one place.
The latest support additions are manual changes, free shaders and a FAQ, thanks to rk66, 3DAGE and Jay NOLA.
Carrara Cafe Articles - Plugins & Scripts
This category within the Cafe includes articles for specific plugins and scripts. Here is a list of what's there right now. Please give me a nudge in my PM box if I miss one, and need to update this list:
► Advanced Shader Tweaker plugin by Fenric
SHADER TWEAKER plugin which adjusts many multi-shader values all at once.
► Move to Camera plugin by Fenric
Prolific plugin creator Fenric has released another helpful Carrara addon.
► Luxus plugin updated
Luxus for Carrara by Spheric Labs has been updated to version
► Preview of Octane Render for Carrara
Carrara will have a new GPU render option soon, according to an announcement on Octane Render’s website!
► PySwarm: Swarming Python Script for PyCarrara
PySwarm for Carrara is a Python script by fractaldimensia specifically designed and written to use with DAZ 3D Carrara’s plug-in PyCarrara...
C3DE Magazine
Carrara 3D Expo (C3DE) is an excellent source of information, interviews, tutorials... Carrara-only bliss! And it's beautifully and professionally crafted just for us!
►►► Visit Jeffrey Linn's C3DE Page Direct! where you may view each article online
►►► Download Carrara 3D Expo Magazines Direct! from jetbird's ShareCG store (Free)
Either the cafe is closed for refurbishments or someones done a runner with the keys as all those links are down for me atm :(
here and the following pages:
sorry Dart! ;(
I'll re-write my posts here soon, with all new text and links.
No prob, you guys n gals are doing a fantastic job and besides, everyone deserves a rest here n there right ;)