How to "unfill" a polygon (Vertex Modeling)

I watched a Utube video (Vertex Modeling Tutorial Part 2 by Dimensiont). This segment of the video was on the Ruled Surface Tool. It said to create a circle and "unfill it to get the vertex lines instead of the polygon". How do I unfill the lines?
Though these tutorials are fast-paced, I have found them very helpful if I replay them and watch carefully. In this case I think maybe short cuts/hot keys are being used.
Thank you!
What program is this for, Carrara or Hexagon? Are you using Windows or a Mac?
HI VolcanicMink
In Carrara it's Ctrl+Shift+F to "Unfill" a polygon. but,.. you can also create the shape "line", without creating a filled polygon and then un-filling it.
Use the Circle line tool, instead of the filled Oval tool.
The best place for help and advice on a specific program, is in the Software forum for that product, as that's generally were the users will be.
Hope it helps :)
Thank you 3DAGE, that works. I am familiar with the polyline tool, but I'd have never figured out the Ctrl command. I did forget to mention that I was using Carrara7.
I am glad you got your problem sorted out.
Since DAZ now produce DAZ Studio, Carrara, Bryce and Hexagon, it is always a good idea to let us know which one you are using, and also what Operating System you use as well, especially in the New Users Forum, as that can also make a difference. It helps to get an answer more quickly.