
the advert for it here http://www.daz3d.com/sales-promotions has at the bottom a showing for HDMesh in Daz Studio 64bit coming to the entire line of Genesis 2 Figures. Do you think we will get this with Carrara. Is this so you can do finer detail if you use GoZ or can export to 3d-coat do you think?
I hope, that helps:
The HD morphs don't work in the current version of Carrara 8.5
Is this why C9 was planned for so quickly, perhaps?
Is this why C9 was planned for so quickly, perhaps?
Maybe so.. of course I have been away from the forums is there any good scuttlebut on C9?
It does.. just means the high end product is left out again :)
Not much scuttlebutt for C9. I think everybody is still working through the C8.5 kinks and features. ;-)
RawArt Deep sea creature exported as obj with subdivision has HD morphs
here he is in carrara as duf gouraud next to the HD obj
wondering if I can use this somehow as a morph target?
trying transfer tool with morphs enabled in studio will post result
looks ok to me
ok but not HD
see this thread http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/36134/
one done in Bryce
month open
you are missing my point Bigh
when I have finished what I am doing will post results
ok one is default deepsea creature .duf in carrara, the other my rerigged HDmesh version
I just checked the DS to iClone face stuff - looked ok
didn't take it over to iClone yet .
Did you check it out in iClone ?
have the default not HD version, very smooth fish
the rerigged HD version too much crashes 3dx5
have a good day
I finally got my HD rerigged mesh into iclone
will play with him more in carrara
you know the wireframe render IS subdivided if you import a duf scene! just not morphed fully
so it SHOULD be possible to implement somehow in carrara using the displacement possibly as others have said
carrara creates 3D mesh from displacement just like this does from those mysterious morphs.
if only one could map those morphs on a texture map!
I did a quickish iClone video with a tiny bit of carrara
Exactly. I agree about the SubD and how there should be some way to make it work in Carrara. But when I asked, they said that we need a plugin for it to work. Something with Pixar technologies - or something like that. Carrara does a great job of SubD, so I'm hoping that we get the plugin for us.
OK it imports into Poser 2012 and a saved cr2 loads in carrara but has two meshes
a genesis and a subD
I cannot separate or hide one
it loads mimic and aniblockks!
weightmaps broken
might try fenrics script
fenrics Poser weightpaint fixed the rigging but still got that Siamese conjoined HD twin unmorphed Genesis mesh I cannot remove either if one could somehow combine them?