Carrara Grid

I bought Carrara Grid and installed it on my one PC that is running Carrara Pro 8.
I can't find documentation of Carrara grid and how to use the other PCs in my office for the rendering farm?
Can someone direct me to the documentation?
Also, what is the advantage of the grid over the built in network capability of Carrara?
Carrara Pro's built in network render feature is limited to something like five computers. There may be a core limit as well, but I can't say for sure. I believe Grid allows you to use something like twenty computers (or more). As to the actual functionality or additional benefits, I can't say as I don't have it. If you decide that Grid is overkill for you at the moment, DAZ has a thirty day money back guarantee.
Built in network rendering was upped to ten machines some time ago.
That's good to know. Was it in C7 Pro? Because that's all that I'm familiar with.