Should I include Default/Zero Poses?

edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

Let me explain a little about what I'm doing. As an animator, I very much enjoy using the pose presets. These come in extremely handy when animating. Whenever I start creating animations for any character, the first thing I do is go thru each of the separate parts and make pose presets, especially for animals, and especially for things like ears, necks, tails, and so on.

Ultimately, I will sell all the animation presets and pose presets, in large animation sets for others to animate scenes and videos more quickly. The issue I'm asking about here, is that in my set that I use, I always make a pose preset at all zero settings, or what is normally the default pose. Now, I don't want to get in any trouble because I just saved the default and now am selling them. It is just part of the set and it makes it easier to have it right there, instead of searching for the folder with the default pose in it. Granted, there is generally not just a pose preset for just ears when you get a character, but still. So, I'm asking the community what they think, and how I should handle this. It's probably worth noting, that my animation sets will have dozens and dozens of animation and presets, if not hundreds. It makes no difference personally to me, if the zero pose preset is in the package or not, but it does make it much easier for the user.

What do you think, and how should I handle this? Do you think this might be an issue with the copyright holder of the animal/monster/creature I'm creating the animations for?


  • ReDaveReDave Posts: 815
    edited December 1969

    No it's just telling the figure that it needs to apply a 0 rotation, so there can't possibly be any intellectual property attached to it (unless and until there is IP on numbers, which may happen sometime far in the future).
    It's always useful to have a zero pose in the same folder as the poses, although if you're going to make one for each bodypart they may end up being lost. There *are* commands to zero poses built-in in DS, but many many newbies seem to be unaware of it.

  • edited July 2012

    ReDave said:
    There *are* commands to zero poses built-in in DS, but many many newbies seem to be unaware of it.

    Yeah, and of course you could just zero each trans, but I personally hate digging thru drop downs, or typing numbers in and it all just slows you down. Pose Presets make animating a scene super easy. I find presets much more easy to use than using Animate2, but it is a bit different for me cause I can have any mocap movement in an hour or so. Then, I just just make it a preset and drop it into a scene.
    Post edited by omedhue_196e22b81c on
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