Strage problem with homemade poses and characters

I'm a long time Poser user and have been experimenting more and more with DS Pro 4.0 with a view of making the switch. Hopefully someone has an answer as to why I'm getting odd things happening when I try to apply poses converted from V3/M3 or M4/V4 to Genesis based characters.
Here's what happens:
1. A pose is applied to the base Genesis from one of my V3/M3 or M4/V4 collections ( located inside the Poser formats section of the library)
2. The feet and hand positions are corrected using the GnResetHandFeetTranslation script downloaded from here ( it works great BTW!)
3. I save the Pose to a new sub-folder in the DAZ Studio library ( Genesis-Poses-test ). I tried it several ways. First by using the little + sign under the content panel and then by doing file-save as-Pose Preset and then by hitting the icon at the top of the view port in the Posing "room". It shows up in the library OK and will work when I apply it to another base Genesis.
4. The problem comes if I try to apply the test pose to a Genesis figure that has any shaping done to it. It doesn't matter if I turn the dials to basic female or make a super hero type guy. When I go to apply the test pose, Genesis reverts back to it's base form, erasing any morphs or shaping.
Oh, one other thing.. I tried saving a character preset so I could use it again later like you do in Poser . But when I double clicked on it to apply it to a base Genesis nothing happened.
System info: Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit. 12 GB RAM. AMD Radeon HD 6450 graphics card
Thanks for your help.
To save poses and shapes i use:
save as
DSF pose (or shaping) file
Have you tried that?
Thanks for the reply.. I just tried your suggestion for saving the pose and nothing happened. No pose showed up in my test pose folder and no character shows up. But they will show up if I click on the little "plus sign: at the bottom of the content library panel and save it as a DSF pose file or character file. The character will apply to a base genesis and a converted pose will work keeping the character intact. Odd, I could have sworn I did it that way before. But obviously I did something wrong.
I wonder.. Could it be I was trying to do this ion the wrong "room". I tried all of the above in the Actors, Wardrobes and Props "room". Does it matter which room you create and save characters and poses in?
Thanks again
Are you sure you looked in the folder that the .dsf poses were saved to (studio might save dsf files to another location by default)? It seems strange that no file was created.
If you right click on a folder in the content library you can "browse to folder location". If you are not sure were your saved poses are going you could save your pose file to your desktop, then go the folder in studio you want your pose to show up in, right click on it and "browse to the folder location" to open the folder in win7. Then you can just drag the poses from your desktop to your content folder. Once you're sure you're in the right folder you can browse to it in studio when you save your file. Then studio will save the next files in the same folder by default. (every "save as" option has it's own default folder it saves too, so you could have different default folders for the poses and the shapes for example)
There aren't really "rooms" in studio like there are in poser, so it doesn't matter in which room you make the poses. The rooms in studio are just to organize the view port a little. I think you can even customize it anyway you want to.
When I have saved files using the File menu I have had to do a search before they show up.
IIRC when I used the + sign in a folder it shows up straight away.
Thanks Elele. I did all those things. I tried the "browse to location" thingy first so I could see what folders to look in, Nothing was there. It wouldn't surprise me if this was just my computer being silly.
Glad to see things aren't "room specific" in Studio.
No, that's one thing I didn't do. Instead I just hunted through the user/my documents/DAZ 3D/studio/ My Library. Nothing was there.
One last question: I noticed that after I saved the test character and pose I saw a new Folder under DAZ 3D called Studio 4. That's where those items went after I saved using the + sign. Is that equivalent to the "downloads" folder you see in the Poser Runtimes?
I have 3 subfolders in the DAZ 3D folder under "my documents": Studio, studio3 and studio4. I don't know why there are so many, but it's possible that they are all being used.
I'm afraid I don't know why your files are not being created :(
Have you tried to save a file to your desktop to make sure? (using the "save as dsf" option)
I'll give that a try, thanks. I'm sure it'll work once I get the hang of where things belong. I remember similar things happening when I was learning Poser.
When using the Save as -> Pose Preset, you should get a window with a hierarchy for your body parts, as well as for parameters like scaling, translation and morphs. Make sure you expand these and untick the boxes that relate to morphs, and keep only the body parts checked and possibly any translation if you want to maintain a certain x, y, z position in your scene. If you set up and saved your pose using a default-shaped genesis, it is picking up these parameters and then applying them to the figure you apply the pose to, hence it reverts back to this shape.
I'd attach a screenshot to help, but unfortunately i'm not at my usual PC.
Good Luck!
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I've never seen the window you described regardless of how I tried to save the pose. I just get a window popping up with the file location so I can name the pose.
I'm wondering if there's something strange about my installation and/or how my machine is handling DAZ Studio. It wouldn't surprise me.. Adobe had to rewrite a few files in Illustrator CS6 to get it to work properly on this computer.