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I'd love to see that Mei Lin render with a less crazy camera lens setting.
I'm sure eventually AI will make a lot of this irrelevant, although we'll still need to art direct it, and that might be by creating renders we hand over to an AI to "photorealize"
It's probably more the opposite. People who are more used to looking at 3D images will be acclimated to 3D people and have a narrower uncanny valley while normal people will just instinctively know something isnt real and it falls into their giant chasm of an uncanny valley.
Obvious gaffs like interpenetration, misplaced shadows, etc., often give things away, but I think it may be skin. That said, I got back a few responses from my friends on the trilogy of images I posted a few posts back (and right here, for convenience), and there wasn't a concensus, although 2 of 3 picked the Oh render of Vicky as a photo.
(I told them 1 or 2 was CGI, and the other 1 or 2 was photo).
Friend 1 (a painter)
That’s hard to say, because there’s no clear focal point and everything is low grade pixels. 1 & 3 have have very unfinished look. 1 has no reflection in the eyes and the pupal is all black. The seconds is the only one in focus but it is also very symmetrical It has a look of graphics and focus/ or black ground blur has me guessing. 3 just comes across as middle of the road. Not enough details to go off of. Not overly pretty (2), or quirky realism of (1). So my total guess is 3. Who knows
Friend 2 (librarian with no art background)
1&3 are CGI, 2 is photo
Although, 2 has that weird line below the hair line
1 looks intuitively the realest
Friend 3 (ex-professional photographer)
Left: 2
Middle 3 (more photo)
Right 1 (more fake)
There was also no any concensus as to how to reply to my question!
Her nose in particular looks very good.
There are parts where it doesnt look so good though - that said, the information is there so you can probably make it look good.
1 looks the realest, but 2 is a photo? That's an odd conclusion to reach. It seems like the one that looks like a photo would, by definition, be the most real.
I suspect that's the way most people assess things—their impression, then some analys if they think it's called for.
Firtstly that is some terrifying photoshopping work.
my personal theory is that its a prepronderance of elements that sells realness. So in that image, while the skin has been photoblasted into horrifying unreality, there are still a bunch of elements that do match reality so we still go "this is something real that has been photoshopped." The hair is an obvious element, but also the lighting, the eyes, and also the larger facial structure
with that said, If you told me this was a cg face blended with real hair, I'd probably believe it.
j cade said:
That's a compelling theory.
about shoulder position in nr.1, I just focused on the skin, environment and render setting. Her shoulders are default G8F pose. that's why ;-)
This research survey is very interesting. I think we should have forum polls. See how far spread out we are.
I agree with the painter's opinions but I think 1&2 mainly look fake because they are staring straight forward, no one does that. 3 actually looks at you but she's missing some crucial anatomical elements, namely the nasolabial lines and maybe some infraorbital lines. If you photoshop those in there she might look real.
Thanks for editing
What? I don't that's how we all looked when we just got out of bed in the morning?
i can only guess what you are referring to.
Dang, I was hoping nobody would figure out this was a selfie
A recent render,
also a product recommendation for any and all of alfan's expression sets - I generally don't use them at full strength, but in the 40-60 range and then further tweak with the pose controls. But I find alfan's expressions have a lot of character and asymmetry so I find with them as a base my expressions end up looking less stiff and more natural
also a test render with a happy accident with refraction.
ignore the skin which doesn't look great, but look at that green light being refracted and then illuminating the iris and catching the hd morph (most of the 8.1 core figures come with hd iris morphs but generally they're not all that noticeable)
Wow J Cade, Your render look great. The eye shader you have worked on show the eyes nicely.
Excellent work!
This probably doesn't cover much that people following this thread don't know, but here's a nice mainstream review of how Hollywood is making lifelike CGI skin for film.
This is as close as I can get to realistic skin.
finally found a good combination of maps and skin shaders. for texture maps for skin shaders.
Rendered with Spectral Rendering set to Natural 1964
SunSky only environment
Tone mapping defaul, except shutter closure value at 112
Just a few sample closeup renders with 8k real skin scans in Daz on G8.1F, using Uber/IRay not PBR Skin. And some of my coctail of effects, which I scaled down because the skin is just sooo good on it's own.
Those look amazing, charles. Are the 8k textures specifically for Genesis 8 or did you have to maniputlate them?
Thanks! I use 8.1F but use the base_female G8 UV set for body/head as I have my own micrososkin for uber and a layering and tone system developed for those maps that I am not ready to move to the 8.1 map sets. So I did convert some of them from 8.1 to 8. The base skins are done by a guy out of Hungry, I think he maybe partnered with 3D-SK (Who I have been using for micro detailing for a while and have a huge set of reference pics from) but not sure, I need to drop him a PM. I also find I like the effect from Scatter&Transmit over PBRSkin, it just seems to pop more. I only did closeups because I've been using a male specular map that is creating seams and trying to clean it up now. Not all his stuff is 8k, I think he's just now moving into it with the newer skins and one needs remember to bump up the render compression max or it's lost.
To be honest I don't have the kind of eye you and Cade have with your posts and so am usually passive on those, but have very much been inspired.
LOL I guess I didn't censor that waist image to the satisfaction of the moderator it was just removed.
So here is a question for those working with the shader mixer. Is it possible to have a second Bump map?
Fore example with the hand and other parts I would like to have my main base map (I don't use normal) and then have another to do finer detail like exagerating the knuckle seams.