March 2019 - Daz 3D New User Challenge - Posing

LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

New User's Challenge - March 2019

Sponsored by DAZ 3D

Are you new to the 3D World? Are you at the beginning stages of learning 3D rendering? Have you been around for a little bit but feel you could benefit from some feedback or instruction? Have you been around awhile and would like to help other members start their creative journey? Well then come and join the fun as we host our newest render challenge!


This challenge is a general render challenge with the focus being on how you pose the characters in your image. We're providing you with lots of great links on Posing from a variety of sources. To get started, find a photograph or drawing using this link or this link (be sure the image you use is labeled for non-commercial reuse - though we will only be using it as reference), to use as a reference. Additional searches approved for use include Dance 2RunningFighting. Google search results return different results for different people. These links should give everyone plenty to choose from.

Then try to pose your character as closely as possible to match the reference image. For this challenge, please post your reference image, a link to it, and your render. This will give forum viewers an idea of the pose you are trying to achieve and will lead to more helpful suggestions. Have fun!


How to Use Your Software:
Software is often updated, and online tutorials and information often demonstrate older versions of the software. The software version you are using may differ in User Interface and tools available. Please share links to reference material that you have found helpful in the Challenge thread.

in DAZ Studio
Daz Documentation Center [Wiki] [Associated YouTube Video]
Daz 101: Posing
Pinning, Posing and the Active Pose Tool
Applying Partial Poses

DAZ Studio Tips 2 - Symmetry and Partial Poses
DAZ Studio - Using Puppeteer
Great Art Now - Posing And Morphing [Daz Store Download] [YouTube Video]
Some good tips in this forum thread.

in Poser

Pose and Editing Tools 101
Artistic Posing Techniques for 3D Human Figures - Very in Depth
Introduction to Posing in Poser
Poser Tutorial: Quick Posing

in Carrara
Dartanbeck's simple method of character animation (Carrara Cafe article, great for those who prefer illustrated written tutorials)
Huge list of helpful forum links (scroll to Animation and Posing section) If you have a problem, your answer might be here!
Carrara 8 Joint Rotation 
Carrara 8 Puppeteer
Carrara 3D Tutorial - Posing a Figure
Posing in Carrara
Posing Tips - Carrara Cafe

in Bryce
While it is not possible to pose things in Bryce, you are welcome to do your posing in another program such as DAZ Studio or Poser, then export and render in Bryce. For information on how to use the Bryce bridge to import a DS scene into Bryce:

Always worth a look: last years Posing challenge:


I will be checking in as will the rest of the Community Volunteers to try and help with anything you all may need.

For a list of the current challenge rules, please see this thread: Challenge Rules

Closing Date: March 31st, 2019


Post edited by Linwelly on


  • I think that I found something that I can work with this month, but it will have to wait untill after I get home from my friend's place after work.

  • guess I'll post this one the pose was fun to do a few things kind of came up from limitations the original girl has much wider shoulders "A" and the upper chest and shoulders are dependant reducing how far the shoulder can swing "B" plus the foot only has two parts without a curve to the ball of the foot "C" the elbow had to be left further out because of the clothing trying to swallow the arm up as if it was part of the torso.

    reference_submission_ issues

    1366 x 768 - 78K
    3840 x 2160 - 2M
    3840 x 2160 - 3M
  • AngelikMAngelikM Posts: 104
    edited March 2019

    Hi, apparently the links have the word cat attached...this is where they’re taking me laugh

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance.

    P.S. Wondering : do I work with cat poses?

    1536 x 2048 - 4M
    Post edited by AngelikM on
  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192
    edited March 2019

    Here's my start. Once I'm closer to the referance, I'll think about environment for him.

    edit- I found the referance here.

    3000 x 1956 - 213K
    1068 x 872 - 1M
    Post edited by Shinji Ikari 9th on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    Angelik M said:

    Hi, apparently the links have the word cat attached...this is where they’re taking me laugh

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance.

    P.S. Wondering : do I work with cat poses?

    Haha you can do that if you like, it's not restricted to human figures,

    I have no idea how that came to pass, as for me I get humans poses. It's ok to go google yourself for poses, just make sure that the image you choose has some license attached saying it's ok for noncommercial use. there are a lot of free to use nice reference poses to find on deviantArt as well.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    guess I'll post this one the pose was fun to do a few things kind of came up from limitations the original girl has much wider shoulders "A" and the upper chest and shoulders are dependant reducing how far the shoulder can swing "B" plus the foot only has two parts without a curve to the ball of the foot "C" the elbow had to be left further out because of the clothing trying to swallow the arm up as if it was part of the torso.

    reference_submission_ issues

    very cool choice of pose and excellent start!

    Some questions and ideas. First let me ask which figure you are using, because you mention the foot not to get the curve, made. For g2 generation that is true. G3 and g8 give you a lot of foot movement using methastarsis and heel bone as well.  I think what you missed is that the foot has a light twist and a sideways skip to it as well.

    For the shoulders, you know you can take out the limitations by clicking on the cogwheel of the bone and in the popping up window untick the lilmitations or set a wider limit. Sure this should be used with eyesight as the limits have been set for average human movement but the athletics like that those limits are often too limiting.

    Aside from that there is more sideways bent in the upper body of the original than in your image and I'm not sure how far you used the collarbone.

    Take this with a grain of salt, you've done a spectacular start, so I'm just pushing you a bit more ;)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    Here's my start. Once I'm closer to the referance, I'll think about environment for him.

    edit- I found the referance here.

    Shinji nice pic, firefighters deserve respect. I think you would help yourself if you resize the plane with your original to normal , he looks a bit sqished there so it gets harder for you to get the details.

    You're already getting close, with your figure but note that the firefighter looks exactly where his hose points at, so the head needs to get nore down and the body is bet sideways and twisted as well. His left arm is far more behind the body leading the hose around. I think the central difference is that your guy shows "I'm alert, ready to shoot" while the firefighter is concentrated, taking care. I would like to see that in your figure as well, I know you can do that ;)

  • Here is my first pass at this.  I still have a bit of work to go, but I have the initial rough pose.  Like dragoneyes002 said, I am having issues with the size of the original photo models versus the G8 models.  Based on my scaling of the original photo, both of the figures are not as tall as the G8 female or male figures.  My guess, based on her outstreached hand from mid finger to center chest is that she is roughly 160 cm (5 ft. 3 in.) tall, where the G8F is about 180 cm (5 ft. 11 in.) tall.  I fixed this is post by resizing the pose image and composting it onto the background as it seems to provide a better result than just scaling the G8 models down in DS.

    I need to work on both of the poses, as her pelvis and hips need adjustment along with the bend at the waist to open up the spacing for his foot.  I will have to see what I can do so create an impression on her thigh were his foot intersects and all the detail work associated with the hands, feet and arms still needs to be completed.

    777 x 600 - 73K
    Pose v1.jpg
    777 x 600 - 262K
  • sueyasueya Posts: 832
    edited March 2019

    This is my first version of my pose. I am not sure how to get her hands closer together. I also think her body may need to be more curved.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    Here is my first pass at this.  I still have a bit of work to go, but I have the initial rough pose.  Like dragoneyes002 said, I am having issues with the size of the original photo models versus the G8 models.  Based on my scaling of the original photo, both of the figures are not as tall as the G8 female or male figures.  My guess, based on her outstreached hand from mid finger to center chest is that she is roughly 160 cm (5 ft. 3 in.) tall, where the G8F is about 180 cm (5 ft. 11 in.) tall.  I fixed this is post by resizing the pose image and composting it onto the background as it seems to provide a better result than just scaling the G8 models down in DS.

    I need to work on both of the poses, as her pelvis and hips need adjustment along with the bend at the waist to open up the spacing for his foot.  I will have to see what I can do so create an impression on her thigh were his foot intersects and all the detail work associated with the hands, feet and arms still needs to be completed.

    I'm having ouchies just by looking at this LOL

    the g8 figures are getting rather tall by now and I understand that might be an added difficulty. If you're an owner of the body morphs for the g8 (you can use any other figure as well if they fit your attempt better) you could dial down their height to make them more fitting to the original. other than that I'm awaiting what you come up with after the changes, just one thing that might have escaped you is theat his body is not flat on the floor in your image (or so it seems to me). They always need some extra dialing to really lie on the floor and not like a stiff puppet ;)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited March 2019
    sueya said:

    This is my first version of my pose. I am not sure how to get her hands closer together. I also think her body may need to be more curved.

    Sueya to move the arm so that the hands end closer together you can use the shoulder twist part or in this case I would advice to use the collarbone forward dial, which will help at the same time getting her back looking rounder, or rather a combination of both.

    Before you do that I suggest adjusting the hip and back area. In the moment all the bending happens in the pelvis while the lowest abdomen is bent backwards (makes no sense but most genesis figure poses cause severe backake to the poor girls with the backwards bent. Just for fun try to apply a similar sitting pose of a male figure on the girl, this works rather well with most and avoids that backake ;)

    So relax the pelvis bent and give a low positive bent to the abdomen area following with similar bend for the upper body. The hightst body part might need a tad of backward bent.

    The next trick that will help you getting closer to what you want is rotate the whole figure by the x axis.

    Looking forward to your next one

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • dragoneyes002dragoneyes002 Posts: 205
    edited March 2019

    guess I'll post this one the pose was fun to do a few things kind of came up from limitations the original girl has much wider shoulders "A" and the upper chest and shoulders are dependant reducing how far the shoulder can swing "B" plus the foot only has two parts without a curve to the ball of the foot "C" the elbow had to be left further out because of the clothing trying to swallow the arm up as if it was part of the torso.

    reference_submission_ issues

    Linwelly said:

    guess I'll post this one the pose was fun to do a few things kind of came up from limitations the original girl has much wider shoulders "A" and the upper chest and shoulders are dependant reducing how far the shoulder can swing "B" plus the foot only has two parts without a curve to the ball of the foot "C" the elbow had to be left further out because of the clothing trying to swallow the arm up as if it was part of the torso.

    reference_submission_ issues

    very cool choice of pose and excellent start!

    Some questions and ideas. First let me ask which figure you are using, because you mention the foot not to get the curve, made. For g2 generation that is true. G3 and g8 give you a lot of foot movement using methastarsis and heel bone as well.  I think what you missed is that the foot has a light twist and a sideways skip to it as well.

    For the shoulders, you know you can take out the limitations by clicking on the cogwheel of the bone and in the popping up window untick the lilmitations or set a wider limit. Sure this should be used with eyesight as the limits have been set for average human movement but the athletics like that those limits are often too limiting.

    Aside from that there is more sideways bent in the upper body of the original than in your image and I'm not sure how far you used the collarbone.

    Take this with a grain of salt, you've done a spectacular start, so I'm just pushing you a bit more ;)

    I've already surpassed the limits. what I meant on the sholders was the reference woman has VERY wide shoulders and I don't see how i can achieve that on the daz character. its one direction the joint doesn't go  (Up down front back and twist not side to side as in in out (IE:you can't move the sholder nearer or farther from the neck)) the other part is to have her chest in line with the reference there is a limit to just how far out of line the sholders will go (not the limit from the settings but the possible deviation from the chests alignment pushing past this creates problems like the underarm stretching and caving in. the sideways bend is there on my character the problem was the elbow can't get in tight to the clothing the arm is at the last possible place before the clothes covers the arm as part of the chest (problem with Dforce ) the elbow is tucked into the chest but the clothing doesn't show colision if I was to take the top off you'd see just how far in the arm actually is already but without a top I'd likely be able to tuck the elbow all the way in and get the same look as the reference yet I think we are not supposed to post even partial nudes


    PS: the character I think is a G8 but could be a G3

    Post edited by dragoneyes002 on
  • dragoneyes002dragoneyes002 Posts: 205
    edited March 2019

    Here is my first pass at this.  I still have a bit of work to go, but I have the initial rough pose.  Like dragoneyes002 said, I am having issues with the size of the original photo models versus the G8 models.  Based on my scaling of the original photo, both of the figures are not as tall as the G8 female or male figures.  My guess, based on her outstreached hand from mid finger to center chest is that she is roughly 160 cm (5 ft. 3 in.) tall, where the G8F is about 180 cm (5 ft. 11 in.) tall.  I fixed this is post by resizing the pose image and composting it onto the background as it seems to provide a better result than just scaling the G8 models down in DS.

    I need to work on both of the poses, as her pelvis and hips need adjustment along with the bend at the waist to open up the spacing for his foot.  I will have to see what I can do so create an impression on her thigh were his foot intersects and all the detail work associated with the hands, feet and arms still needs to be completed.

    one thing which will help is bring her butt up she's angled more and it'll make the gap for his foot easier to get. his leg is turned about 5-10 degrees.the torso twist she has on the reference is deceiving there is a lot of it.

    Post edited by dragoneyes002 on
  • dragoneyes002dragoneyes002 Posts: 205
    edited March 2019
    sueya said:

    This is my first version of my pose. I am not sure how to get her hands closer together. I also think her body may need to be more curved.

    the reference is shaped as a wide V while you have a Check mark shape the pelvis needs to open up which will dive the legs into the ground making you need to rotate the entire figure. once you get the same angle as the reference you can then adjust the rest of the torso joints without it moving the entire character. this should make things a bit easier.

    the other thing set a camera at the same view as the reference in this case "dead on" then use perspective to make changes and switch to Cam when you want to check the results of changes.

    to get hands closer together: select the upper arm 1st choice or the shoulder not always a good choice (depends on arm position) and use Twist 

    Post edited by dragoneyes002 on
  • AngelikMAngelikM Posts: 104
    edited March 2019

    First attempt (many, many things to arrange: like the merging of some human parts or the body's accuracy, etc! Critiques are very much appreciated, yet I guess better not to waste your time now, it is very very very drafty!!!).

    Posting to make sure no one else has chosen the same reference imagecheeky Here it is the link

    It is taken sooooooo loooooong to render, so I'd taken a screenshot (really sorry for the quality...quite tiredcrying)

    Wondering: can we elaborate from the reference image as the raw theme? Meaning: can we change the background and the characters and so on... maintaining the accuracy of the pose (NOT changing it) or does one needs to reference the theme of the image? Thanks in advance.

    Off I go... happy challenge, everyone!

    P.S. Linwelly,yep LOL.... thanks for letting me know that anyone can google their own reference image... I'm considering playing with some kitties and doggies poses just for fun if I have time...LOL

    Captura de pantalla 2019-03-05 a la(s) 00.21.48.png
    925 x 636 - 398K
    Captura de pantalla 2019-03-05 a la(s) 00.53.37.png
    445 x 581 - 156K
    Post edited by AngelikM on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    guess I'll post this one the pose was fun to do a few things kind of came up from limitations the original girl has much wider shoulders "A" and the upper chest and shoulders are dependant reducing how far the shoulder can swing "B" plus the foot only has two parts without a curve to the ball of the foot "C" the elbow had to be left further out because of the clothing trying to swallow the arm up as if it was part of the torso.

    reference_submission_ issues

    Linwelly said:

    guess I'll post this one the pose was fun to do a few things kind of came up from limitations the original girl has much wider shoulders "A" and the upper chest and shoulders are dependant reducing how far the shoulder can swing "B" plus the foot only has two parts without a curve to the ball of the foot "C" the elbow had to be left further out because of the clothing trying to swallow the arm up as if it was part of the torso.

    reference_submission_ issues

    very cool choice of pose and excellent start!

    Some questions and ideas. First let me ask which figure you are using, because you mention the foot not to get the curve, made. For g2 generation that is true. G3 and g8 give you a lot of foot movement using methastarsis and heel bone as well.  I think what you missed is that the foot has a light twist and a sideways skip to it as well.

    For the shoulders, you know you can take out the limitations by clicking on the cogwheel of the bone and in the popping up window untick the lilmitations or set a wider limit. Sure this should be used with eyesight as the limits have been set for average human movement but the athletics like that those limits are often too limiting.

    Aside from that there is more sideways bent in the upper body of the original than in your image and I'm not sure how far you used the collarbone.

    Take this with a grain of salt, you've done a spectacular start, so I'm just pushing you a bit more ;)

    I've already surpassed the limits. what I meant on the sholders was the reference woman has VERY wide shoulders and I don't see how i can achieve that on the daz character. its one direction the joint doesn't go  (Up down front back and twist not side to side as in in out (IE:you can't move the sholder nearer or farther from the neck)) the other part is to have her chest in line with the reference there is a limit to just how far out of line the sholders will go (not the limit from the settings but the possible deviation from the chests alignment pushing past this creates problems like the underarm stretching and caving in. the sideways bend is there on my character the problem was the elbow can't get in tight to the clothing the arm is at the last possible place before the clothes covers the arm as part of the chest (problem with Dforce ) the elbow is tucked into the chest but the clothing doesn't show colision if I was to take the top off you'd see just how far in the arm actually is already but without a top I'd likely be able to tuck the elbow all the way in and get the same look as the reference yet I think we are not supposed to post even partial nudes


    PS: the character I think is a G8 but could be a G3

    I tested a little with g8 (not to perfection, just wanted to get a better feel for it as I'm mostly using g3) and yes I see the shoulder problem might be an anatomical one, with the daz ladies mostly being wider on the hip than in the shoulders. Again if you have the morphs you can change that and buff her a bit up to fit the original a bit closer. The shirt starting to cover the arms when they are too close to the body is less one of dforce and more a collision thing. I tried with the tank top that comes as underwear with the g8 basic that reacted mostly ignorant to the arm. If you want to post somthing "nude" you can turn the figure to clay (nipples dialed out) then its ok to post here, I guess showing only part of the figure would be confusing to see and sort what goes where ;)

    As  final though, I think you need to adjust you camera  a bit moving it more frontal to the figure and in relation to that the lower body needs more of a sideways twist.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    Angelik M said:

    First attempt (many, many things to arrange: like the merging of some human parts or the body's accuracy, etc! Critiques are very much appreciated, yet I guess better not to waste your time now, it is very very very drafty!!!).

    Posting to make sure no one else has chosen the same reference imagecheeky Here it is the link

    It is taken sooooooo loooooong to render, so I'd taken a screenshot (really sorry for the quality...quite tiredcrying)

    Wondering: can we elaborate from the reference image as the raw theme? Meaning: can we change the background and the characters and so on... maintaining the accuracy of the pose (NOT changing it) or does one needs to reference the theme of the image? Thanks in advance.

    Off I go... happy challenge, everyone!

    P.S. Linwelly,yep LOL.... thanks for letting me know that anyone can google their own reference image... I'm considering playing with some kitties and doggies poses just for fun if I have time...LOL

    You can change the background and the situation, its would be good to maintain similar personage (eg if you chose a child insted of the female the relation of things would be off, if you chose a male instad of the female but with similar size and built, no problem there) it is as well helpfull to keep a similar light situation like where is light and where is shadow and if you want a different camera position for artisic reasons it would be good to let a render with the original cam position go with it to make it more relatable for others to watch.

    As a general note its very useful to look at the scene through other camera once in a while because sometime after a lot of moving body parts around you're happy with the view you have but from another angle it get completely unreasonable.


    In relation to your post, you've chosen a complex pose as well where the two figures are very depending on the correct posing of the other one. And you've gotten very close already

    the first thing I'd advise is to adjust your camera setting or twist both figures around so that we're looking more on that backside of the guy (create a group with both figures selected you can turn them by the y axis together as they are). As well the original camera is slightly from below the actors while yours comes slightly from above

    and something that jumped to me is that the foot pose of him needs adjustment ( he's karate fighting atm ;))  Good work, I'm curious where you're taking this.


  • Linwelly said:

    guess I'll post this one the pose was fun to do a few things kind of came up from limitations the original girl has much wider shoulders "A" and the upper chest and shoulders are dependant reducing how far the shoulder can swing "B" plus the foot only has two parts without a curve to the ball of the foot "C" the elbow had to be left further out because of the clothing trying to swallow the arm up as if it was part of the torso.

    reference_submission_ issues

    Linwelly said:

    guess I'll post this one the pose was fun to do a few things kind of came up from limitations the original girl has much wider shoulders "A" and the upper chest and shoulders are dependant reducing how far the shoulder can swing "B" plus the foot only has two parts without a curve to the ball of the foot "C" the elbow had to be left further out because of the clothing trying to swallow the arm up as if it was part of the torso.

    reference_submission_ issues

    very cool choice of pose and excellent start!

    Some questions and ideas. First let me ask which figure you are using, because you mention the foot not to get the curve, made. For g2 generation that is true. G3 and g8 give you a lot of foot movement using methastarsis and heel bone as well.  I think what you missed is that the foot has a light twist and a sideways skip to it as well.

    For the shoulders, you know you can take out the limitations by clicking on the cogwheel of the bone and in the popping up window untick the lilmitations or set a wider limit. Sure this should be used with eyesight as the limits have been set for average human movement but the athletics like that those limits are often too limiting.

    Aside from that there is more sideways bent in the upper body of the original than in your image and I'm not sure how far you used the collarbone.

    Take this with a grain of salt, you've done a spectacular start, so I'm just pushing you a bit more ;)

    I've already surpassed the limits. what I meant on the sholders was the reference woman has VERY wide shoulders and I don't see how i can achieve that on the daz character. its one direction the joint doesn't go  (Up down front back and twist not side to side as in in out (IE:you can't move the sholder nearer or farther from the neck)) the other part is to have her chest in line with the reference there is a limit to just how far out of line the sholders will go (not the limit from the settings but the possible deviation from the chests alignment pushing past this creates problems like the underarm stretching and caving in. the sideways bend is there on my character the problem was the elbow can't get in tight to the clothing the arm is at the last possible place before the clothes covers the arm as part of the chest (problem with Dforce ) the elbow is tucked into the chest but the clothing doesn't show colision if I was to take the top off you'd see just how far in the arm actually is already but without a top I'd likely be able to tuck the elbow all the way in and get the same look as the reference yet I think we are not supposed to post even partial nudes


    PS: the character I think is a G8 but could be a G3

    I tested a little with g8 (not to perfection, just wanted to get a better feel for it as I'm mostly using g3) and yes I see the shoulder problem might be an anatomical one, with the daz ladies mostly being wider on the hip than in the shoulders. Again if you have the morphs you can change that and buff her a bit up to fit the original a bit closer. The shirt starting to cover the arms when they are too close to the body is less one of dforce and more a collision thing. I tried with the tank top that comes as underwear with the g8 basic that reacted mostly ignorant to the arm. If you want to post somthing "nude" you can turn the figure to clay (nipples dialed out) then its ok to post here, I guess showing only part of the figure would be confusing to see and sort what goes where ;)

    As  final though, I think you need to adjust you camera  a bit moving it more frontal to the figure and in relation to that the lower body needs more of a sideways twist.

    yeah the cam is a bit off from the original. I may just do a render with just a bra or bikini top to show the elbow tucked right in I'll do one with the current top to show just how much the clothes overlaps the arm

  • Angelik M said:

    First attempt (many, many things to arrange: like the merging of some human parts or the body's accuracy, etc! Critiques are very much appreciated, yet I guess better not to waste your time now, it is very very very drafty!!!).

    Posting to make sure no one else has chosen the same reference imagecheeky Here it is the link

    It is taken sooooooo loooooong to render, so I'd taken a screenshot (really sorry for the quality...quite tiredcrying)

    Wondering: can we elaborate from the reference image as the raw theme? Meaning: can we change the background and the characters and so on... maintaining the accuracy of the pose (NOT changing it) or does one needs to reference the theme of the image? Thanks in advance.

    Off I go... happy challenge, everyone!

    P.S. Linwelly,yep LOL.... thanks for letting me know that anyone can google their own reference image... I'm considering playing with some kitties and doggies poses just for fun if I have time...LOL

    for drafts turn down the quality in render settings "general" tab use 720p  so you can get a quick render good enough to see the details you need to work on. also the "progressive" tab has settings for duration limits and quality reduce the render time max (in seconds 5000 default) and quality is default at 1.0 <<< draft quality 10-20 <<<Med to good  21+  gets into photorealistic 30-35 for close ups and fine details....

    my recomendation for your pic which will make things easier slim the male down he's far more bulky than the original that should make it easier to wrap her around him

  • dragoneyes002 said:

    one thing which will help is bring her butt up she's angled more and it'll make the gap for his foot easier to get. his leg is turned about 5-10 degrees.the torso twist she has on the reference is deceiving there is a lot of it.

    Thanks for pointing out the amount of twist in the foot.  I did have her posed differently with a larger gap for his foot, but dialed it back to start over as I was twisting and bending too much.  I posed her without the shirt on to see how muchtwisting she required to get into that position.  But you are right, she needs her hips higher and more bend at the waist.  I have been pinning joints and seeing whether I could get the pose with the limits on or off.  With her leg position, the limits needed to be off.  I had some strange bending issues to get her left shoulder in place to look normal and still be able to reach her foot.  I am going to work on her pose more, as the original model is able to create tension in her body and use the man's foot as a lever point and pull on her foot for the pose. 

  • here is another with the arm as tucked in and the cam moved over more in front of. 

    3840 x 2160 - 3M
    1366 x 768 - 78K
  • dragoneyes002 said:

    one thing which will help is bring her butt up she's angled more and it'll make the gap for his foot easier to get. his leg is turned about 5-10 degrees.the torso twist she has on the reference is deceiving there is a lot of it.

    Thanks for pointing out the amount of twist in the foot.  I did have her posed differently with a larger gap for his foot, but dialed it back to start over as I was twisting and bending too much.  I posed her without the shirt on to see how muchtwisting she required to get into that position.  But you are right, she needs her hips higher and more bend at the waist.  I have been pinning joints and seeing whether I could get the pose with the limits on or off.  With her leg position, the limits needed to be off.  I had some strange bending issues to get her left shoulder in place to look normal and still be able to reach her foot.  I am going to work on her pose more, as the original model is able to create tension in her body and use the man's foot as a lever point and pull on her foot for the pose. 

    just looking at her hurts lol

  • Here is my next pass at the pose.  Disregard the background plane and ground contact.  I am not going to be able to combine the original picture background into my pose.  I may just crop some of it and make a new ground plane with a mat to eliminate the floating pose, poke throughs need work, plus the lighting is all wrong.  The pose looks somewhat better, but I have issues with the collision at the man's foot.  I don't know if collider physics coupled with a deformer would work at that contact point to improve it.  Maybe someone with more knowledge can point me in the right direction as I don't know if this is possible to do in DS.

     dragoneyes002 said:

    here is another with the arm as tucked in and the cam moved over more in front of. 

    A couple of small details, your progress is great.  From the original model's pose, she is not in a full straddle planche, as it looks like she has shifted her weight somewhat to the side, elbows bent, with the elbow tucked in for balance and my have her pelvis tiltled to the left every so slightly with the weight shift.  Not much, maybe 5 degrees, but it is hard to tell, could be an optical illusion with the buildings in the background.  Take a look at her back in the original photo as it does not have the arch that your pose does.  Overall it is looking really good.

    777 x 600 - 73K
    Pose v2.jpg
    777 x 600 - 276K
  • AngelikMAngelikM Posts: 104
    edited March 2019

    Hi, everyone... thanks for the suggestions about the rendering process @dragoneyes002 (I didn't know about the qualities dialswink) and @Linwelly (cheeky the karate-warrior like pose!)... I felt in love with the pic, particularly because it looked like a puzzle and conveys so much beauty in the trusting entanglement... smiley

    this is where I've come so far... Now I feel it is worth to share and to point at critiques (they will be very much appreciated!)... As I told before, there were many many many things to arrange about my first attempt... like the merging of some of the figures' parts, the clothing (it was primarily the V4 autofit satin red dress-smoothing that was causing all of that delay in the rendering, so I changed her clothes for the helix one!), yesh: both figures needed morphing, perhaps they still need quite fit and toning in their muscles...surpriseuhmmm.... wondering again if it is about our ability to 'copy' the original pose or our creativity in using the actual pose to make it our own (wondering, because the way I'm doing it right now puts me a little bit down cheeky )... her face might also need a little twist and their skin color-lighting might need some extra care... I looooove the flow of the ActivePose tool... didn't know about this either... yet in the tutorial, it seems different wink(DAZ is quite intuitive, this is why I like it I guess!)... Edited: I'm using G8 figures btw!

    Contest March 01e_3

    My main doubt is about the shadows though, because:

    Q shadows (sorry for the sign, don't understand why it is appearing!)

    Interesting choices, everyone... not quite sure what to suggest yet (don't believe I can add anything to what had been already said... (my apologies)

    Thanks in advance... have a beautiful challenge, everyone!

    PS. Oooooopsy, almost forgot to attach the images... In case you are curious... I'm attaching a view from the other side (not a rendered one though)wink


    Contest March 01e_3.jpg
    1235 x 551 - 34K
    Q shadows.png
    597 x 386 - 20K
    The opposite side.jpg
    850 x 538 - 25K
    Post edited by AngelikM on
  • Tried to do some tweeking to his pose, and adjusted the scaling on the plain so it was closer to the pictures ratio so I would have my model not so smooshed.

    1068 x 872 - 1M
  • dragoneyes002dragoneyes002 Posts: 205
    edited March 2019


    Angelik M said:

    Hi, everyone... thanks for the suggestions about the rendering process @dragoneyes002 (I didn't know about the qualities dialswink) and @Linwelly (cheeky the karate-warrior like pose!)... I felt in love with the pic, particularly because it looked like a puzzle and conveys so much beauty in the trusting entanglement... smiley

    this is where I've come so far... Now I feel it is worth to share and to point at critiques (they will be very much appreciated!)... As I told before, there were many many many things to arrange about my first attempt... like the merging of some of the figures' parts, the clothing (it was primarily the V4 autofit satin red dress-smoothing that was causing all of that delay in the rendering, so I changed her clothes for the helix one!), yesh: both figures needed morphing, perhaps they still need quite fit and toning in their muscles...surpriseuhmmm.... wondering again if it is about our ability to 'copy' the original pose or our creativity in using the actual pose to make it our own (wondering, because the way I'm doing it right now puts me a little bit down cheeky )... her face might also need a little twist and their skin color-lighting might need some extra care... I looooove the flow of the ActivePose tool... didn't know about this either... yet in the tutorial, it seems different wink(DAZ is quite intuitive, this is why I like it I guess!)... Edited: I'm using G8 figures btw!

    Contest March 01e_3

    My main doubt is about the shadows though, because:

    Q shadows (sorry for the sign, don't understand why it is appearing!)

    Interesting choices, everyone... not quite sure what to suggest yet (don't believe I can add anything to what had been already said... (my apologies)

    Thanks in advance... have a beautiful challenge, everyone!

    PS. Oooooopsy, almost forgot to attach the images... In case you are curious... I'm attaching a view from the other side (not a rendered one though)wink


    quick note on the light. the default light is set to light up a forward facing character in the starting position it will leave a shadow to the left of the screen as you look at it. if you turned the characters from the starting pose the light will continue to be in the original position changing the shadow by the amount you turned to it. Ooops just thought of it you added lights to the scene which means the default light is no longer the issue what is is the environment light. if you go into the render section again there is a tab for environment in there there is a setting for globe or whatever its called On/Off if its on you have a sun casting light from whatever direction the the background is set at you can change the position in those selections or turn it off and use only the lights you add

    the foot curve is the same issue I have. there is no natural curve to the arch further agravating it but they did that to make characters standing look like they have weight on the feet and are the ground. I'd sugest you twist the foot a bit from the angle you have it at and try to get a bit of the curve the top of the foot has to show might make it a bit better.

    Post edited by dragoneyes002 on
  • Here is my next pass at the pose.  Disregard the background plane and ground contact.  I am not going to be able to combine the original picture background into my pose.  I may just crop some of it and make a new ground plane with a mat to eliminate the floating pose, poke throughs need work, plus the lighting is all wrong.  The pose looks somewhat better, but I have issues with the collision at the man's foot.  I don't know if collider physics coupled with a deformer would work at that contact point to improve it.  Maybe someone with more knowledge can point me in the right direction as I don't know if this is possible to do in DS.

     dragoneyes002 said:

    here is another with the arm as tucked in and the cam moved over more in front of. 

    A couple of small details, your progress is great.  From the original model's pose, she is not in a full straddle planche, as it looks like she has shifted her weight somewhat to the side, elbows bent, with the elbow tucked in for balance and my have her pelvis tiltled to the left every so slightly with the weight shift.  Not much, maybe 5 degrees, but it is hard to tell, could be an optical illusion with the buildings in the background.  Take a look at her back in the original photo as it does not have the arch that your pose does.  Overall it is looking really good.

    without the massive glutes the reference has its a bit hard to get the same light fall on the character the clothing is actually adding more curve because it flares at the hips and butt instead of being glued to the figure like the reference I could make it look more correct by over compensating but that might cause other things to look off.

    just so you know each section of her torso is curved side to side to the max limited position if seen from above she looks like a harsh curve its simply not seen at that angle.

    to tell the truth I'm playing with the idea of doing a second pic since the idea came to me just need to find some pic of what I thought of 

  •  dragoneyes002 said:

    to tell the truth I'm playing with the idea of doing a second pic since the idea came to me just need to find some pic of what I thought of 

    I was thinking the same thing about doing a second picture, but will keep going on this one for a bit more.  I found the D-Former tool (from the menu Create > New D-Former) and am going to play with it some.  Looks like it will help with the depression at my models foot.

    If I can't get the results I want, I will move on to another choice.  Here are three alternatives that caught my eye.

    1600 x 1064 - 478K
    700 x 467 - 74K
    3888 x 2592 - 2M
  • sueyasueya Posts: 832

    I have succeeded in getting the hands closer together but I am still struggling to get the right amount of curve in the torso. Also there is a wider angle in the V of the legs and body and I changed the camera angle slightly as suggested.

  • sueya said:

    I have succeeded in getting the hands closer together but I am still struggling to get the right amount of curve in the torso. Also there is a wider angle in the V of the legs and body and I changed the camera angle slightly as suggested.

    the pelvis is still at the wrong angle. the entire torso should be concave not convex  (curved outward not curved inward) see how your girls belly is right up to the thighs? bend the pelvis out to max and then do each section above to create the curved back the reference has. (when you move the pelvis the legs will move with it you'll need to redo the bend on the thighs but not as much since you want the angle to be wider than it is now. this means you'll have to use the rotate tool on the entire character to realine the feet and her butt with the floor. if you are still having problems I'll do a few screen shots of a character and the settings to show you where to adjust.

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