Luxus problem - no settings

I just installed Luxus and I have a problem. There are absolutely no settings available. Not for lights, not for materials. I am running DAZ Studio on Windows 7 64bit. Rendering in Luxrender via Luxus works, so the plugin is running. But where are the settings? Am I missing something? I have used it before a while ago and I remember that you could turn lights into Lux lights and convert surfaces. But I can see nothing, nowhere.
What can I do?
You should see the render setting in render Settings if you select Luxrender as the Render Egine in the Advanced tab. Materials settings will be in the Surfaces pane, via the pane's option menu (button in the top corner or right-click its tab).
Aaaaaaah, found it. I did not remember that you have to activate the Luxus settings via the option menu. Silly me thought that thy are there by default after installing Luxus. So, everything is ok. Thanks :-)