Is there a way to...deform props?

I have this plastic ruler prop and I want a character to bend it between their hands (like this:, but its a completely straight/flat prop. I was wondering if there was a way to deform it in Daz easily? A poser user said there was such an option in Poser to do things like that... to bend and skew objects and props. The one time I did something like this, I exported the prop out of Daz and imported it into Maya to bend it. Is there an easier way than that?
Post edited by Bomber on
You can only bend an object if it has enough divisions along its length to allow it to bend. Look at the ruler in wireframe mode (CTRL+8). If it has say, 8 - 12 divisions, then it will bend. If it has none, it won't. This applies in both Daz Studio and Poser.
I think you'll probably find it has no divisions. Extra divisions mean a higher polygon count, and when modelling a ruler, it's unlikely that bending would be a priority.
The alternative is to make your own ruler using a primitive, such as a Box, using the appropriate number of divisions. But that means UV mapping it, etc.
PS If it can be bent, it's very easy to do. Just add a Dformer and raise it on the Yaxis.
Okay thanks for the help. I was more curious about if there was a tool like that, but since you told me the name of it is "Dformer" I found it in the menu kind of toyed with it for a few minutes and figured it out. Thanks again!