The Carrara Challenge #4: The Twilight Zone Voting is CLOSED. WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

The fourth Carrara Challenge thread is hereby closed for voting!
And according to my calculations, here are the winners. (I checked my tally several times; however, if anyone came up with a different scoring, please post!)
1st Place: "Time Enough at Last" by evilproducer (#2)
2nd Place: "Windoze" by Stezza (#6)
3rd Place: "Shhh!" by swordvisions (#5)
Honourable Mention: A Game Of Shadows by MicioDue (#15)
Here is what the winners receive:
• Ist Place: 3 items from PhilW’s DAZ store AND a $50 coupon for DAZ3D items.
• 2nd Place: 2 items from PhilW’s DAZ store AND a $30 coupon for DAZ3D items.
• 3rd Place: 1 item from PhilW’s DAZ store AND a $15 coupon for DAZ3D items.
• Honorable Mention (selected by PhilW himself!): 1 item from PhilW’s DAZ store AND a $5 coupon for DAZ3D items.
I would like to thank everyone who participated in this challenge and making this an incredibly difficult and fun experience! I sincerely hope you will continue to participate in the next challenge, to be hosted by the winner of this competition - evilproducer!
A special thanks goes to PhilW and to DAZ3D for their support in making this happen. Be sure to send Phil a thank you note. (Let's see if we can saturate his inbox! ;) ) Please be sure to visit PhilW’s DAZ store (, where you can see what you might win - Carrara Cloud Domes, Bright Eyes for Carrara, Fantasy Village, realistic seas, hair styles, and his English Village! And then be sure to thank DAZ and Phil for their generous donation!
Links of Interest:
Current Sponsor’s Store:
• PhilW’s store:
Previous Sponsors’ Stores:
• Age of Armour‘s store:
• DimensionTheory’s store:
• Dartanbeck’s store:
Entry #: 1
Entry Title: The Anime Zone
Artist Name: ncamp
Summary Description:
When I saw that the theme was the twilight zone, I decided to go with The Anime Zone.
I decided to go with three schoolgirls and one very confused spaceman. The first is carrying a sword that is way, way too big for her to even pick up. I figured she needed to be a stony faced a person with hidden whimsical side so put the rabbit ears on her head. The second Genesis figure (School Girl 1) is a magical schoolgirl. She can fly and shoot purple lines out of her hands. She’s taken aback by the wormhole spitting out a man, and is pulling back her purple rays. The third Genesis character (School Girl 2) drives the mech and is giving her signature pose.
Post work done in Photoshop CS6.5 extended. Added text and title.
Link to at least one WIP Posting:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
1. Anime Sword created and shaded in Carrara
2. Rabbit Ears for Hitomi. Created in Carrara. Hair added in Carrara
3. School Girl 1's Purple Lines. The purple lines are modified cone object with lines that are wire shaders in Carrara.
4. School Girl 2's Hair - Carrara Hair built on a Genesis Hair Cap with a custom Hair Shader.
5. The wormhole - a cone object model in the modeling room with the wire shader and twist modifier
6. Light Dome - With the exception of the light that is inside the wormhole, the rest of the scene lighting is done with a homemade light dome. The dome is UV Mapped and has a texture that controls the surface replicated spotlights that generate consistent lighting around the scene.
7. Ebbi (Floating Fish looking blobs). Modeled, textured and rigged in Carrara.
Content credit list:
1. Hitomi for Genesis
2. Hitomi’s dress, hair and shoes
3. Genesis by DAZ 3D (School Girl 1)
4. School Girl Uniform for Aiko 4 by DAZ 3D
5. Kimberly (for Genesis) by 3D Universe (School Girl 2)
6. Japanese School Uniform by DAZ 3D and Oskarsson
7. MECH2012 by Stonemason
8. M4 by DAZ 3D
9. Space Suit For M4 by Simon-3D
10. The Lunar Landscape is Moonscapes by DAZ 3D and petipet.
The shaders needed to be modified so the rocks did not look so shiny.
11. The stars are Starry Sky for Carrara by Dartanbeck.
Please click on image to see full size.
Entry #: 2
Entry Title: Time Enough at Last
Artist Name: evilproducer
Summary Description: It's my riff on the classic TZ episode, Time Enough at Last. In a nutshell, a put-upon everyman with horrible vision has no time to for his passion for reading. A nuclear exchange occurs and he's the last man alive (at least in his city), but the library is still intact, so he can finally indulge in taking as much time as he wants to read. This being the Twilight Zone, he drops his glasses and they break. A better description of the episode can be had here.
My entry is from the man's perspective, looking through the broken and useless glasses.
Link to at least one WIP Posting:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects: I made the books in the Spline Modeler, I made the ruined buildings in the Spline Modeler, I made the library steps in the Spline Modeler, I made the road in the VM, I used the terrain editor to create the mounds, I used the plant generator to create the dead trees, I modified the clock and made different hands for it in the Spline Modeler, I created the lens for the clock in the VM, I "broke" the glasses in the VM and added thickness to the lens fragments. I created all the shaders, except for the asphalt, the marble, the brass on the glasses frame, the black metal on the clock and the textures for the debris.
Content credit list: The clock is ripped off from the Independence Hall model in the Landmarks Directory of the Objects Browser as is included with Carrara's Native Content. The debris is from Dryjack's ruined Cottage and the glasses are Simple Glasses by 3-D-C
The image was postworked using Photoshop. I rendered two versions of this scene. One without the glasses visible and one with the glasses visible. For the version with the visible glasses, I rendered a depth pass, which provided me with a nifty mask so that I could use that as a layer mask. The version without the glasses was enlarged and kept in focus to simulate the scene visible through the lens fragments of the glasses. The layer mask was essential for the effect.
Entry #: 3
Artist Name: 0oseven
Summary Description:
Victoria in the "Twighlight Zone" between real life and an unknown fantasy destination.
Link to at least one WIP Posting: Light Rig wip
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
A special light rig set behind the character to create the rays of light.
A coloured and shaped volumetric cloud to surround the character.
A hair object to simulate a cosmic vortex drawing Victoria into the unknown.
Content credit list:
The set used is "Jungle Hideaway" by Art collaborations.
Victoria wears the "Earane Outfit" for V4 by Bobbie25 ( I think) and Sheyna Hair.
Created and rendered entirely with Carrara 8.5 - No postwork
Entry #/ 4
Entry Title: Visitors
Artist Name: DUDU
Summary Description: The idea is very simple: those which “usually visit us” are visited in their turn…
Link to at least one WIP Posting:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects: - A vertex plane , A sphere, A simple vertex man that I remodelised in E.T., boned and duplicate for the children.
Postwork for light rays in After Effects.
Content credit list: Carrara presets.
Entry #:5
Entry Title: Shhh!
Artist Name: swordvisions
Summary Description:
In a post-apocalyptic world, even the hunt for food can be full of danger as our young heroine and little brother discovered while gathering rat meat for her tribe. This image was inspired by the theme of ordinary people in extraordinary or surreal situations which I think the Twilight Zone explored in many ways.
Link to at least one WIP Posting:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
Bucket of meat - The tails are simple objects modeled and rigged in Carrara. The top is a simple plane and then I used soft cloth physics to drape it. I also created a custom shader which incorporated the hybrid grundge bundle.
The mattresses are from West Park Legacy which I rigged.
The skin and cloth shaders are heavily modified using 3d paint and the Hybrid Grundge Bundle
The main room I modeled and textured in Carrara
Content credit list:
Undead fiend - 2
Young Teen Julie - Default Texture
PH Sassy Hair
Mall Girl - Vest Top
Mall Girl - Hoodie Jacket
Teen Swag - Teen Pants
Genesis Child Boy - Default Texture
B25 Everyday collection - M4 Fun Times Pants
Kids 4 - Basic T-Shirt
PH Messy Hair
Lovey Bear Re-energized
City Ruins Building 1 and 2
Matress and Bedframe - West End Legacy
Entry #: 6
Entry Title: Windoze
Artist Name: Stezza
Summary Description:
The scariest Twilight Zone segment I ever watched.. what a creepy guy.. and the monster on the wing was pretty good to.
Links to WIP:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
I had to do adjustments like having his eyes pop out ( wasn’t creepy enough for me the way he was ), changing the skin shaders and added the carrara hair
I then set up the scene with the basic props I made, rendered seperate scenes then composited all the rendered images in Photoshop Elements 11, did some tweaking of colours and added layers of water drops and clouds using Ron’s Brushes..
Content credit list:
I used Genesis with the Strigoi morph -
Postwork in Photoshop Elements 11
Entry #: 7
Entry Title: Father Time
Artist Name: Stezza
Summary Description:
This idea came to me after catching a mouse in the mouse trap at my computer station.. Weird I know.. but I wondered at that time what did make that mouse run up the clock!
Links to WIP:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
Created the mouse's night cap, door and door frame, enhanced the clock, candle holder, window and eye which are in Carrara's object folder. Retextured slim man with basic Carrara shader
Content credit list:
Slim Man -
Genesis Mouse -
Ron's brushes -
Postwork in Photoshop Elements 11
Entry #: 8
Entry Title: Door to the Twilght Zone
Artist Name: Kixum
Summary Description:
The making of the Twilight Zone door on the road image was done by taking the following steps.
The atmosphere was done using a trick that I developed for a different scene. First, I rendered a single sphere with the Aura turned on. This produced a nice haloed sphere. Then I replicated several small squares on a sphere surrounding a camera and textured the squares with this glowing sphere in the glow channel (makes little stars!). This created a starfield. If you would like to learn more, the model is available for free at Renderosity in the Carrara free stuff. This method for starfields is something I have used for other projects. I rendered the starfield and put it into the backdrop (on a side note, several starfield combinations are possible with this technique which can produce a wide array of star mixes, sizes, and even colors depending on what you're up to!).
To get the gradient with the color in the sky, I added a plane to the scene which has a gradient in the glow and a gradient in the transparency. The gradient for the transparency blocks the stars at the horizon but shows the stars at the top of the sky. The glow provides the atmospheric horizon we see in the image. The plane has a modifier to point at the camera and the center of the plane is aligned with the center of the scene. I lined up the hotpoint with the center of the production frame and scaled it to cover the entire rendering field. This produced a nice horizon glow while blocking out the stars in a manner I liked. It is a trick I have used on other projects but was reproduced here. On another side note, a skydome with the appropriate transparency gradients and glow could also be used here but I chose the single plane approach just to make dialing it easier. If the skydome approach is used, it could be setup once and then it would always render correctly even when I moved the camera. In the setup I'm using here, I have to fuss with that atomspheric glow plane every time I move the camera. In addition, the setup I'm using here gets goofed up if the camera looks upwards (off the horizon). A skydome of the stars I describe above with an additional skydome for the transparency and glowing atmosphere would be pretty dang spiff (a good project for later).
The terrain was created in the spline modeler. There is a single spline model for the hills with no mesh in between the side parts to make space for the road. This was my simple method of having no grass in the road. It would have been fine to do this using a map for the distribution but I didn't want to fool with it. A separate road object was built in the spline modeler. Anything goos was used in the road texture to blend two global shaders (a general road texture you see in the middle and the dirt texture used for the hills). This produced something which blends both textures appropriately along the road edge.
Another separate duplicated road object is set just beneath the road which is used for the replicator for the road edge grass bunches. Using the same anything goos mixture but mixing black and white was applied to create a mapping domain to add grass onto the roadside and break up the edge.
Two separate blades of grass were created in the spline modeler, moved into the vertex modeler and re-oriented. These two grass blades were then replicated onto the hills twice with a million replications each resulting in 4 million grass blades. A separate and more simplified "grass bunch" was created in the vertex modeler and this was also replicated 100,000 times onto the hillsides. These grass objects were actually created for different projects but I modified them a little bit for this project.
I built the telephone poles and wires brand new. They aren't as detailed as I like. Since these poles are in the dark and I already went to all the trouble to get the wires setup, I didn't want to fuss with replacing the poles with more detailed versions to get details you couldn't see anyway.
The flying saucer is a modified version of a saucer I built for a different project.
The door is another object I built a long time ago (I actually built it in Raydream about a million years ago, yeehaw!). It has a full set of hinges, screws, doorknob, and latch but you can't see all that junk from this angle.
I put a single spot light behind the door and added another spline object with a rectangular hole to block the light with the exception of it making its way through the open door. Then I turned on the light cone for the spot. This provides the light rays coming from the door.
There is a single distant light behind the camera shining down on the scene (you can look at the shadows and figure how it sits). There is an additional spot light behind the door spreading more light out on the road behind it. The angle of the spot is 90 degrees creating a half spherical light spread out behind the door.
No GI is used for this scene as I wanted the shadows to be harsh and the contrast to be significant. Hey, it's twilight! It's supposed to be sorta dark outside after all!
All of this stuff was then rendered in one single pass. A new scene was then created for the text.
Each letter of the text was individually created in the spline modeler to match the text of the show title I found on the internet. Each spline letter was then converted to a vertex object and the back cut off to produce letters which are single plane structures. The letters are textured with white in the glow channel. The alpha channel is mixed black and white using turbulence as the mixer. The turbulence function utilized the threshhold setting and is stretched in one dimension to get the result of the torn/aged letters. The scene with the road/door/saucer/hills was put into the backdrop of the scene with the letters and rendered. This concluded the Carrara rendering part.
As an overview,
First scene for a single star (had already made it).
Second scene for the starfield (had already made it).
Third scene for major bulk of the image (grass, road, door, saucer, poles, etc.).
Fourth scene for the text.
Then came the post processing.
I doubled the size of the final render, added noise, blurred it, then resized it back to the normal size. Then I turned it black and white and pumped up the contrast a little bit. I think this produces a result which looks similar to the show in a lot of ways. I fooled with this a few times to get the final result I liked. The amount of noise and the amount of blurring took me a little bit to dial.
All in all, a fun little project!
Everything you see in the scene was made by me in Carrara with Post work in Paint Shop Pro. The pieces in the telephone poles alone qualify me for the unique object count for this contest.
What did I learn? I think the thing I learned the most was with the grass and screwing around with the road a little bit. I tried several combinations of replicated grass formats to get the coverage that I wanted without killing my computer. I also had to play around with the hotpoints of the grass some to get them to align with the ground the way I wanted them too. It is impressive what Carrara has done in this image. To compute the shadows is an impressive feat on its own.
I thought about making the grass a planted wheat field instead but I didn't have the time to figure out the mapping process for the replicator to know where to put the wheat. The road curves in multiple dimensions and the wheat should follow that pattern. I just didn't have time to fool with it.
I tried putting in ruts in the road but it messed up the interface with the bottom of the door. I REALLY liked the telephone poles and the wires in the scene and I had a hard time getting them into the scene in a way that I thought balanced it out. The wires and the poles are the only thing which really provides a sense of depth in the image.
I stared at this thing every day at work for several weeks trying to figure out what to do with it. I added the saucer at the last minute. I can give or take the saucer. What I wanted to do was represent just the door as the opening into the twilight zone in the spirit of the show without too much distraction. For me, I got what I wanted and that's cool. I wanted something that old school Twilight Zone fans would see and instantly identify with the actual old show and I'm feeling the zen happening with that (just my whacko interpretation of the theme).
This wasn't particularly difficult but I did a lot of dialing to get this result. It looks simple but it took me some time to get it to balance out for my eye.
Link to at least one WIP Posting:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
See Summary Description.
Content credit list:
Kixum did it all.
Entry #: 9
Entry Title: Evening Twilight
Artist Name: Varsel
Summary Description:
When the trolls and monsters and musicians comes out to play.
Using the description from Wikipedia : Twilight is the time of day before sunrise or after sunset.
Since I can't remember seeing any episodes of the Twilight Zone
Link to at least one WIP Posting:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
The building are made with ArchiTools.
The Green Thing, ground and man hole, bottles, entry door, Backstage sign and light fixture are all made in Carrara
Content credit list:
Three M4 with a mix of clothing and accessories from Daz (and one from Rendo)
The drumsticks are home made
Alto Saxophone by Herminio Nieves at
Predatron provided the creatures in the bins and the troll is a Genesis shape complete with Carrara Hair.
In the window it's Aiko4 that is showing off.
And Noggins Rat as scene filler
The fence and bins are from Daz
The boxes and lightpole are from Stonemason.
Entry #: 10
Entry Title: Morning Twilight
Artist Name: Varsel
Summary Description:
Time for a last dance, just before the sun comes up and chases the mist away.
Using the description from Wikipedia : Twilight is the time of day before sunrise or after sunset.
Since I can't remember seeing any episodes of the Twilight Zone
Link to at least one WIP Posting:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
The girsl are Primivol Fog. Using Aiko4, that I posed and exported out as a .obj, and then imported back and remodeled.
The ground fog is also Primivol Fog.
The bench was originaly made for the Garden Contest, but has been reworked to fit in here. The bushes are my own rhododenrum, that was also originaly made for the garden contest. The grass are simple vertex objects using two replicators. One for the base covering and one for the tufts.
The lamppost was made in Hexagon... does that count..
The windows in the city skyline was thanks to evilproducer recipe with adjustments.
Content credit list:
Dystipia City Blocks
Genesis with custom troll morph, and RawArt ApeWorld texture.
One of Howies trees.
Entry #: 11
Entry Title: "Invasion of the Body Snatchers: The Head Factory."
Artist Name: Headwax
Summary Description:
Eyewitness Report to Grandma Moses Vanishment.
The lighting makes major use of Caustics as most of the flat surface have a high reflectance. There are only two bulbs in this scene.
I did the stars in Post with Spacescape, a handy free program. The post work was done in PD elements and used a VirtualPhotographer plug in to warm it up. Spacescape can be found here:
Link to at least one WIP Posting:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects: The kid is a custom morph, the vest is textured with one of my renders, the jeans are retextured, the ghost things are Primovol using the kid's mesh, the heads and legs are the k4 kid exported with morphs then reimported and cut into bits and retextured, the plane on the left reflects the protagonist but also has an alpha parameter to show the wall behind it.
Content credit list: Dogs are Bruno and Rose free models. The kid is K4. The environment is Chamber of Sorrows with a high reflectance value. The jeans are cowpoke jeans, the vest is Daz regency vest.
Thanks to FD and PHilW and Daz again! Great renders in this one. I think everybody is getting better and better.
Entry #: 12
Entry Title: twilight ad
Artist Name: Philemo
Summary Description:
Something CBS could have done back in the fifties. I tried to catch the spirit and look of those ads.
Link to at least one WIP Posting:
Final entry (without postwork)
Almost done
Ghost shader ?
First draft
Initial idea
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
From left to right
The werewolf is Furette reworked in the vertex room. Fur is dynamic hair
Zombie and the E.T. are M5 with the face altered in the vertex room
Ghost is V4 with elven princess dress, simplified and deformed
Hair for man, woman, child and E.T. are dynamic hair
Content credit list:
M5 and V5 for all characters except werewolf and ghost
Man: TnC shirts and pants, magus boots
Werewolf : jeans and top from furette pack
Zombie TnC shirt and pants
E.T. : Magus jacket and JS pants
Child : B25 MP shirts, pants and vest, TnC shoes
Woman : Wilmap 50's style outfit
TV set is from GrabCad
Furniture is Barbara Bary Baker sofa from
Entry #: 13
Entry Title: Bunyan: Twilight of his Career
Artist Name: Diomede64
Summary Description: Paul Bunyan and his giant ox compete against an industrialist with a chainsaw and a train.
Link to at least one WIP Posting:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
Paul Bunyan is original figure modeled and rigged in Carrara
Babe the ox is a modification of the rhino cow that I made for contest 1 by converting the rhino object from the browser to a vertex object and morphing.
The chainsaw was modeled in Carrara and the “chains” are triangles that were replicated on the surface of the blade.
The tree being chopped down is a Carrara plant object with modifications of the trunk to mimic falling as the axe comes through.
Traintracks, tree stumps (replicated), and Paul Bunyan’s hat were all modeled in Carrara,
Content credit list:
Daz businessman character (although shaders all changed) is the industrialist with the chainsaw.
The train is from the objects browser.
Entry #: 14
Entry Title: To Serve Man
Artist Name: Diomede64
Summary Description: People arrive on a foreign planet, where the inhabitants “serve” man.
Link to at least one WIP Posting:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
Alien is an M4 morphed in Carrara’s modeling room. The alien’s robe was modeled in Carrara and attached to the M4 skeleton.
Space ship and ramp are vertex models, I created the opening for the door by using the alpha shader instead of modeling an opening.
Alien food store is a vertex object (made invisible) with various shaped primitives replicated on the surface and shaded to look like alien construction materials.
People coming down the ramp are original figures (modifications of the peasant girl made for contest 1 and of Paul Bunyan made for other entry in this contest).
Alien landscape, alien cars, alien shopping cart are all modeled in Carrara.
Content credit list:
Daz M4.
Entry #: 15
Entry Title: "A Game of Shadows"
Artist Name: MicioDue
Summary Description:
An ancient house, two children playing with flashlights. A scaring shadow is projected on the wall, a child is afraid but not of the shadow... something outside in the darkness is staring at them. Alien? Monster? Both? Is it really safe to play with shadows, ad the edge of the darkness?
Link to ad least one WIP Posting:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
The flashlight
The clock
The head of the creature
Other Carrara native elements:
Realistic sky, with moon
Spot lights, bulb lights
Standard Carrara shaders, except shaders loaded with content; some of them are modified by me, manually or using Fenric plug-ins Shader Doctor and Skin Doctor
No postwork
Content credit list:
Jack Tomalin’s West Park Day Room
Children are both Genesis Basic Child
Wardrobe is from Carrara Pro/DAZ Studio Pro installation: Tankini, JS Pants, TShirt, color shaders added by me
Hair is from Carrara Pro/DAZ Studio Pro installation: Aldora hair, Duke Hair
Hello all!
First, I would like to say that all the entries are excellent!
I am in the death throws of moving from Japan to the US and will be out of communication for a while. I don't really know if this is the place to vote or not but according to the rules, voting is supposed to begin by now. According to the rules, we are allowed three votes. As far as I can tell, we can vote for ourselves?
I vote for,
Time enough to last by evilproducer.
Visitors by dudu_00001
Windoze by Stezza.
Again, please forgive me if this is not the place to vote but I'm really crunched for time and I need a little grace at the moment.
Good luck to everybody!
Voting is really tough on this one, so I may be changing by the end of the week. But, here is my thinking right now.
EvilProducer, #2, Time Enough
Stezza, #7, Father Time,
Kixum, Door to the Twighlight Zone
I could easily change my vote to any of the others. I see something new each time I look at Varsel's backstage, Headwax's bodysnatchers, Miciodue's Game of Shadows, and Swordvission's Shhh!. The detail in each is amazing. And Stezza's Father Time has to split votes with windoze, which I think blends 3d and 2d art perfectly. I think 0oseven should get the honorable mention prize. I love the way the lighting rig/cloud/hair creates the swirling storm effect. I had tried to create a similar effect in a prior monthly contest, so I am jealous. For similar reasons, I admire Dudu_00001's Visitors. The image could easily be 2d art, which is an effect I wish I was better at. The idea and execution of nCamp's anime zone is wonderful, I am still laughing. I thought Philemo did the best job of paying homage to the show in general, while several others focused on a particular episode or the opening credits.
I don't envy PhilW in his duty in picking honorable mention. Great job everyone.
Very, very, very difficult to make a choice!
All the entries have their qualities and several are higher than that for which I will vote but, considering we are in a contest dedicated to Carrara, I privilege initially those which did not use a postwork…
Entry #: 15
Entry Title: “A Game of Shadows”
Artist Name: MicioDue
Entry #: 3
Artist Name: 0oseven
Entry #: 5
Entry Title: Shhh!
Artist Name: swordvisions
Everyone did excellent work!
My Votes in no particular order:)
Entry #: 2
Entry Title: Time Enough at Last
Artist Name: evilproducer
Entry #/ 4
Entry Title: Visitors
Artist Name: DUDU
Entry #: 7
Entry Title: Father Time
Artist Name: Stezza
It was a very difficult choice as always. It was also a toss up as I also really like : Door to the Twilght Zone by Kixum
and A Game of Shadows by MicioDue. Not to mention Stezza's other one.
Thanks very much FD and PhilW for your generosity and time. Well done :)
So many great renders. It was hard to choose just 3
#11 - Invasion of the Body Snatchers: The Head Factory by Headwax
#15 - A Game of Shadows by MicioDue
#2 - Time Enough at Last by evilproducer
There's a lot to love in this challenge! I've been extremely busy in the non-Carrara world, so I'll have to study some of these before I can make my difficult choices!
Great work everyone!
OK... what great entries we have for this Twilight Zone comp..
It makes it hard to pick just 3 entries and I have mulled over them all several times..
I have come to the decision that the creepiest image to me will be my first choice, which in itself is creepy as it is my number in life..
Entry #:5
Entry Title: Shhh!
Artist Name: swordvisions
This image has that creepy monster guy lurking around looking for someone to eat up and that kid looks like he is on his menu... but it's the teddy bear that creeps me out along with the orange haired chick who reminds me of someone I once knew!! but that teddy bear!!
My second creepy image is
Entry #: 11
Entry Title: “Invasion of the Body Snatchers: The Head Factory.”
Artist Name: Headwax
which in itself is also creepy as it's the number of my house.. and we did have a young red head kid live down the end of the street who was too scared to venture outside and play.. who knows what scary things the poor kid used to vision but I'd say it would be something like what Headwax has done here.. The young fella did grow out of his scariness of the outside world once he joined up with my twin boys .. not sure if that ended up being a good thing or not though as the years passed by!
My third choice is
Entry #: 2
Entry Title: Time Enough at Last
Artist Name: evilproducer
The number 2 isn't creepy but I can see myself being the poor guy that's all alone in the world with a plethora of books to read only to drop my glasses and break them and knowing my luck there isn't any optometrist shops left either! I'd probably bum out as well by being in a foreign country where all the books are in a different language to English anyway..
all the rest deserve an honorable mention.. good work.
It's always hard picking from the excellent entries. All of these are being that way.
For various reasons some of them rise to the top as I stroll through them each, paying attention only to the images themselves, ignoring who made them or whatever text went along with them and this is how I pasted my tastes this time around:
First Place
Entry #: 2
Entry Title: Time Enough at Last
Artist Name: evilproducer
Second Place
Entry #: 15
Entry Title: “A Game of Shadows”
Artist Name: MicioDue
Third Place
Entry #: 9
Entry Title: Evening Twilight
Artist Name: Varsel
Whew... with that over with, I'd just like to add that, even in my apparent lack of forum activity lately, I have been making it a point to peruse the images submitted and some of the WIP. This community is doing some really fun Carrara activity. All of the imagination and different techniques and such going on in these contests is just cool. The requirement to do WIP is a really nice touch. It's just fun to read through everything and then see how the images materialize out of it all. Bravo to all!
Many good entries and a difficult choice for me too. :) My top three, no particular order:
Entry #: 2
Entry Title: Time Enough at Last
Artist Name: evilproducer
The spirit of the TV series together with an effective graphical concept. I like it.
Entry #: 9
Entry Title: Evening Twilight
Artist Name: Varsel
This render had something intriguing , after a while I realized why. Straight lines and hard shadows remind me the covers of Karel Thole, especially some covers of the H.P. Lovecraft Anthology here in Italy.
Entry #: 11
Entry Title: “Invasion of the Body Snatchers: The Head Factory.”
Artist Name: Headwax
Visually disturbing (positive meaning, of course!), a lot of work in Carrara, good result.
Good luck to everybody, great job. :)
Here are my votes...
Entry #: 2 Entry Title: Time Enough at Last Artist Name: evilproducer
Entry #/ 4 Entry Title: Visitors Artist Name: DUDU
Entry #: 6 Entry Title: Windoze Artist Name: Stezza
A lot of good pictures here, so it's hard to choose.
But I think these has that special thing about them.....
My votes herewith
No 1 Entry 15 Game of shadows by MicioDue
No 2 Entry 7 Father time by Stezza
No3 Entry 10 Morning Twighlight by Varsel
Sorry I'v enot time to comment but as usual hard to decide on who goes first.
Well done to evryone and goodluck to everybody 1
Thanks to those who have voted so far. Don't forget to register your vote before Saturday's deadline - anyone can vote, so if you're seeing this and haven't voted, what are you waiting for!
1 - Entry #: 9
Entry Title: Evening Twilight
Artist Name: Varsel
2 - Entry #:5
Entry Title: Shhh!
Artist Name: swordvisions
3 - Entry #: 7
Entry Title: Father Time
Artist Name: Stezza
My votes:
1st place
Entry #: 6
Entry Title: Windoze
Artist Name: Stezza
2nd place
Entry #: 8
Entry Title: Door to the Twilght Zone
Artist Name: Kixum
3rd place
Entry #: 2
Entry Title: Time Enough at Last
Artist Name: evilproducer