The Classroom Rebuild - Free Update

Hi folks,

The Classroom has been updated. This is a free update to anyone who already owns it. The main change is the addition of a full Iray version, but I took the opportunity to rebuild all the geometry and improve the textures.

All geometry completely rebuilt
Enlarged classroom area
Added new props
Full Iray version added
3Delight & Poser versions updated




  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318

    Thank you! That really is much appreciated :)

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342

    Hey, thanks Maclean! **busy installing update**


  • tentmantentman Posts: 108

    Thank you very much!
    Especially iray version is useful :)


  • TooncesToonces Posts: 919

    Dude you put so much work into your products. It's insane.

    I LOVE the morphs. They really set your products apart. With some sets, I'm lucky if I can get a door to open. With yours, everything I could possibly want to morph is morphable (and more). I mean, I'd probably never move the rubber band on the rolled up paper in this set, but the attention to detail -- the fact such a detailed morph exists -- makes me want to buy more and more of your stuff.

    And then there's the icing on the cake: udpating such an old set to Iray for free. Who does that?! Haha, I love it! Thanks so much!

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    Thanks, Toonces! I really appreciate the comments.

    I try to include everything I can without being utterly ridiculous about it, but often when I'm doing the promos, I think of something extra that wouldn't take much effort to do, so I add it in. That's what happened with the rubber band morph. I wanted to show the band without moving the paper, so I added a morph. Hey... why not?

    Also, I've always aimed at long-term sales for products over many years, so updating them makes commercial sense by giving them a new lease of life.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    One question.... does the world globe spin around?  

  • TooncesToonces Posts: 919

    Yes. Yes it does.

    No limits either. So you can keep turning, and turning...

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    AH,  SOLD!  Thanks! 

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438
    edited February 2019
    RAMWolff said:

    One question.... does the world globe spin around?  

    Yep. Just like the world we live in.... keeps turnin' and turnin'.... And please note that the axis is tilted at 23.5 degrees. That's about as near current conditions as you'd need, I reckon - Actual tilt is currently estimated at 23.43681.

    Post edited by maclean on
  • HeavyRayHeavyRay Posts: 176

     I own most of your catalog, and one of the reasons is due to the FANTASTIC customer support you've lent over all these years!  Thank you for ALL of these updates; they are most appreciated.

  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781

    Thank you for the the upgrade. It looks great! 

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