Two Runtime foulders

I'm trying to learn how to install 3rd party items. Some how I have two runtimes. Is it ok to have two? do I merge them together? which one do I merge into? (1 into 2 or 2 into 1) both runtimes have a few of the same things but not all. runtime 1 is on top

744 x 392 - 36K

696 x 320 - 29K
Post edited by dholm on
The runtime folder in the studio folder should be moved to the library folder. You can merge it. If you don't move it, you may be able to link to it from within DS but it may not work properly.
I found an easy way to load 3rd party files is to keep a library shortcut on my desktop. When you open a zip file, you can drop the folders onto the library shortcut and it goes right into the proper place. It isn't fool proof. If the zip file is not set up properly you may run into a snag but it works most times.
you can have as many Runtime (Content) folders as you like, at last count I have 41 just not in the same folder
Yes you can have as many libraries as you want but you can't have nested libraries mapped in Content Directory Manager. So you can't have both...
C:/Users/Owner/My Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio ...
C:/Users/Owner/My Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library
Merge the Runtime under Studio with the Runtime under My Library and have only My Library mapped.