need help making a morph/finding right models

ok trying to make a superheroine using victoria 5/genesis one female models, now im having no issue with build until I get to the chest, for whatever reason none of the breast shape sliders are what I need/want. Is there any product in the genesis line or victoria 5 line with a more implantish type slider?
Implantish like spherical or torpedo-shaped, or is it just a size issue? Be more specific.
Yea along those lines so far all the sliders i have are more naturalish, looking for a spherical look
Turn off limits on Breasts Implants and others. In Parameters tab click the little gear shape and uncheck "use limits." Using negative values of Breasts Natural also gives more of that hovering ball shape. Breasts Natural -1.00 plus Breasts Implants 2.00 ought to do it.
therin lies the problem, i dont have that slider on my vic5/genesis model and am looking for a workaround i notice its genesis 2/vic 6 but so far i have been able to get the two morphs to talk to each other, my question is is there anything in the vic 5/genesis line thats got what i needs?
There is a Breast Implants slider for Genesis 1, I have it. I just have to figure out what package it came from. o_O
In the body morphs.
if there was a karma system I would so give you it thanks alot vaskania