Dformers applying themselves to different items on save load

Hey there. Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere but I'm having no luck with the search utility (or many utilities of the forum right now...)
Using V4, i've got a nice set of boots and some flappy trousers. but these trousers have a Dformer on each shin so they fit in the boots (shoe-horning because they weren't designed for each other)
Every time I load the scene, the Dformer is affecting the boots. Every time I save the scene, it is not.
i've removed the nodes from the boots endlessly... but it STILL loads up with it affecting them. help?
Is this the latest version of DS, and is it the release build or the beta? The beta fixes some issues relating to legacy content (which includes V4) and while DForm application wasn't part of the listed issues I would not be unduly surprised to find the problem was related.
i... am not too sure...
it says 4.6 which I think is the beta release... not sure how that happened because last time I installed it, it was only 4.2, so i'm hoping it's self-updating.
I really don't have many problems with DAZ in general, just this Dformer thing which has been happening since upgrading to 4.
oh, and i'm having all kinds of trouble with the morph-follower self-cancelling, but i'm currently searching to find a solution for that in other topics... fruitlessly, but still searching
Go to Help > About DAZ Studio, and that will tell you what version you are using.
it also shows it on the splash screen when loading
You'll also need all four numbers separated by "." to specify exactly which version — just saying "4.6" covers a multitude of glitches, many of which are fixed in the current version.
ah, didn't know that... ok: