Stripping Genesis of it's super powers

Is it possible to morph genesis into the shape I want and then just convert it into an ordinary figure?
it's morphing abilities are making creating clothing for my characters a bigger hassle than their final use warrants.
Do you mean to convert your finished figure to NON Triax weight mapping?
I daresay it can be done, but why would you want to? Making clothing for Genesis couldn't be easier, and one size fits all using the donor skeleton. What difficulty are you having?
I guess I’m just kind of annoyed that with Genesis you have to either model your clothes to the base figure which can have unpredictable results, or model the clothes for the morphed shape and then tell the transfer utility to reverse the deformations after which you then need to load a morph onto the clothing to fix the shape anyway.On top of that I’ve also had props shift their positions when I parent them to a morphed Genesis and opened files using the second method I described for clothing where the mesh has for some strange reason had vertices pulled off in the distance in various directions.
What I’d like to be able to do is take my morphed genesis figure and turn it into a new/seperate figure where the morphed shape is now it's default shape and I don’t have to worry about the effect all the morphs I've used to shape that character will have on clothing and parented items.
Hi... I understand your frustrations, but it isn't as bad as it seems and I'll try to explain each of your concerns as best as I can.
To your first question, in short, yes you can. But it would not be an ideal or an easy fix to what I believe you want. The main reason being that you would lose all of the pose control morphs and expression morphs you allready have for Genesis. You could transfer the morphs to your figure but it's all or none. The pose control morphs cannot be transfered as far as I can tell, you would have to build them yourself. Secondly, you can only use your figure for your own use, you cannot share it.
As for modelling clothing...modelling against the base is just the recommendation, but as you know it's easier to model against a figure shape. Reverse Deformation is necessary because all shapes are based on Genesis Base. When you model against a figure shape, you still need to use one of the base figure shape morphs without any added dial spun morphs if you want to retain the way you modelled the clothes. If you model against a series of dial spun morphs, you are just not going to be able to ensure an acceptable result. This is no different with Genesis then it was with previous gen figures. A FBM morph using your modelled clothing is the best way to retain your exact clothing shape.
If you want to model clothing that fits your character how you want it, then you should make your character into a Genesis Shape Morph, just remember that if your character is spun from morph sets then you can't share it.
Now to the Props...props will move in relation to the bone that they are parented to, so as you dial a shape morph on Genesis, the prop will move if the bone moves with the shape change. Also if the mesh for that bone changes it's shape, the prop may appear to have moved, but it has only moved in relation to the bone. This is also the same with previous gen figures, it's just more noticable with Genesis because couldn't really turn V4 into M4 or a troll or the Freak, with Genesis you can and the bones move alot.
The best solution is to parent the prop to your morphed character in the default T pose to insure the best results when posing. Also create a pose file for the prop for your character if you plan to use it alot.
The exploding vertices in clothing...this has to do with the Smoothing Modifier. It is caused by stray duplicate vertices in the clothing mesh. Two or more verts on the same edge ocupying the same vertex space. The smoothing modifier can't deal with them and shoots them off to resolve the conflict. Turn smoothing off and you will see the effect disappear. To fix the problem you need to find the duplicates and remove them in your modeller. This is not a Genesis problem. I have seen this happen with clothing for other gen figures that I have applied smoothing to. In rare occurances it can also happen if a cluster of verts a very densely packed together. There is no room for the smoothing to occur and some verts get ejected.
So, while you can make your own stand-alone figure, I think it would end up being more work for you then you seem to want, and again it would not be sharable.
My recommendation to you would be to export your morphed character as an OBJ and then import it back as a Genesis Shape. Then you can model your clothing against your character and still retain all of the other morphs, shapes and pose controls at your disposal. But I have to remind you, you still cannot share it. Unless your character was spun from one of the Resource Morph Kits available and you follow the appropriate requirements for distribution.
Well I hope this has maybe answered some of your concerns with Genesis, and in my opinion, once you get accustomed to the way Genesis works, it's really alot easier to work with then previous gen figures. But if you really want to create your own figure from the ground up, I would recommend Blondie's tutorial in the store.
Hope this was of some help... :)