[Released] Oso Ammonoids

Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045
edited January 2019 in Daz PA Commercial Products


So excited to introduce everyone to my first entirely original figure, the ammonoid.

These shelled relatives to the squid and octopus were common from the Devonian to the great Cretaceous extinction event, and came in many diverse forms.

Post edited by Oso3D on


  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited January 2019

    Wow.. love the promos!!! Might have a go at trying to convert them to awe;) Could really use this set=)

    I see no bump- or displacement maps, but height maps, can they be used as displacement maps for 3DL? They are greyscale, right?

    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    The height maps are 16 bit greyscale images; with stuff that might be used for displacement I prefer 16 bit for fine detail. Should work fine in 3DL, I think.

    I'll be really curious to see any Awe renders of them!

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    I was going to pass on these, and was about to click on the 'buy' button on the cart when I had a sudden idea, went to look at the product page and saw that teh promo sincluded my sudden ida (big aliens descending) so just had to get them! smiley

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    You've done a crazy cool job on those I love the feel the materials and everything (special thanks fo the alien typoe ones) and the possibility to morph them.

    I didn't plan to spend much til march madness but I had to get the shaved dreadlocks as well...

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    I'm glad I kept experimenting with the materials. The earlier versions were a bit boring/flat, but I think I managed to extract a bit of a cooler vibe.

    One cool technique is that I really like doing Glossy for shine (with lower roughness) and then Top Coat Fresnel with height map and a higher roughness. Top coat with height map can draw out a more detail than just bump and Normal maps alone.

    In case anyone missed it, I have a wet/dry setting. Properly speaking, sea creatures underwater should be more 'dry' looking, because you don't have a layer of water reflecting stuff. But ... that can be a little boring, so I left the default at wet. For your own purposes, you can choose the look you prefer (or tweak settings further).


  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    Haha this is just awesome=)

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    I learned a LOT about ammonoids doing this project. I mean, I knew they were 'shelled squid' and very common; like almost any sea scene in a museum from ancient times shows some variety.

    But among other things:

    While they resemble nautiloids in broad strokes, they are much more closely related to squids and octopi (which essentially evolved the shells into small internal pieces).

    Their soft tissues is almost entirely speculation; their shells fossilize really well, but soft parts? The most of the soft tissues that have fossilized are basically smudges, and a few showing that some species fed on ostracods. So, for example, did they have suckers? There is no evidence they did, and I believe the consensus view right now is that they didn't (which is what I went with). How many tentacle arms did they have? Again, speculation, best guess assumes 10, like their close relatives (octopi again apparently evolved away two arms, squids specialized two tentacles)

    Note that the many many many ammonoid fossils you can find in stores, the outer layer is often worn away or dissolved, and the conditions often create beautifully iridescent fossils. Cool stuff.

    They filled their hard shell with air through a central channel as a weird floatation device, so they were probably not very fast, even with some kind of siphon. Did they orient head down, or more horizontally? Good question!

    Their extinction is thought to have come at least partially from acidification of the oceans, which was hard on shell formation. They are thought to have had a longer breeding cycle than nautiloids, one reason nautiloids survived. Squid and octopi traded speed for the shells, and with the Cretaceous event/acidified oceans, this gave them a massive leg up.

    Which is a shame. I would love to see a live ammonoid!


    Also, working on this project made me seriously crave calamari. mmm.


  • SylvanSylvan Posts: 2,718
    These are awesome! Love the different shells as well. Such a cute spieces!
  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    Excellent! This is going into the next cartful I buy — I have a good variety of prehistoric critters, including a few underwater ones, but nothing quite like this.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    I mistreated this one a bit, I hope you don't mind ;P

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Very nice! And enough to feed a few!


  • These are really cool! That Baculite will make a perfect mermaid pet

  • RedfernRedfern Posts: 1,618
    Linwelly said:

    I mistreated this one a bit, I hope you don't mind ;P

    Islander:  "Now, I have avenged countless anime school girls!!!"

  • {Weep...}

    They're only for Daz...



  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Someone asked about the mouths of ammonoids.

    It's a bit primitive, along with the siphon, but here:


    Ammonoid mouth.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 423K
    Ammonoid mouth open.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 392K
  • Have you ever seen Europa Report the movie?

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    I have! This wasn’t inspired by it, really, but could be a prop...

    I found Europa Report very surprisingly nuanced and well-acted, and it didn’t at all go ways I expected.

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