Is there a way to record a script from actions? Want to change max/min values on rotation...

The default max/min values V4's hip rotations are insane, +/- 360,000.  As a result, when I try to rotate, she spins out of control.  So I always find myself manually adjusting these max and min values on new characters.

Is there a way to "record" a script based on manual actions? 

Note - I've tried saving a pose with max/min values set on rotations, but the saved pose just seems to contain the dial value, not the max/min.


  • Try saving a Character Preset isntead, and use it to load the figure rather than applying it to a loaded figure.

    No, DS doesn't have a macro-recorder. It would be a nice feature to have, but not - as I understand it - possible because not every function is exposed to scripting, or as an action that can be accessed by a script/Window>Workspace>Customise. Making it possible would presumably require a major overhaul not just of DS but of all plug-ins too, so I'm not holding out much hope.

  • Joe827Joe827 Posts: 225

    Thank you.  I will try the character preset approach.

  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983

    You can mass editing properties / morph sliders like the rotations with the Parameters pane just right-click on it to go to edit mode and now you can select all rotations at once with Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click. Then right click one of them and in the menu choose Set > Set Min/Max also make shure Use Limits is enabled also available in this menu. Finaly you can also lower the Set > Sesitivity on all of them at once - floating point values allowed maybe set sensitivity to 0.02. Sometimes the universal tool translations in the viewport can be too fast then I set the translation values to a sensitivity of 0.002 and work with the Parameter pane sliders instead.

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