I need to apologize to you as well @junior_franc. I am just seeing your message now. As the log states, the preset is loading multiple objects. If you create a new preset with only one item loaded, that should work.
10:07:47 GMT-0300 (-03): WARNING: Forcing Conversion of Clothing Items
10:07:47 GMT-0300 (-03): Executing Script
10:07:47 GMT-0300 (-03): Selecting Preset: /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/Character/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_M43.cr2
10:07:47 GMT-0300 (-03): Input Filename does not have "clothing" in its path: /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/Character/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_M43.cr2
10:07:47 GMT-0300 (-03): Input Filename does not have "accessories" in its path: /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/Character/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_M43.cr2
10:07:47 GMT-0300 (-03): Found alternate root directory "Character"
10:07:47 GMT-0300 (-03): Converting clothing from /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/Character/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_M43.cr2 to /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/My Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_M43.duf 10:07:52 GMT-0300 (-03): Preset loaded multiple objects. Aborting conversion for /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/Character/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_M43.cr2
10:07:55 GMT-0300 (-03): Execution Complete.
thanks for the reply friend, unfortunately i did what you said and it didn't work.
It is still showing that yor preset, GinfV4_Tunic_M43.duf, is loading multiple objects. If I remember correctly, I believe the Tannenbaum items don't work cleanly because even pockets are separate objects.
19:45:10 GMT-0300 (-03): WARNING: Forcing Conversion of Clothing Items
19:45:10 GMT-0300 (-03): Executing Script
19:45:11 GMT-0300 (-03): Selecting Preset: /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/Character/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_Camo.cr2
19:45:11 GMT-0300 (-03): Input Filename does not have "clothing" in its path: /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/Character/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_Camo.cr2
19:45:11 GMT-0300 (-03): Input Filename does not have "accessories" in its path: /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/Character/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_Camo.cr2
19:45:11 GMT-0300 (-03): Found alternate root directory "Character"
19:45:11 GMT-0300 (-03): Converting clothing from /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/Character/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_Camo.cr2 to /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/My Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_Camo.duf
19:45:17 GMT-0300 (-03): Directory does not exist: /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/My Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4
19:45:57 GMT-0300 (-03): Copy Icons from /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/Character/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_Camo.cr2 to /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/My Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_Camo.duf
19:45:57 GMT-0300 (-03): Copy Categories from /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/Character/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_Camo.cr2 to /Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/My Library/People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_Camo.duf
19:45:57 GMT-0300 (-03): Cannot find assets for old preset /Runtime/Libraries/Character/Tannenbaum/German_Infantry_V4/GinfV4_Tunic_Camo.cr2
19:46:03 GMT-0300 (-03): Execution Complete.
this is the log stats of the converted tunic. The tunics are very similar, is there a way to convert to the one I had a problem with?
No, there is not. To have a hope that the clothing converter can convert your item, you need to resave it as a preset without multiple items. It is finding multiple items when you load that preset. If you do it manually, do you find multiple items?
I have just bought the converter (as well as the M4 to G8 Male one) and think is amazing; however, it seems not to be able to convert the old *.daz clothing items which I still own in good number.
Is there any workaround for these "ancient" files?
I have just bought the converter (as well as the M4 to G8 Male one) and think is amazing; however, it seems not to be able to convert the old *.daz clothing items which I still own in good number.
Is there any workaround for these "ancient" files?
Thank you and ciao!
Not ideal I know, but the "workaround" would be to resave the original file in a more modern format. I don't mean make it for Genesis 8 or Genesis or anything, just a V4/M4 item saved again in DS as a modern preset.
Would you be so kind to show how to resave the files - or point at any thread discussing the matter? I tried to save (three separate items) as Wearable or Support Asset/Figure/Prop Assets, but no luck in either case that the new files might be recognized as clothing by the RSSY converter.
Would you be so kind to show how to resave the files - or point at any thread discussing the matter? I tried to save (three separate items) as Wearable or Support Asset/Figure/Prop Assets, but no luck in either case that the new files might be recognized as clothing by the RSSY converter.
Many thanks!
I would think the Save Prop Asset would work. However, you might still need to use the Force Convert on it. Did you try that?
I am having issues trying to convert some clothing to G8F. I run the script and at the end it says that no items have been converted. Another thing is that according to the manual, I should get a "Convert Figure to Weight Mapping" dialoge window where I select "General weight Mapping" but I don't get the dialogue box at all. What am I doing wrong?
I am having issues trying to convert some clothing to G8F. I run the script and at the end it says that no items have been converted. Another thing is that according to the manual, I should get a "Convert Figure to Weight Mapping" dialoge window where I select "General weight Mapping" but I don't get the dialogue box at all. What am I doing wrong?
Probably it is crashing before that step. Did you install via Daz Connect? (Don't. Uninstall. Delete files in cloud directory, and install via DIM). Please post the log so I can say.
Hi RiverSoftArt. I have actually used the program a number of times before with success. It is only recently that it has stopped working for me.The intial instal was done through DIM and not Daz Connect. I will try it again and post the log for you but unfortunately that may not be until the weekend.
Notice the second case is hardly a solution. And I'd point out that not having any of the 3D-Age products to test is an easily resolved issue for Riversoft I'd think. They're pretty common in a certain other store at the very least and have yet to be upgraded to more modern versions as I suspect no few there are still Poser devotees. That doesn't mean that owners of such don't/won't want to use such with Daz.
Notice the second case is hardly a solution. And I'd point out that not having any of the 3D-Age products to test is an easily resolved issue for Riversoft I'd think. They're pretty common in a certain other store at the very least and have yet to be upgraded to more modern versions as I suspect no few there are still Poser devotees. That doesn't mean that owners of such don't/won't want to use such with Daz.
That is the best that the converter can do unfortunately. Acquiring and testing the 3D-Age product would not help. This is a set process that is not customized for specific clothing items.
You can try any clothing file (even Poser) that loads clothing onto a figure with the Add Files button (with the Check Content Type option unchecked), select the item, and Force Convert.
...I have the V4 to G3F converter but when I open it for some reason it doesn't see the folder "Poser Formats/Library" where all my Gen4 content is on even though it is mapped in the Content Directory Manager.
...I have the V4 to G3F converter but when I open it for some reason it doesn't see the folder "Poser Formats/Library" where all my Gen4 content is on even though it is mapped in the Content Directory Manager.
It doesn't see it or it doesn't recognize any of the files as clothing files? The older stuff is notorious for poor metadata. Unfortunately, you will need to add them yourself (and uncheck the "Check Content Type")
I've just got back into Poser and Daz after 5 years and have bought the V4-G8F and M4-G8M convertors today so I don't lose usage of my old Gen4 outfits. But I'm having well below acceptable levels of success. I've read the manual but it doesn't seem to cover my woes. In both cases, I am using the G8 and not the G8.1 versions of the bodies.
When attempting to work on any M4 files, I get the same error: "Could not set conversion morph". I've had a small amount of success with the V4 convertor but the other attempts have had the same log message.
This is one of the last logs on M4-G8M before I rage quit.
22:24:38 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): WARNING: Forcing Conversion of Clothing Items
22:24:38 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Executing Script
22:24:38 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Selecting Preset: J:/Program Files/Metacreations/Clothing/Runtime/Libraries/Character/!M4 Clothing/P3DA_M4Business/BusinessJacket.cr2
22:24:38 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Converting clothing from J:/Program Files/Metacreations/Clothing/Runtime/Libraries/Character/!M4 Clothing/P3DA_M4Business/BusinessJacket.cr2 to J:/Program Files/My DAZ 3D Library 1/People/Genesis 8 Male/Clothing/M4 Converted Clothes/Runtime/Libraries/Character/!M4 Clothing/P3DA_M4Business/BusinessJacket.duf
22:24:43 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Could not set conversion morph
22:24:50 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Execution Complete.
The convertor creates the folder for the files but there is nothing in them.
I have had others where the Could Not Set message appears multiple times in the conversion attempt. I've tried to use different conformers in case it's an error in the selection but always the same result. And even went as far as unchecking most of the options.
I've had zero success with the M4 script and out of 20 outfits for V4 tried, I've had success with just 4. One was a M4 jacket that had failed on the M4 convertor and another was a V3-V4 conversion done in EvilInnocence's XD4 convertor.
Can you suggest a solution for the morph error ? I downloaded and installed the convertors through Daz Central so wouldn't hope there is corruption already in the data.
I've just got back into Poser and Daz after 5 years and have bought the V4-G8F and M4-G8M convertors today so I don't lose usage of my old Gen4 outfits. But I'm having well below acceptable levels of success. I've read the manual but it doesn't seem to cover my woes. In both cases, I am using the G8 and not the G8.1 versions of the bodies.
When attempting to work on any M4 files, I get the same error: "Could not set conversion morph". I've had a small amount of success with the V4 convertor but the other attempts have had the same log message.
This is one of the last logs on M4-G8M before I rage quit.
22:24:38 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): WARNING: Forcing Conversion of Clothing Items
22:24:38 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Executing Script
22:24:38 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Selecting Preset: J:/Program Files/Metacreations/Clothing/Runtime/Libraries/Character/!M4 Clothing/P3DA_M4Business/BusinessJacket.cr2
22:24:38 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Converting clothing from J:/Program Files/Metacreations/Clothing/Runtime/Libraries/Character/!M4 Clothing/P3DA_M4Business/BusinessJacket.cr2 to J:/Program Files/My DAZ 3D Library 1/People/Genesis 8 Male/Clothing/M4 Converted Clothes/Runtime/Libraries/Character/!M4 Clothing/P3DA_M4Business/BusinessJacket.duf
22:24:43 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Could not set conversion morph
22:24:50 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Execution Complete.
The convertor creates the folder for the files but there is nothing in them.
I have had others where the Could Not Set message appears multiple times in the conversion attempt. I've tried to use different conformers in case it's an error in the selection but always the same result. And even went as far as unchecking most of the options.
I've had zero success with the M4 script and out of 20 outfits for V4 tried, I've had success with just 4. One was a M4 jacket that had failed on the M4 convertor and another was a V3-V4 conversion done in EvilInnocence's XD4 convertor.
Can you suggest a solution for the morph error ? I downloaded and installed the convertors through Daz Central so wouldn't hope there is corruption already in the data.
I am sorry you are having difficulty. I will have to check the code (I am away from my dev computer) to see why that error is occuring. I will say, however, that installing through Daz Connect can be a bad idea with my scripts, especially the older ones. Daz Connect tends to have my scripts pull in support files from multiple products, which can cause issues. The first thing I would try is to uninstall the product, delete the cloud folder where the product was, and install with DIM. Often, that can fix most issues by itself.
I am sorry you are having difficulty. I will have to check the code (I am away from my dev computer) to see why that error is occuring. I will say, however, that installing through Daz Connect can be a bad idea with my scripts, especially the older ones. Daz Connect tends to have my scripts pull in support files from multiple products, which can cause issues. The first thing I would try is to uninstall the product, delete the cloud folder where the product was, and install with DIM. Often, that can fix most issues by itself.
Thanks for the quick response. And I'm pleased to say that after an uninstall and a manual reinstallation, both V4 and M4 convertors are working. It appears the Daz Central/Daz Connect service, while trying to make the install easier, decided to put both scripts in the Daz executable folder tree and not my "My Library" tree as expected. Now I've copied the files across to the right directories, everything seems to be working.
Image is the M4 UK Police Uniform (hat, jacket and trousers) from Poserworld converted to G8M. There are some artefacts on the floor between the shoes and these seem to be created from the shin areas of the trousers. But I've seen this mentioned in the manual so I'll go back and look at how it can be improved.
Again, thanks Riversoft. You have another happy customer :)
I am sorry you are having difficulty. I will have to check the code (I am away from my dev computer) to see why that error is occuring. I will say, however, that installing through Daz Connect can be a bad idea with my scripts, especially the older ones. Daz Connect tends to have my scripts pull in support files from multiple products, which can cause issues. The first thing I would try is to uninstall the product, delete the cloud folder where the product was, and install with DIM. Often, that can fix most issues by itself.
Thanks for the quick response. And I'm pleased to say that after an uninstall and a manual reinstallation, both V4 and M4 convertors are working. It appears the Daz Central/Daz Connect service, while trying to make the install easier, decided to put both scripts in the Daz executable folder tree and not my "My Library" tree as expected. Now I've copied the files across to the right directories, everything seems to be working.
Image is the M4 UK Police Uniform (hat, jacket and trousers) from Poserworld converted to G8M. There are some artefacts on the floor between the shoes and these seem to be created from the shin areas of the trousers. But I've seen this mentioned in the manual so I'll go back and look at how it can be improved.
Again, thanks Riversoft. You have another happy customer :)
Awesome! I am so happy I have another happy customer!
No, there is not. To have a hope that the clothing converter can convert your item, you need to resave it as a preset without multiple items. It is finding multiple items when you load that preset. If you do it manually, do you find multiple items?
I have convertes footwear that has "Thigh Inner L" but not "Thigh Inner R". Any ideas?
No, I don't know what you mean. Morphs are missing?
Sorry to revive an "old" thread.
I have just bought the converter (as well as the M4 to G8 Male one) and think is amazing; however, it seems not to be able to convert the old *.daz clothing items which I still own in good number.
Is there any workaround for these "ancient" files?
Thank you and ciao!
Not ideal I know, but the "workaround" would be to resave the original file in a more modern format. I don't mean make it for Genesis 8 or Genesis or anything, just a V4/M4 item saved again in DS as a modern preset.
Would you be so kind to show how to resave the files - or point at any thread discussing the matter? I tried to save (three separate items) as Wearable or Support Asset/Figure/Prop Assets, but no luck in either case that the new files might be recognized as clothing by the RSSY converter.
Many thanks!
I would think the Save Prop Asset would work. However, you might still need to use the Force Convert on it. Did you try that?
I did, but on saving as Prop Asset there is a ton of options, so there is a good chance that the matter is on my side.
For the converter, if you post the log, I can tell you what it thinks.
Another success with this product : - a free cocktail dress and the Jubilee dress for V4/A4
Thank you for sharing @sueya!
I am having issues trying to convert some clothing to G8F. I run the script and at the end it says that no items have been converted. Another thing is that according to the manual, I should get a "Convert Figure to Weight Mapping" dialoge window where I select "General weight Mapping" but I don't get the dialogue box at all. What am I doing wrong?
Probably it is crashing before that step. Did you install via Daz Connect? (Don't. Uninstall. Delete files in cloud directory, and install via DIM). Please post the log so I can say.
Hi RiverSoftArt. I have actually used the program a number of times before with success. It is only recently that it has stopped working for me.The intial instal was done through DIM and not Daz Connect. I will try it again and post the log for you but unfortunately that may not be until the weekend.
Notice the second case is hardly a solution. And I'd point out that not having any of the 3D-Age products to test is an easily resolved issue for Riversoft I'd think. They're pretty common in a certain other store at the very least and have yet to be upgraded to more modern versions as I suspect no few there are still Poser devotees. That doesn't mean that owners of such don't/won't want to use such with Daz.
That is the best that the converter can do unfortunately. Acquiring and testing the 3D-Age product would not help. This is a set process that is not customized for specific clothing items.
You can try any clothing file (even Poser) that loads clothing onto a figure with the Add Files button (with the Check Content Type option unchecked), select the item, and Force Convert.
...I have the V4 to G3F converter but when I open it for some reason it doesn't see the folder "Poser Formats/Library" where all my Gen4 content is on even though it is mapped in the Content Directory Manager.
It doesn't see it or it doesn't recognize any of the files as clothing files? The older stuff is notorious for poor metadata. Unfortunately, you will need to add them yourself (and uncheck the "Check Content Type")
...ah that's true, much of that content came out before there was a database, but till it it won't see the directory at all.
Then I would uncheck "Check Content Type" and use the "Add Files" button to add the specific presets.
...OK thanks, I'll give that a try.
Good luck!
Hi Riversoft.
I've just got back into Poser and Daz after 5 years and have bought the V4-G8F and M4-G8M convertors today so I don't lose usage of my old Gen4 outfits. But I'm having well below acceptable levels of success. I've read the manual but it doesn't seem to cover my woes. In both cases, I am using the G8 and not the G8.1 versions of the bodies.
When attempting to work on any M4 files, I get the same error: "Could not set conversion morph". I've had a small amount of success with the V4 convertor but the other attempts have had the same log message.
This is one of the last logs on M4-G8M before I rage quit.
22:24:38 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): WARNING: Forcing Conversion of Clothing Items
22:24:38 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Executing Script
22:24:38 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Selecting Preset: J:/Program Files/Metacreations/Clothing/Runtime/Libraries/Character/!M4 Clothing/P3DA_M4Business/BusinessJacket.cr2
22:24:38 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Converting clothing from J:/Program Files/Metacreations/Clothing/Runtime/Libraries/Character/!M4 Clothing/P3DA_M4Business/BusinessJacket.cr2 to J:/Program Files/My DAZ 3D Library 1/People/Genesis 8 Male/Clothing/M4 Converted Clothes/Runtime/Libraries/Character/!M4 Clothing/P3DA_M4Business/BusinessJacket.duf
22:24:43 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Could not set conversion morph
22:24:50 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time): Execution Complete.
The convertor creates the folder for the files but there is nothing in them.
I have had others where the Could Not Set message appears multiple times in the conversion attempt. I've tried to use different conformers in case it's an error in the selection but always the same result. And even went as far as unchecking most of the options.
I've had zero success with the M4 script and out of 20 outfits for V4 tried, I've had success with just 4. One was a M4 jacket that had failed on the M4 convertor and another was a V3-V4 conversion done in EvilInnocence's XD4 convertor.
Can you suggest a solution for the morph error ? I downloaded and installed the convertors through Daz Central so wouldn't hope there is corruption already in the data.
I am sorry you are having difficulty. I will have to check the code (I am away from my dev computer) to see why that error is occuring. I will say, however, that installing through Daz Connect can be a bad idea with my scripts, especially the older ones. Daz Connect tends to have my scripts pull in support files from multiple products, which can cause issues. The first thing I would try is to uninstall the product, delete the cloud folder where the product was, and install with DIM. Often, that can fix most issues by itself.
Thanks for the quick response. And I'm pleased to say that after an uninstall and a manual reinstallation, both V4 and M4 convertors are working. It appears the Daz Central/Daz Connect service, while trying to make the install easier, decided to put both scripts in the Daz executable folder tree and not my "My Library" tree as expected. Now I've copied the files across to the right directories, everything seems to be working.
Image is the M4 UK Police Uniform (hat, jacket and trousers) from Poserworld converted to G8M. There are some artefacts on the floor between the shoes and these seem to be created from the shin areas of the trousers. But I've seen this mentioned in the manual so I'll go back and look at how it can be improved.
Again, thanks Riversoft. You have another happy customer :)
Awesome! I am so happy I have another happy customer!