Where have I landed? What forum is this?

daz3d_9ff14f0c17daz3d_9ff14f0c17 Posts: 0
edited May 2012 in Carrara Discussion

I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, the world had become totally white..
Where am I now? Where are the familiar avatars? Images? YouTube videos? How longs has it been like this? Feel like being in a hospital.. clean clean.. all desinfected and white..
Is it supposed to be like this from now on..?
It is so un-Carrara-ish that it can be..

Hi there 3dage, you have totally 4 posts - wow - you are ahead of me!!!


Post edited by daz3d_9ff14f0c17 on


  • MoviehawkMoviehawk Posts: 67
    edited December 1969

    I guess I missed the announcement explaining all of this!
    Where are all the tutorial threads, tips and tricks and the hundreds of posts that people took many hours preparing examples and demonstrating techniques.
    Is all of that lost, just tossed away?

    If so - that sux! I can't see any reason why the previous posts were not converted into the new system.

    Am I the only one PO'd?

    Not being mean or nasty - just very disappointed if all that is lost.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Od Forum is archived here http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/

  • daz3d_9ff14f0c17daz3d_9ff14f0c17 Posts: 0
    edited May 2012

    Moviehawk said:
    I guess I missed the announcement explaining all of this!
    Am I the only one PO'd?

    Any explanation that give a good reason for sterilizing the forum like this is acceptable. I emphasize: GOOD reason. Myself I do not see any.. but I am sure (almost sure) there has to be one..

    -Ingvar (the "New member", I have only been here 3 years and 8 months..)

    Post edited by daz3d_9ff14f0c17 on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    The old forum, indeed the whole site, was falling apart, and the web guys were spending mega hours holding it all together with string and duct tape.

    Is that a good reason ?

  • CarltonMartinCarltonMartin Posts: 147
    edited May 2012

    They're free forums provided by a company, and the company decided to change them to update them (not all features are available yet) and to make them easier to manage, although they really didn't need a reason, since they own them?


    Post edited by CarltonMartin on
  • daz3d_9ff14f0c17daz3d_9ff14f0c17 Posts: 0
    edited May 2012

    chohole said:
    The old forum, indeed the whole site, was falling apart, and the web guys were spending mega hours holding it all together with string and duct tape.
    Is that a good reason ?

    Hi, this is not what I mean. A new forums is perfectly understandable. What is hard for me to capish is why the new forum is so different from all other forums out there, especially multimedia forums, like this one is. Where are the avatars, the ability to link in / post images, YouTube videos? This only means plain HTML, embedded in the message, and does not put any strain on your forum machine, whatsoever. Because embedded HTML is is a communication between the site linked in and the client - only.
    As it is now, it is stripped down do a bare bone minimum which makes it sterile.
    Well, maybe the features I wish for are in the works.. ;-)


    Post edited by daz3d_9ff14f0c17 on
  • MoviehawkMoviehawk Posts: 67
    edited May 2012

    chohole said:
    Od Forum is archived here http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/

    Thanks for that link.. If that information was posted elsewhere - I did not see it.

    I understand that systems need updating - but not understanding why old posts were not translated into the new system.

    Thanks again.

    Note: Just tried the link to old system and did a search - got tons of program errors.

    Post edited by Moviehawk on
  • PuntomausPuntomaus Posts: 450
    edited December 1969

    When this is a new and different forum software then it was most likely impossible to integrate the data base of the old forum into this one.

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706
    edited December 1969

    Well, I am glad that I popped in here before ranting and raving about how retarded DAZ was for wiping out the old forum..... Afterall, it is the closest thing to a manual we have for now. At least it is archived, but I didn't find out before going through my bookmark folder for carrara forums and deleting all the ones that didn't work :(
    I probably could have saved them by going through and appending the new forum address. Oh well.

  • MoviehawkMoviehawk Posts: 67
    edited December 1969

    Puntomaus said:
    When this is a new and different forum software then it was most likely impossible to integrate the data base of the old forum into this one.

    Sorry .. been programming for 30+years, nothing is impossible.

    Thanks for the comment though.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618
    edited December 1969

    well facebook doesn't even support gif's!
    actually not sure this forum does either?

    400 x 500 - 1M
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618
    edited December 1969

    well not embedded ones
    DOES uploaded ones!!!

  • Design AcrobatDesign Acrobat Posts: 459
    edited May 2012

    I don't like this new forum.

    It doesn't appear to be for graphics. In fact, it looks like something out of the 1980s Compuserve days.

    I've kind of lost interest anyway, this forum format may just push me a bit faster towards the exit.

    Oh yeah, I keep getting logged out everytime I leave.

    Post edited by Design Acrobat on
  • 3dcal3dcal Posts: 179
    edited December 1969

    I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, the world had become totally white..

    Yeah, reminds me of 2001 Space Odyssey........maybe this is just a beta(?)

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618
    edited December 1969

    I don't like this new forum.

    It doesn't appear to be for graphics. In fact, it looks like something out of the 1980s Compuserve days.

    I've kind of lost interest anyway, this forum format may just push me a bit faster towards the exit.

    Oh yeah, I keep getting logged out everytime I leave.

    same here.
    prob not always going to relog in so miss new posts.
    and new posts not comprehensive, replys to my handfull of posts were not included, I had to take the time to find those and see what replies given
    so asking for help on something likely to result in an answer being missed.
    it might at least stop me from posting too many other topics so I can search my posts tovia my profile to find answers to queries more easily
    sofar Carrara discussion one page so not hard but will get harder, no hope of finding replies in other forum threads!
  • WadeWattsWadeWatts Posts: 0
    edited May 2012

    The forum has lost so much! For one it has lost personality, years of knowledge.... and most of all "community". Why? I don't get it... This forum is a downgrade... not an upgrade. As someone who has run forums and forum software and been through many upgrades I can tell you that taking away peoples avatars is the best way to make them not use the forum...

    Also I am thinking of how many times I would search the forum for answers and find them.. Think of all the knowledge that 3DAge put into the forum not to mention a host of others...

    DAZ... give the old forum a new skin to match this one... don't flush the old forum down the drain... The site looks cool and all that... but the forum is really, really sterile. I am sure I am not the only one who thinks so.

    DAZ what was the logic behind this? The Forum database too big? Too much load on the servers? What? Please tell us.

    There are MySQL databases and forum software that can handle a huge number of records, posts and members... that do not require Duct Tape... I can understand updating the site but driving the stake through the forum's heart was a bad idea...

    I used to own a web site magicvideodepot.com When I started it had 1200 members, when I sold it, it had 280,000 members. I just upgraded the servers and forum software... by doing a database transfer... I did the same thing you did I tried to launch a new forum on the members because of server bandwidth issues. I made lots of people upset... So I quickly corrected my mistake and the members loved it... I upgraded my forum software to ADD more features... not take them away. And the membership grew and everyone was happy. I bet you will get no positive feedback on this new forum software... Take note... Remember Netflix when they wanted to make a major change without listening to their user needs?

    If needed you could run separate forums by product... and that would take the load off the servers, the forum database and software... There are tons of alternatives... but really this one is not the best for your users. I'm afraid you will see a huge decline in the number of people using the forums and then a decline in the number of people buying DAZ products... because the DAZ community is a huge part of what makes DAZ3D so special. I love Carrara, I think you have a great innovative company but really the technical reason given for changing the forum in this manner is not compelling... I think you should reconsider. Please... and I know I speak for most of the people on the this forum. If this forum would let me make a poll (yes some forums have that feature!) I think they all would agree. Anyway... I think you may want to have an internal meeting to reconsider... especially when you see forum postings going down and then sales... because the forum postings generate lots of sales... Really!

    Thanks in advance, Dell :roll:

    319 x 305 - 17K
    Post edited by WadeWatts on
  • daz3d_9ff14f0c17daz3d_9ff14f0c17 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    This forum is the oil that lubricates the daz machinery. I participate in several forums, and no one can compete with this forum, the way it WAS. Not the way it is now. Why on earth are the avatars gone? Where are the personalities gone, that we all love around here?
    I agree completely with the previous poster. The community here IS daz. The new forum is suicide, period. (or alomost, lol)

  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited December 1969

    DazDell said:
    The forum has lost so much! For one it has lost personality, years of knowledge.... and most of all "community". Why? I don't get it... This forum is a downgrade... not an upgrade.

    I have to agree, in it's current state the forum is just... sad. Although DAZ staff has stated that they recognize many of the problems and are working to rectify them, unless you are following the right threads, you wouldn't know it.

    The old forum has been archived, and is available in read-only format, but it is badly broken. None of the images in the posts will display. You can reconstruct the image links, but it's a major pain. Again, I believe that DAZ staff is aware of this problem and intends to fix it, but who knows when. (DAZ soon?)

    I love Carrara, I think you have a great innovative company but really the technical reason given for changing the forum in this manner is not compelling... I think you should reconsider. Please... and I know I speak for most of the people on the this forum. If this forum would let me make a poll (yes some forums have that feature!) I think they all would agree.

    Oddly enough, polls are one feature that this new forum does have. When you create a new topic, scroll down to find the feature to add a poll.

    I think DAZ will eventually work out the technical problems. However, I'm still not sure what effect the jettisoning of the old forum posts as an archive will have. If it can be made fully readable, linkable, and searchable, maybe not too much.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited December 1969

    i like how the topics aren't listed in order of when people posted on them
    i think that is a real good move on daz 's part :)
    because ... er give me a moment to think of something


    well, if you pardon me, the loss of the old forum and its searchaBLE knowledge sucks even more than the design of this new one

    stupid really
    i like to spend money at daz
    i used to like coming to the forum
    but it gives me a headache
    the more headaches i get the less money i spend ;)
    just think how happy none of us will be

  • daz3d_9ff14f0c17daz3d_9ff14f0c17 Posts: 0
    edited May 2012

    Like I said - this forum IS daz, no less, no more.
    When people ask why I have used Carrara, I always mention the community, the forum.
    And by the way, there are several foum engines to go out there, ready made, and well proven. Just bring it home, install it and off you go. No need to reinvent the wheel.


    Post edited by daz3d_9ff14f0c17 on
  • Design AcrobatDesign Acrobat Posts: 459
    edited December 1969

    Perhaps if they gave the background a familiar look. It would be instructional and something to look at. :)
    Kind of joking...

    473 x 549 - 36K
  • booksbydavidbooksbydavid Posts: 429
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    i like how the topics aren't listed in order of when people posted on them
    i think that is a real good move on daz 's part :)
    because ... er give me a moment to think of something


    well, if you pardon me, the loss of the old forum and its searchaBLE knowledge sucks even more than the design of this new one

    stupid really
    i like to spend money at daz
    i used to like coming to the forum
    but it gives me a headache
    the more headaches i get the less money i spend ;)
    just think how happy none of us will be

    Hey!! It's great to meet another 'New Member'. Hi!

    Totally agree with you. Especially about the headache. Ouch!

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    This is awful. It's very hard to read. No paragraph separation....

    Hard to believe someone approved this.

  • WadeWattsWadeWatts Posts: 0
    edited May 2012

    Daz3D one more thing... If you check out this link this is a very robust Forum software that scales and has tons of users...

    Check out what a really good UI looks for by going to this demo site that shows off hundreds of themes that can be customized...

    In fact I would recommend that all members of this forum check this out to see what this forum could be with the right software... I have used this Forum software before (SMF) and it has all kinds of ADMIN TOOLS and USER TOOLS. It can also be completely customized graphically and with features because it is open source...

    Tell me this demo of the features and the Forum software itself is not 100% better then what we have now...


    Here is a list of features... and I will volunteer my time to get it up and running on any server you choose. I will even help with the forum migration if you want me too.

    Check out the features also...

    Post edited by WadeWatts on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    i like how the topics aren't listed in order of when people posted on them
    i think that is a real good move on daz 's part :)
    because ... er give me a moment to think of something


    well, if you pardon me, the loss of the old forum and its searchaBLE knowledge sucks even more than the design of this new one

    stupid really
    i like to spend money at daz
    i used to like coming to the forum
    but it gives me a headache
    the more headaches i get the less money i spend ;)
    just think how happy none of us will be

    Hey!! It's great to meet another 'New Member'. Hi!

    Totally agree with you. Especially about the headache. Ouch!


    gah daz must be losing a stack of money
    their store is a mess
    i feel sorry for them
    id be suing their software sellers ....
    then again im not dax err i'm not daz either

    welcome new poster :)

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited December 1969

    oh can i say wth?

    h = hell
    rendo looks good as does carrara cafe

  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    Fear not!

    All forum issues will be resolved immediately upon The Release Of The Millennium Cow!

    The Millennium Cow would never tolerate such a shambotic site. Nor should we, but we lack the Authority to change things that The Millennium Cow will have.

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I think it's time to bring back the verb : DAZ - to completely bungle in a total and inexplicable way... to make something previously loved completely unusable, then deny any knowledge of the problem while refusing to fix it....

    "You've really DAZzed it up this time!"

    ormaybe is it a descriptive noun:

    "Don't be such a DAZ!"

  • 3dcal3dcal Posts: 179
    edited December 1969

    Or, "Don't DAZ me, bro!!! Aaaggggghhh!!!"

    The forums are for users and for dialogue between the users & DAZ.
    I appreciate (really) that DAZ provides the forums, though I know it's
    mostly (if not totally by now) a business decision, a symbiotic relationship.

    They need us to stay in business, and we need them if we want to stay a community as before.

    It's just too bad that they shoot themselves in the foot/feet by taking down the old forum before the new one was ready
    to go......did they ever ask what we would like?

    A poll like Wendy's in advance would have been good PR........they need a new PR person.

    In the end, life will go on, with or without DAZ, or us.

  • booksbydavidbooksbydavid Posts: 429
    edited December 1969

    megacal said:
    Or, "Don't DAZ me, bro!!! Aaaggggghhh!!!"

    In the end, life will go on, with or without DAZ, or us.

    What the DAZ are you talking about?! Of course life will NOT go on without me. Are you DAZZING kidding!! You all better hope nothing happens to me. That's all I'm sayin'.

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