New Users Contest *October 2013* ►►► WIP THREAD ◄◄◄



  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited December 1969

    Let me see if I can give Jaderail a hand. Now, first study his basic tutorial about creating a single shader.

    Now, we can add to that. Using an imaging program, create an image.. oh, 1000x1000 pixel. For this example I used MSPaint, everyone has that. As you can see, the purple scribbles are in the center, away from the borders, so it will be tileable :) just 2 simple colors. I named it blob.jpg. It is the sick purple and green thing overlaid on the picture.

    In my runtime folder.. textures.. I create a folder called LKG (my initials, can be any name), inside that, a folder named blob, my image name (again, any name, just so you can find it). I put the Blob jpg in that.

    In the photo, you can see the cursor hovering over the map editor button in diffuse settings. you can choose to "browse" I browsed to the location of "blob.jpg" and chose that.

    now, in the rendered image, the sphere now shows my Blob map as a shader, with tile set 1 horiz 1 Vert. I saved it as a shader preset, same way as the basic tutorial.

    For her Uniform, I changed the tile settings to 8 horiz 8 vert after I applied the shader to the surface.

    See :)

    530 x 700 - 264K
    1141 x 878 - 132K
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for posting those examples and instructions, standfast! :coolsmile:

  • firefly43firefly43 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969


    If I am allowed and it would not cause an issue, I really would like to do the older contests just so I can lean.
    Are they ever monitored for such activity and assistance or is it an on my own experience? Either way is okay


    Do not know how I missed that in the tutorial, unless I went through Tutorial 1 twice, so thanks so much.
    I have spent all day searching through the menu drop downs trying to find it ... never even occured to me to look in the products. Sometimes I scare me ........

    Is that something I should play with AFTER I get a hang of the basics since standfast said that neither are really needed (thank you by the way standfast)

    I assume that means that the basic Studio shader will do everything that uber or shader mixer will do, the later simply tweek the item a bit more?

    But again THANK YOU!


    Double thanks for the info mentioned above and the instructions and images. Awesome! I actually think that helped me get a picture of what I can do.

    So if I add a texture during the creation of a shader preset, save it as a preset, that will not count as using textures for this contest .... right?

    You all are really great for helping!!

    You really do have my deepest appreciation for setting this forum and the contest up for us.

    I would still be lost trying to make sense of tutorials that only cover certain areas.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,322
    edited December 1969

    firefly43 said:

    If I am allowed and it would not cause an issue, I really would like to do the older contests just so I can lean.
    Are they ever monitored for such activity and assistance or is it an on my own experience? Either way is okay

    I'm not quite understanding what your asking. You want to do previous contest so you can learn? If that's the case yeah go right ahead. Just post any questions to that thread and someone will be along to help out.

  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited October 2013

    firefly43 said:

    If I am allowed and it would not cause an issue, I really would like to do the older contests just so I can lean.
    Are they ever monitored for such activity and assistance or is it an on my own experience? Either way is okay


    Do not know how I missed that in the tutorial, unless I went through Tutorial 1 twice, so thanks so much.
    I have spent all day searching through the menu drop downs trying to find it ... never even occured to me to look in the products. Sometimes I scare me ........

    Is that something I should play with AFTER I get a hang of the basics since standfast said that neither are really needed (thank you by the way standfast)

    I assume that means that the basic Studio shader will do everything that uber or shader mixer will do, the later simply tweek the item a bit more?

    But again THANK YOU!


    Double thanks for the info mentioned above and the instructions and images. Awesome! I actually think that helped me get a picture of what I can do.

    So if I add a texture during the creation of a shader preset, save it as a preset, that will not count as using textures for this contest .... right?

    You all are really great for helping!!

    You really do have my deepest appreciation for setting this forum and the contest up for us.

    I would still be lost trying to make sense of tutorials that only cover certain areas.

    For the contest, even if it is using a "texture" as some call them, or a jpg image, if it can be applied to a general surfaces without mapping to specific parts of the UV mesh, it is a shader.

    For this, part 2 a "texture" would be creating an image using UV templates to map specific areas of the image to specific parts of the UV mesh. Confusing..but think of a Texture as painting directly on a shirt pocket.. rather than shading "Bob" to the whole shirt. A "texture" mapped to the UV mesh does not have to have seperate surfaces selected to have different colors and details.

    Example of an UV texture "map". And, an example of trying to use a mapped texture as a "shader" It doesn't work, because the Texture is mapped to fit onto a belt, using a template :) This single map will color all of the component surfaces of that belt, because each surface is "mapped" to a specific part of the texture image

    530 x 700 - 161K
    800 x 800 - 101K
    Post edited by Teofa on
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited October 2013

    firefly43 said:

    If I am allowed and it would not cause an issue, I really would like to do the older contests just so I can lean.
    Are they ever monitored for such activity and assistance or is it an on my own experience? Either way is okay


    Do not know how I missed that in the tutorial, unless I went through Tutorial 1 twice, so thanks so much.
    I have spent all day searching through the menu drop downs trying to find it ... never even occured to me to look in the products. Sometimes I scare me ........

    Is that something I should play with AFTER I get a hang of the basics since standfast said that neither are really needed (thank you by the way standfast)

    I assume that means that the basic Studio shader will do everything that uber or shader mixer will do, the later simply tweek the item a bit more?

    But again THANK YOU!

    You're welcome...happy to help! :) The reason why UberSurface isn't needed for this sort of thing isn't because it shares all the same features as the DS Default Shader, it's because they share the most essential functions (like diffuse, specular, glossiness, tiling, opacity, bump, displacement, etc.). I didn't cover that stuff in my tutorial in very much detail, but you can find more information on these things in Ann's tutorial on Surface Basics. UberSurface also has a number of additional settings (like Velvet, Subsurface Scattering, Fresnel, Fantom, etc.). These extra settings give you an additional degree of control, but at the cost of a slightly higher learning curve (I'd say it's not really more difficult, just more complex).
    Post edited by Scott Livingston on
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited December 1969

    In one image I used a shader on the face skin. In the other, I drew a mustache on the mapped texture.

    See :)

    530 x 700 - 126K
    530 x 700 - 127K
  • Mcjam24Mcjam24 Posts: 115
    edited December 1969

    Great job on explaining things Standfast.

    I could see what both you and Jaderail were talking about and while dealing with the camera angle to bring in the end table and once again some oranges (hmmm....maybe than can be my signature, hide an orange in every render :-) ) took care of that problem, the shirt was being more stubborn, I tweaked things some more and I think I took it as far as I currently can, I am happy with it though.

    Now, its time to start playing with the skirt and tablecloth.

    800 x 800 - 487K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Well, nice to see all this sharing and helping. Thanks Standfast for the tut saves me the time for other things.

    Now just for firefly43, your Shaders work better in the Default DS way.
    Step one: Select the ITEM in the Scene Tab
    Step two: Open the Surfaces Tab, now select a Material on the ITEM
    Step Three: Now just Double click your Shader, it will apply to your item.

    Remember both sections MUST stay selected until after you apply the shader.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited October 2013

    Oh, here is the Shader I made for the Tut I was working on. Here is all it is.

    A Tileable Diffuse Map, I then took that into my Art Prg and converted that to a 255 greyscale image map and inverted it. I then Loaded the New Almost a Bump Map into the Displacement channel. All that was done on a Primitive Plane. I Can now tile my new Fibermesh and change the Displacement OR Bump if I saved it in Bump instead in any render. Here I just added it as a Second skin on Genie for a quick render. Shaders can be as complex as you are willing to build them. All image channels can be used if/when you understand them.

    Click ect for Full size.

    750 x 975 - 992K
    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • firefly43firefly43 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thank you so much everyone, now it is time for me to put my mind in gear and play with these ideas.

    I will make some presets and post them so you can tell me if I am getting this right.

    You have all really been very informative, so much appreciated!!

  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Oh, here is the Shader I made for the Tut I was working on. Here is all it is.

    A Tileable Diffuse Map, I then took that into my Art Prg and converted that to a 255 greyscale image map and inverted it. I then Loaded the New Almost a Bump Map into the Displacement channel. All that was done on a Primitive Plane. I Can now tile my new Fibermesh and change the Displacement OR Bump if I saved it in Bump instead in any render. Here I just added it as a Second skin on Genie for a quick render. Shaders can be as complex as you are willing to build them. All image channels can be used if/when you understand them.

    Click ect for Full size.

    I like how the displacement pulled the skin surface up to make a garment instead of just being colored skin.

  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    Self created leather shader. The only texture is in the bump channel. Applied on the Genesis Basic Wear Leggins.

    800 x 800 - 219K
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,322
    edited December 1969

    XoechZ said:
    Self created leather shader. The only texture is in the bump channel. Applied on the Genesis Basic Wear Leggins.

    Very nice

  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Oh, here is the Shader I made for the Tut I was working on. Here is all it is.

    A Tileable Diffuse Map, I then took that into my Art Prg and converted that to a 255 greyscale image map and inverted it. I then Loaded the New Almost a Bump Map into the Displacement channel. All that was done on a Primitive Plane. I Can now tile my new Fibermesh and change the Displacement OR Bump if I saved it in Bump instead in any render. Here I just added it as a Second skin on Genie for a quick render. Shaders can be as complex as you are willing to build them. All image channels can be used if/when you understand them.

    Click ect for Full size.

    AMG. U teach us gud, boss. :)

    lookit them leggins

    800 x 1057 - 106K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited October 2013

    WOW, very good work to both of you. The Leather and the Leggin's look very good to me.

    Now remember folks, Make a Full Render using YOUR shaders in it. That's still the Goal. Showing off your shader or shaders in a render that's a full render. We can then Oo and Awe over who's stuff is better and who's render shows it off the best.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • firefly43firefly43 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    WOW, very good work to both of you. The Leather and the Leggin's look very good to me.

    Now remember folks, Make a Full Render using YOUR shaders in it. That's still the Goal. Showing off your shader or shaders in a render that's a full render. We can then Oo and Awe over who's stuff is better and who's render shows it off the best.

    What is meant by "a full render"?

    Yep, it is time again for the "I have no idea what I'm doing" questions ..... LOL

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,322
    edited December 1969

    Doing a complete scene using your shader on an object

  • firefly43firefly43 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Dose that mean I need a background and lights also ... or just whatever I have chosen to put shaders on?

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    firefly43 said:
    Dose that mean I need a background and lights also ... or just whatever I have chosen to put shaders on?
    Yep. A render you like using your shader in the picture. That's what the contest is about. Not just making a shader but using it in a cool picture too.
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited December 1969

    Wip. I need to fix them hovering and figure out my shadow, whee, render surprise.

    "Why am I ALWAYS the Bait??"

    800 x 1057 - 93K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Keep in mind the Render size limit too. WIP's are fine over sized but until changed the Rules still apply for the Entry Thread.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,322
    edited December 1969

    standfast said:
    Wip. I need to fix them hovering and figure out my shadow, whee, render surprise.

    "Why am I ALWAYS the Bait??"

    You may want to increase your lighting a bit. The guards are kinda hard to see with the dark texture on the Armour. You could create a spot and shine it over hte girls shoulder onto the guards. The intensity should be set pretty low so its not overpowering

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    standfast, the lighting looks fine to me...but...brightening the scene would better show the shader work that you have done. So I agree with Frank that it would be a good idea.

  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited December 1969

    Well, good luck everyone, since I won't be entering, it is time for me to bow out, and focus on people who will be :).

    Hoping you all have as much fun as I did with these.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited December 1969

    hmm well, let's see.. Making shaders were too fun :) ended up creating a lot of them though several were also thrown away :) This will be my render for the contest, unless I get another crazy idea. The clothes (with the exception of the jeans and the jeans shorts) are using shaders. Of the items, only the ones over at the food stall is not using shaders. The stalls has shaders on them. The hair holder of the vendor in the food stall has shaders.Though it's only the purple girl that has shaders used on her skin :)

    Love has no Boundaries

    800 x 640 - 228K
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    It is a great image Carola.

  • SiotradSiotrad Posts: 110
    edited October 2013


    For contest: MyLoves

    New texture for Corset and Panty from After School.
    Original Black on Aiko.
    My red texture on Gen 2

    1192 x 609 - 794K
    Post edited by Siotrad on
  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited December 1969

    Did some changes, pulled in a new camera and changed the angle, so I could go a little bit closer and show a hint of the details on some of the things, without losing the sense of something happening (or so I hope :) )

    I've used my own shaders on all items in this scene with the exception of skins and hairs on the figures, the jeans on the fiend, the belt on her skirt and the ground.

    Love knows no Boundaries

    Thoughts of the girl: I am tired to hear people say I should find a new boyfriend, I just don't understand what they have against this man of mine. He might not look the best but he is the best I've ever met. He has a heart big as a ocean and that is what is important to me.

    800 x 720 - 252K
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited December 1969

    Ok this is a very much improved version Carola. I still love the little hand on the big thumb :)

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