Is Fenric’s Skin Doctor compatable with carrara pro 8.5

Yesterday after reading here about Fenric’s Skin Doctor I decided to buy it , however when I open carrara now I get the following 2 error messages
shader doctor 1.4.mcx failed to load
Skin doctor 1.omcx failed to load
after click these away carrara works normally looking on his site I think these should then appear under Edit /fenric but nothing is there.I am using windows 7
Absolutely yes, I run 8.5 with the Skin Doctor with no problems whatsoever. In fact I was going to put together a thread here on the forums on why I think the Skin Doctor is fairly awesome.
I'm assuming that you downloaded the dat, mcx, and txt files for Skin Doctor (same as Shader Doctor) and dragged them into your extensions folder for Carrara 8.5? Are you sure you got the right version (32 bit if your computer is 32 bit, 64 bit if your computer is 64, I can't remember offhand if there is also a mac and win version, but it's worth doublechecking).
I would remove what you added, double check your downloads, and try and add them again. You're right, Carrara should load with no error messages and you should find the skin doctor option down under Edit in the Fenric section towards the bottom of the list.
Skin doctor was written on Carrara 8.5, so yes. :)
MCX failed to load is a rather unusual error, and that message makes it look like you might be missing the C++ runtime. 64-bit requires the Visual C++ 2012 runtime:
32-bit requires the Visual Studio 2010 runtime, which DAZ should have installed for you.
ok I downloaded the requirerd c++ runtime and removed the files from the first time and redid just the windows 64 files but it keeps saying no license key where exactly does it go?
Think i fixed it now just put a copy of the license key in each folder untill it was happy with it!!!!
License key also goes in the extensions, if memory serves.
Yup: .KEY file needs to be right next to the .MCX, .DAT, and .TXT files directly in the Extension folder.
Hope it's okay to add to this thread. The plugin works nicely for me until I try to adjust the bump, then I end up with a bad case of black freckles. I suspect I'm doing something wrong :)
Could you post a screenshot, and also your render settings? There are a number of things that can cause shadow artifacts.
is this strictly a Windows plug-in no Mac versions? I noted on the download page it talks about Mac. But no reference on the Poser shader as to what you need to do for Mac.
Installation is the same regardless of which platform. The ZIP file is partitioned according to platform and version:
Carrara8 32bit
Carrara8 64bit
Carrara8 32bit
Carrara8 64bit
Carrara8 PPC
Copy the contents of the folder that matches your Carrara installation into the Extensions directory.
The whole "MCX Failed to Load" has no discussion of Macintosh concerns because there aren't any - as long as you put the right version for your Carrara install, it should load and run. I have had several instances of people thinking they had 64 bit when they really had 32, but there is nothing equivalent to the Visual C++ Runtime on a Mac.
Thank you for info and the great plug in this will be a great time saver!
Hi Fenric,
Figured out what I'd done wrong, and it's now working beautifully. Thank you!
Got the "MCX Failed to Load" for all my Fenric plugins.
Was working fine a month ago.
Reloaded the "Visual C++ 2012 runtime" that didn't do it. All the keys were there.
Redownloaded the plugin installers.
Works fine now.
I enjoy the products Fenric! I also envy your mad programming skills.
Me, too. They make Carrara much more fun to use.