[Released] Modern weapons collection 2 (Commercial)

Having just two guns, the title stretches a bit the meaning of a collection, but with the included accessories you can build many different variations of the weapons!
So, what this set offers, is two iconic American firearms: The Rifle 16A3 and Carbine 4A1 (just to be sure, I've left the "M" out ;) ) with a variety of different accessories for both guns. The weapons come as left and right hand smart props for Genesis 3 and Genesis 8, and hand poses include both index finger ON trigger and OFF trigger! Both weapons also have five (5) preloads as static props, but all of the accessories (except for the ammo & shell casing) have static and smart prop versions, so you can build the set up you like.

2000 x 2600 - 4M

2600 x 4000 - 3M

2600 x 4000 - 2M

2600 x 2000 - 2M

2600 x 2000 - 2M

2000 x 1200 - 1M

1300 x 1000 - 1M
Post edited by Porsimo on
Fantastic! this is a must have and thank you for the poses!
Thank you! I've seen complaints about trigger discipline and I thought neither hand pose alone would be good for everybody, so I made both :)
The set is out now!
Awesome job!!! As a former instructor kudos for the different trigger options!!!
Your level of detail is awesome!
This says collection 2. Where is collection 1?
Thank you! It was really fun to try to get them done as accurately as I could. I couldn't reach the goal I was aiming for (nothing less than 100% accuracy :D ), but I'm happy with the result.
I've always been aware of the importance of trigger discipline, but for some reason I've never thought of doing separate hand poses for it before.
Oh, and the collection 1 is here: https://www.daz3d.com/modern-weapons-collection-1
Had to buy it. The detail is awesome!
You should really change the last promo image, it gives the very distinct impression that there are actual poses included, not just hand poses. It was a selling point for me and I just went thru DS and the zip looking for the poses only to reread the description to find there are none. Still glad I got it though
Sorry for the confusion! The poses are from Obsidian weapons and poses -set. The image's purpose was to show the compability with Genesis 3 and 8. If I include poses, those will be individually shown in promos.
I'm planning to make an addon which includes a bunch of poses as well as a few accessories missing from this set.
Just picked it up !
I don't think people realize how hard it is to model a gun, I've done some in my time and if I had to choose between a full sci fi suit and a gun, I'd pick the suit every time. Plus you have to get the hand to fit the gun and the poses on top of that. This price is a bargain !!!
Thank you!
Yeah, guns can be surprisingly hard to model, especially fictional ones. I've made quite a few weapons since I started learning to model, and I've developed methods to make it easier along the way, but guns are still among the hardest models to make for me. But, I'm too much of a gun nut to stop
Good to hear!!
How about a Glock pack? Especially interested in having a quality .45 Glock 21 with all the accesories including a couple of holster options for IRAY.
The Pistol and poses for M6 and V6 includes Glock 17 (called as Pistol 17), but it's for older generation, doesn't have Iray mats and is not quite at the same level as a model as these or the H&K in Obsidian weapons pack. I doubt that a Glock-only set would be viable, but a pistol pack with a few different models (including Glock) could be a good idea!
Thanks, I never noticed that set, added to the wishlist, thanks! I modelled my own Glock a year ago and use it often as well as ones I got from the games I play, but complete packages with nice IRAY details, poses and lots of accesories get me every time.
Aiko is pleased with her new gun and ready to put it to use, LOL
hope this does well for you and you think about an addon with different skins, options and poses
Cool, thanks for sharing!
And thank you! It has been selling quite well - not a top seller, but along the lines I expected/hoped, so I'm pleased
Anyway, that confirms that there will be an addon 
Yes my first go, and they were super easy to fit no troubles at all, thanks for a great product !
You're welcome!
The product was long time coming. I was originally supposed to make it part of the first set (3.5 years (?) ago
), but I guess the delay was good for it. Now it has better quality and includes more than it would've back then. 
And thanks for your support and for sharing the cool render!
Hi Porsimo, excellent set. The detail is fantastic. I have one request I was hoping you might consider if it wasnt too much trouble. I like a variation that has the short M4 barrel but is combined with the full, fixed stock. Any chance you could smart prop a fixed stock for the carbine? If its too much trouble though, no big deal. I can always cobble props together. Thanks.
Thank you! Hmmm. It's not quite as simple as putting a fixed stock on the carbine, because parts of the M4's stock would poke through the full stock - even if the buttstock is hidden, the locking ring (?) would be partially visible. So, the fixed stock would have to replace the collapsible one, and while this would be easy to do in a modeller, it would require the use of two texture sets on one model, or a new prop with its own UV map & textures (plus smart props & hand poses).
A "quicker" route which you can do yourself (though this will use two texture sets) is to parent the rifle to the carbine and hide the unwanted parts by either using transparency/opacity maps or with the help of geometry selecting tool - although the latter method caused some strange render-time effects (unwanted holes) when I tried it...
Gotcha, no worries. I did as you suggested. I parented the rifle to the carbine and then just went to town with the geometry editor. It took hardly any time to make it look good. I havent noticed any texture or geometry issues yet. The surface work you did was great and as far as I can tell, everything looks flush. I think this method will work just fine.
Now if only there was a dforce sling to go along with it. That would be sweet!
Great! I probably just messed something up.
I'm not used to work with the geometry tool in that way, so I guess anything can happen.