How do I retrieve all attributes from a DzDomElement

EsemwyEsemwy Posts: 578

I've been trying to develop a depth first XML parser that emits events on start tag, end tag, and text (SAX parser). I can recurse through the DzDomElements just fine using ::firstChild() and ::nextSibling(), but I can't find a way to retrieve a list of attributes on the node. I can pull the value of elements by name, but what I really want is to build a dictionary of name, value pairs.

I've been crawling through the documentation and dumping objects for the last couple of days, but I can't find a method that will allow me to enumerate the attributes.

Has anybody done this?

Post edited by Esemwy on


  • Rob says that this isn't currently exposed, but that he will review that (which doesn't mean it definitely will be added, just that he will be weighing it in the balance).

  • EsemwyEsemwy Posts: 578

    Thanks Richard. At least I can stop looking.

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