LAMH crashing Daz Studio 4.6

I was using JoeQuick's Genesis Mouse yesterday and applying the LAMH presets without a major problem, though the system did seem to lag while posing the Gmouse. That was using the LAMH free player.
Today after unistalling the free player and installing the full version it either :
A. Crashes DS when loading up a LAMH GMouse preset. or
B. If I create a new LAMH object, seemed to work but crashed during a trial render.
Is this happening to just my system?
Do I need to install the free player as well? Surely not.
Does it clash with Garibaldi? But it worked OK yesterday with the free player.
Running Win8 A10 3.4Ghz 8GigRam 64bit - Studio 4.6Pro 64bit and LAMH 64bit Plugin.
The main reason I bought it was because it was on sale and I could use all the presets and future releases.
Question. Is this item covered by the 30day money back guarantee despite not being activated by DAZ?
Any Ideas? Help would be appreciated.
/EDIT Just got Alessandro_AM's link in another posting regarding an update.
Are you signed up for the LAMH beta program? The updated version is still in beta but is available for purchasers having this problem.
The 30-day refund policy does apply, as well.
I bought LAMH today and installed it, but I don't see it on my plugins list.
do I need to uninstall the Free Player for it to show up?
Well I installed the free player and also the full plugin and I see the free player in my plugins but not the actual LAMH full plugin that I installed.
The manual says to execute something from the "new Look at My Hair Object Menu" -- where the heck is that supposed to be? I don't see it in any menu so I can't even get to the registration page thing.
I see the free player that wants to open presets.
and I saw information about some external forums in other threads but those links just time out.
2nd thing: go here:
then you will be able to find the instructions you need to get LAMH working... if still then you can't get it to work post here once again and I will make a STEP BY STEP TUTORIAL for you (as I am going to install it on my new machine in a few minutes
I solved it but it was very irritating, nothing in the manual for the full plugin says to uninstall the free player.
DIM said it uninstalled the free player but it did not.
I had to uncheck the free player in plugins, shutdown and remove the files and then reinstall the full plugin and then check *that* and then restart yet another time.
Then I had to copy the Serialnumber for Look At My Hair from my serial numbers page but it's not really a serial number it's called installation code on the dialog and the dialog has yet another number it calls a serial number that I had to copy.
I'm sorry, this is beyond irritating, my strong opinion is that purchased plugins should simply accept the serial number from my account and not need hoop jumping.
Yes, Installation info is a bit thin on the ground.
I uninstalled the player because I assume that its a cut down version of the full program. You can always reinstall it as its free anyway.Though I don't think that's a good idea if you have the full version.
You'll also need the serial number provided by Daz. Its in My account / my serial numbers. You'll need this when you run the plugin for the first time.
Where the plugin is:
File Edit Create - At the top of studio, select Create. At the bottom of the selection tab (that's where it appears on my system).
Select - Create 'New look at my hair' Object..
Then the screen to enter your serial should appear. You then need to collect another number via e-mail to activate.
You'll also need to join their bug tracker site to update to a 'beta' - working version v1.07, As Daz supplies only the initial releace version v1
I suggest if you have problems to e-mail Alessandro whose e-mail is in the link in my first posting.
Good luck.
Anyway, off to try it out, fingers crossed.
/EDIT Sorry riccopt & GreeLeafCat - Had the text screen open doing other things. Didn't mean to go over or repeat your posts.
I am seriously considering a refund because it is virtually impossible to find out how to get it to work without the help from other people...
I had restarted my computer a few times before I figured out that I had to uninstall the free player in order to get LAHM installed...
it is so freaking annoying... there should be at least a little info on the PRODUCT PAGE or a PDF available to DL for the users who buy the product on how to get it installed
not a problem for me, as the user need to get the information on how to get LAMH installed on their computers SOMEWHERE, since LAMH was one of the hardest plugins to get installed on any software I ever used...
Latest update.
Tried it out after finally getting it installed. I've had to jump through the most hoops I've ever encountered installing this.
First the activation and then the beta update. Both with no provided instruction, the only way I've got it installed was by contacting them via PM and E-mail. And......
Guess what.
It still crashes.
Shame because from what little use of it I've seen, it looks very good. 'When it works'
This is going to be my first returned item.
Wish I could bill them for the wasted hours on this!!!
at least you were already able to try it... I am still trying to learn how to use it (I downloaded the PDF with the instructions from here:
so MAYBE I can get to learn how to use it... and then finally test it...
Does anybody know if the Beta will fix the crashing? I bought LAMH when it first came out ages ago, but it still doesn't work. For some reason they have prioritized creating a free player rather than getting our paid plugin to work.
How do I get the old buggy LAMH Plugin to work. I would like to make hair for Sassafras. I can't find a tutorial anywhere to get my create LAHM object back.
If it helps the latest Release Candidate version has fixed the main issue I had with DS and LAMH going 'not responding' when loading any LAMH preset.
Oh good, maybe the new version will release soon, I have the full version and it crashes when trying to load any character preset with LAMH, I am going to try the link riccopt posted as well to see if I can fix it, I'm not sure if I want to try the beta version though
latest version dazstudio
latest version LamH player
presets by allesandro constantly crashing studio
I was thinking about to buy this program- no no no
win7 64
8 gig ram
hmm. the free player did that to me a long while back... as I type this: the paid version is in another tab at the 'checkout' screen. After reading all of this: I think I will most certainly pass on this! **removes from cart**
install LAMH 64bit on win 7 daz
fatal error daz chashed, can't use lamh
Ok, I am so glad I found this thread.
I posted another thread a little while ago about DAZ crashing. I was working on a new project for the last two days and DAZ suddenly started crashing. I was altering a pose on the Lycaon character which uses LAMH. Since this latest crash, I am unable to open this project at all and worried that I just lost all of my work.
I am on a MAC, so does anyone know what I can do to fix this issue?
Guys are you sure you are using latest 1.07rc5 version?
Hey Alessandro,
I hope I am not just installing wrong (on MAC). When I installed the manual installer (LAMH apparently not on DIM) it gave me an error about permissions for my Applications folder. I chose to ignore and the installer just went along. I then followed the instructions to overwrite the downloaded files.
My crash was caused (from what I can tell by eliminating all other possibilities) was a product called Lycaon the Werefold, which uses the LAMH with it's own preset I think. Since the crash I am not able to reopen this project/scene which is really disheartening because I spent two days working on it.
I will try to redownload the RC5 and install and fingers crossed my problem is resolved.
*** So far I have tried to reset my DB and reimport all metadata. I have removed and reinstalled the Lycaon product. I have now reinstalled LAMH and the latest resources files and plugin file for RC5. Still no luck. It looks like I am totally hosed now and lost this project.
So after several re-installs of LAMH, I finally was able to fix my issue.
I had to open my .duf file in a txt editor and delete everything related to LAMH for the Lycaon character. Sad that he had no hair now, but I can finally open my file again and didn't lose all the work I have done in the last two days!
Ok, so now you can reapply the hair eventually.
huh, my daz crashes whenevever i load multiple presets with the free player.
I can't believe that this thread is still going after 4 years, and people are still having problems with this plug-in! I recently paid 49 dollars for this (I have never used the free player), and until now have been unable to use it in any useful way. Every time I create a preset on a single figure and save it, the plug in crashes Daz Studio and this happens every single time! Sometimes it saves it but crashes Daz Studio when I try to apply it to another figure. In short - it crashes Daz Studio every single time I try to use it! I have wasted hours trying to get this software to work but it fails every single time - even with presets as small as 3000 hairs!!! I have used Maya, Lightwave, Zbrush, Cinema 4D, Mudbox, Terragen, Vue D'Esprit and just about every 3D program that runs on the Mac platform and this is, by far, the most unreliable piece of software I have EVER come across! I think the developers should withdraw this product until they can get it to work. I feel completely ripped off! I run it on a Mac pro with dual quad core xeon processors with 16gb memory with Daz Studio 64 bit My OS is OSX 10.11.6 - I would be grateful if anyone has any hints to get this flakey software to work.