Traction Engine - Coming Soon- {Commercial}

David and I Present a detailed Traction Engine, complete with conforming chimney prop & fully rigged elements throughout the model, with ERC for the Daz Studio Version.
Full Iray/3Delight & Basic Poser support as standard.
Coming Soon.

1300 x 1000 - 590K

1300 x 1000 - 532K

1300 x 800 - 411K

1300 x 800 - 408K

1300 x 800 - 426K

1300 x 800 - 357K

1300 x 800 - 320K

1300 x 800 - 318K
Dayam! I dunno what I'd do with it....but I WANT it!!! LMAO
My old Dad would have loved that - he was a massive Traction Engine fan (dragged poor Mum to lots of steam festivals over the years). Like AllenArt, I've no idea why I'd need it but I do!
We're glad you like it. We know it's pretty niche, but it's nice to do something different.
Useful for driving fairground attractions and agricultural machinery - lots of potential for images there (especially if we could have some period fairground attractions and agricultrural machinery, hint, hint).
Is it inspired by a real machine or is it steampunk? Either way, There's plenty of steampunk potential
Brilliant. My husband loves anything like that. I’m sure I can find a use for this. Well done.
There are an amazing amount of steam vehicles still working in the uk.

Hence Richard's comment about period fairground attractiosn and agricultural equipment

The level of detail on this is amazing. It looks like it took a lot of time and effort!
There's a wonderful video of a traction engine in a tug of war with a modern tractor. The direction it's going in is purely defined by whether the old machine is actually pulling.
They're not fast and they're not practical, but they have absolutely no shortage of weight and torque.
It's up:
Unfortunately at the time I'm posting this, the price is still undefined.
Looks great. Now all we need is a threshing machine and we could do a scene from Dads Army.
I ended up buying this, even though I was overcharged at checkout, and discounts were not correctly applied (I submitted a ticket).
Apart from that, it's a beautiful machine. Here, with it;s less conventional cousins (a really quick render):
Select the surfaces corresponding to the zone you want to remove and make them transparent (using the opacity slider).
I had a Matchbox model of that when I was a kid. Those models were made out of cast iron in those days. No idea what happened to it.
I have just been informed by my husband that it’s not a traction engine but a showmans engine. Usually used in fairgrounds. No matter its still a great model.
Or of course you can completely remove them with the Geometry Editor tool - in Tool settings click the + next to the surface name, then right-click in the Viewport>Geometry Visibility>Hide Selected, the right-click in the Viewport>Geometry Editing>Delete Hidden*. Use File>Save As>Support Assets>Figure Prop Asset to save it as a new figure, so you can load the form you want in future without having to do the editing.
* Note that the chnage log shows that the process will lose one of these steps in a forthcoming version.
For some reason, every time I try to follow the link to the traction engine from the Shop page or from the Holiday Loyalty Sale page, or even from a marketplace search results page, it just takes me to the Daz3D mainpage. Mousing over the product image in those pages, I see the link there only points to and doesn't have the /traction-engine/ bit at the end. Anyone else having this issue? oO
Please do a forced refresh of the page - this was, I know, an issue first thing but it's been working for me.
OK guys, I'm able to change the opacity on everything I want except for the light bulbs. Removing the lightbulbs only happens if you change the opacity on the base which of course affects everything.
Can this be fixed? I don't want to ask for a refund.
What is a "forced refresh"? I've loaded a fresh copy of the page each time. It even did this broken link thing when I plugged "traction engine" into the product search field and clicked the product thumbnail from the resulting search. This is in Opera.
edit: Bah, got it sorted. Ctrl-F5 in Windoze.
Can you hide the parts that are in the way, select the geometry of the bulbs like mentioned above, create a new surface from selection and then hide that?
Check the face groups in the Geometry editor. Sometimes there are different groupings than in the surface groups. If there's one for the lightbulbs just click it off. You will probably need to do it again each time you open the scene, but that's easy enough.
Otherwise you'll need to go in with the editor tool and select them manually, and then put them in a group of their own with can be turned off. (That may lose the materials but if you save the edited model as a separate scene there's no harm done.)