Released - Wurlie-T Amplifier Set [Commercial]

Td3dTd3d Posts: 412
edited January 2019 in Daz PA Commercial Products

Finally got this Wurlie-T Amp Set and done and it's ready to rock and roll (pun intended) any day soon. The Amp, Amp Internals, Pedal and Guitar are all fully rigged and do pretty much what you would expect, ...and some. There is a Wurlie Magic Lead included that will allow you to pose this guitar with your characters just about anywhere in the scene and still get them connected to any amp found in the Daz3D Store. It's rigged and will go from a long lead into a small patch lead if you need it. There is a default lead that will load to the amp and conform with the included starter poses too. It was made for easy posing in mind.

Yup, This guitar has what none of my others have. ie, The abillity to press, slide and bend every string on every fret as a real guitar can. Test-drove the idea on my Hollowbody Freebies and now the String-Play system has been refined and setup on this guitar. Should be lots of fun. The tremolo has also been rebuilt and refined also to mimic the string stretching when pressed and pulled. If you are using this to animate, it should do what it's meant to do under lighting, from the tuners through to the tremolo arm.

Oh, and this set comes with all you will need to have this amp cabinet hooked up with the Wurlie Electric Organ (you'll need to own that set to use the bonus leads and stuff in this set though).

You can find the Wurlie Electric Organ here in the Daz3D store also:

I hope you enjoy this set also.

Thanks for the support


1000 x 1300 - 1M
1300 x 1000 - 1015K
1300 x 1000 - 804K
1300 x 1000 - 972K
1300 x 1000 - 943K
1300 x 1000 - 914K
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • wsgentrywsgentry Posts: 572

    Looks interesting.  The ability to fret/bend strings is a good thing.  Please keep the thread updated and you'll have a buyer!  If you do one with a Floyd Rose on it, it would be cool, too.  I'm working on an 80's female rock band setup and either fit well.


  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621


  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,062

    Obviously a labor of love. Musos rule!

  • wsgentrywsgentry Posts: 572

    The Leslie cabinet is cool, too. 

  • Td3dTd3d Posts: 412

    Thank you people. Glad you like this.

  • wsgentrywsgentry Posts: 572

    Ever think of a guitar like a Kramer Baretta (not in EVH colors), Jackson, or Ibanez all with Floyd's?  Or a little more modern like a Music Man Petrucci?  Just wondering. 

    On the Leslie cabinet, wanna be really cool?  Mic it in stereo.  Okay, I'm going off the deep end, but it's what I used to do with mine... now I use a Ventilator II--largely indistinquisable from a real cabinet, including distortion. 

  • Td3dTd3d Posts: 412

    @ wsgentry, I hear you with the Floyd Rose gear (tailpieces/locking nut, etc). Have wanted to do an SSH/HSH style guitar as you describe. Something real modern with 7-8 strings would be just as cool also. I am sure that would find it's place here, as in the real. Especially with hardcore shred art. Have a few projects going on at once atm. Am working on a follow up to this set, as well as a full Genesis 8 Female fantacy character for next year (which kind of has my hands full making geo-grafts/morphs/textures etc.). As for the Music Man? Yup, real nice guitars. I want a MM bass, just quietly. But I think if I do another guitar after my current project it might take the style cues from a Music Man. I like their unconventionally cool headstocks. But hey, all good food for thought. Appreciate your suggestions.

  • SalukiSaluki Posts: 10

    Excellent work! Absolutely love your attention to detail. Looking forward to abusing my budget when this is released. :o)

    P.S. ...any chance you might consider a Dingwall bass sometime down the road?

  • Td3dTd3d Posts: 412

    Saluki, Thank you first and foremost, But I just found that comment about the budget so funny :) I can so relate to that, ...on a very regular basis!

    As for the Dingwall, Absolutey love the look of them. Might be one of them "hope I get to make one" items. High on the list of things to make though. Awesome suggesion.

    Prima Artist

  • wsgentrywsgentry Posts: 572
    Td3d said:

    @ wsgentry, I hear you with the Floyd Rose gear (tailpieces/locking nut, etc). Have wanted to do an SSH/HSH style guitar as you describe. Something real modern with 7-8 strings would be just as cool also. I am sure that would find it's place here, as in the real. Especially with hardcore shred art. Have a few projects going on at once atm. Am working on a follow up to this set, as well as a full Genesis 8 Female fantacy character for next year (which kind of has my hands full making geo-grafts/morphs/textures etc.). As for the Music Man? Yup, real nice guitars. I want a MM bass, just quietly. But I think if I do another guitar after my current project it might take the style cues from a Music Man. I like their unconventionally cool headstocks. But hey, all good food for thought. Appreciate your suggestions.


    Thanks for responding!  I truly appreciate it.  I think you might appreciate this, too.   These are mine.  It was taken the day I got my JP6 BFR (I hadn't put on the whammy bar, yet).



    Band of Brothers2.jpg
    948 x 627 - 73K
  • Td3dTd3d Posts: 412

    wsgentry, Your collection - Very nice share. Love the natural finished Flying-V. Seeing these makes me wonder if you have these yet, thought you might be interested in this free set. The link should still work. Let me know if it don't. Haven't checked for a long while. Not as functional as my new stuff, but they look okay.

    What are those zebra pups in the first guitar? are they SD's and if so, what are they? I don't see any branding on them so I am not sure. Be nice with a paired SH2(N) and SH4(B) :) Definately looks like a nice guitar regardless. btw, I am no shredder by any means. Only 6-string I have nowadays, is my hotrodded Washburn WI-64 Gave my others to my nephew - kept all my bass guitars though :)

  • wsgentrywsgentry Posts: 572
    edited December 2018

    Thanks!  The Baretta has a Seymour Duncan JB SH-4 (lots better than the stock Schaller).  The black V has a JB SH-4 in the bridge and 59 SH-1, flipped at the neck.  What didn't come with four wires, I ordered. The Korina V (1981 Heritage Reissue) has the stock pup's (it's all stock)--it and the Baretta were gigged hard in the 80's.  The XPL V is a test bed.  Right now it's wired to split the coils and go in/out of phase, push pull pots, switch still selects. No tone control. Strat tone from a Mahogany bodied V! ;)  I actually bought that guitar on E-bay.  

    I had a Washburn back in the day,  I really liked the Wonderbar.  The Kahler the XPL has is junk.  The only good thing about it are the fine tuners.  :)

    Back in the day, I wanted a Dean V! ;)  What's the other one?

    Post edited by wsgentry on
  • wsgentrywsgentry Posts: 572

    Got both the Leslie and the B3.  Thanks for making them Td3d!


  • Td3dTd3d Posts: 412
    wsgentry said:

    Got both the Leslie and the B3.  Thanks for making them Td3d!


    Awesome. Hope they're everything you expected plus some. Have fun and thanks for supporting my work.

  • playing a bluejaunte.jpg
    2719 x 1289 - 2M
  • Td3dTd3d Posts: 412

    ANGELREAPER1972, How cool! This is really awesome. Obviously lot's of time to put together. Thanks for the share AR. And a bigger thanks for your support over the past years.

    While I am here, Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year, to you and everyone also. this image...

    Td3d :)

  • thanks Td3d, yeah it did take a while to pose and set up but happy in the end result. Happy Merry Christmas Happy Holidays to you too

  • rocking Amira.jpg
    1289 x 2719 - 733K
  • Rocking Sydney.jpg
    2719 x 3083 - 3M
  • Td3dTd3d Posts: 412

    Rocking Sydney...

     This looks good ANGELREAPER1972.  wish I was as productive as you atm. Did a complete upgrade of all my graphics and music software over the holiday sales period. Just busy updating my knowledge also with courses to fast-track getting productive again. Haven't wanted to complete that new guitar/amp set til I get a handle on the new painting app. But seeing your art is a nice change of pace. Nice to stare at the screen in chill mode! :) Thank you for this share. That expression on her face.. Lol. That's cool. It so reminds me of someone I know. How did you fine using the strings and guide? Just curious.

  • jukingeojukingeo Posts: 711
    edited January 2019

    Ahhhh, I knew this was coming!  Sydney as a rocker.  Great job!!

    Post edited by jukingeo on
  • jukingeo said:

    Ahhhh, I knew this was coming!  Sydney as a rocker.  Great job!!

    thanks, reminds me of a lot of female rockers I listen to from the 80s how they are now

  • Td3d said:

    Rocking Sydney...

     This looks good ANGELREAPER1972.  wish I was as productive as you atm. Did a complete upgrade of all my graphics and music software over the holiday sales period. Just busy updating my knowledge also with courses to fast-track getting productive again. Haven't wanted to complete that new guitar/amp set til I get a handle on the new painting app. But seeing your art is a nice change of pace. Nice to stare at the screen in chill mode! :) Thank you for this share. That expression on her face.. Lol. That's cool. It so reminds me of someone I know. How did you fine using the strings and guide? Just curiou

    thanks, expression from the Sydney bundle, kinda reminds me of Lita Ford nowdays and other women rockers I listen to from the 80s still going today. As for pose well I used your premade one had to adjust slightly and used pick from the bass someone else did had to adjust that too to get in position could've just used your pick fromyour g3 strat set really. Was going to ask suggest need some more poses maybe someone will do some like those g3 ones. Haven't noticed looked at that strings guide thing silly question is there an actual guide on using it? I click on the icon and an arrow appears above the fretboard and in paremeters there is a slide button that moves the arrow up and down but that's it can't work out 

  • Td3dTd3d Posts: 412
    edited January 2019
    Td3d said:

    ...Haven't noticed looked at that strings guide thing silly question is there an actual guide on using it? I click on the icon and an arrow appears above the fretboard and in paremeters there is a slide button that moves the arrow up and down but that's it can't work out 

    String guide? Yes good question ANGELREAPER1972. I remember writing a bunch of stuff to do with that in the readme notes. Not to sure where that ends up though after it's packaged for the store. Was just looking for it. Here's a simple guide though.

    The easiest way to use the fret guide, is to use it in conjuction with the string/s parameters slider. There are vertices in the mesh that allow it all to work. These vertices by default are aligned with the 12th fret. The fret guide loads by default at the 12th fret. There is a control slider for the string guide in Parameters under Pose Controls (You need to use this to copy/paste the correct value to the string/s). So where ever the fret guide is, just copy the parameter's slider value shown (found under Pose Controls). Then paste it to the string/s BendPress and/or Slide parameter's value for the string/s you wish to pose. The image should show you the basic Paramaters directory layout for both guitar and fretguide.

    • Load and select Wurlie-T FretGuide.
    • Using the control slider in Parameters Tab, position the Fret Guide along the fretboard.
    • Copy the slider's value.
    • Selecy the Wurlie Electric Guitar and go to Parameters Tab.
    • (under Parameters) Find the string/s you wish to pose and paste the value to the Bend, Press and/or Slide slider value/s.

    Basically, where ever you place that value, that's where the strings will pose. The fret guide is essentially a way to visualise what is going on where. You may just have created a chord finger pose and want to make the strings work. That being the case you could position the string guide to where the finger/s are and do the copy/paste thing to line the strings up with the fingers. Be useful if you were gonna animate a finger bend or tremolo. I guess it just helps knowing the exact point at where the strings are going to bend, etc (without turning to wire textured view - though you could that also). Be useful for sequencing a scale, etc without having a fifure loaded also. Just save it all out as a pose for the guitar. Those co-ordinates will work no mater what figure you have the guitar on.

    My appologies for having this explained sooner. Hope this is helpful :)

    1300 x 1000 - 804K
    Wurlie-T Amplifier Set - Basic ReadMe.txt
    Post edited by Td3d on
  • cool thank you Td3d it may take me awhile to get the hang of this understand it but I now know where the other sliders are and worked them out I'll be honest I do not really know about chords or differents parts of a guitar I do have a cheap one just not really learned but with all this may get some cool looks riffs in my renders or least make someone laugh telling me that's no chord or get them right :) but that's pretty cool with the strings and knobs not sure what part of the guitar the sliders volume neck/bridge and tone do yet 

    any plans for a drum kit?

  • Td3dTd3d Posts: 412

    @ ANGELREAPER1972. Here's those chord charts/shapes I told of (pm). These were freebies curtesy of There is probably more chords than most musicians ever use. I think you and other's who don't know  many, will get a lot out of. Maybe even pick up a real instrument for some. That would be a good thing too. Oh hey, Anyonse says you got it wrong here on, you'll be able to tell 'em to kiss your Asus#. :D

    Drums? not immediately. There's quite a few of pretty good sets already in the sture. Be hard to improve upon the Rama Drum set ( by Ravnheart. A good electronic and percussion kit would be nice though. By brain is in overload from study atm, so yeah, maybe a bit down the track I may revisit the idea. 


    Piano and Guitar Chords.pdf
  • thanks for that will be helpfull for my more accurate renders

  • grinch2901grinch2901 Posts: 1,246
    edited January 2019

    This looks really cool with the string mechanics on the guitar.  I have other virtual Les Paul's but none have that, so It's on my wishlist.

    On an unrelated note, In high school in the 80s I bought my first real electric guitar, a beat up Gibson SG for about $250 from a local shop for about that folded like a week later. It was mahogany with a sort of satin  cherry finish (stain, basically) which I loved but wasn't in style at the time. The action was too low and certain notes buzzed because of it, the pickups were replaced with cheap humbuckers but by God it was a genuine Gibson and it was LOUD!  They guy who sold it told me it was a 1968 but I later discovered (after I sold it for peanuts years later) that it was a 1961, rare and very valuable. Sigh.  I've always wanted a good virtual SG so I could relive my days of having the best guitar in the whole school (though nobody knew it or would have beleived it).  

    Post edited by grinch2901 on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited October 2019

    Just want to thank you for a nicely rigged strap for the guitar - very handy when posing.

    Yuzuru 8 with friends...

    Post edited by Artini on
  • Td3dTd3d Posts: 412
    Artini said:

    Just want to thank you for a nicely rigged strap for the guitar - very handy when posing.

    Yuzuru 8 with friends...

    Thanks for the share @Artini. Cool image! Glad you like the strap. Am working on something else that will have me re-visiting the strap and creating a MkII version. I think you'll like the next instrument. Early days yet... still in the conceptual stage. Am wishing I had one in the real :)

    @grinch2901, Am hoping that a couple of my guitars can help you capture and re-create those memories. They sould so familia too. I did the same thing with a 1971 Shovelhead once. Got it for a steal cos all I wanted was a good motor to build a rat FLH. I didn't like the "odd" japanese looking panels. My friend worked for a custom shop and knew what I had and gladly offered me a 5 gallon and FLH guards as a clean swap. He was really trying to get the whole bike. But I had my FLH parts, ...he walked away with genuine Superglide parts! I know better these days :) Lol

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