Carrara 8.5 for Mac Crash

I downloaded the program today. After I type in the serial number the program crashes.
Also if I choose for Trial it crashes. I do not succeed to open it.
Anyone know a solution to this problem?
Please help me out.
You MAY have to installed Carrrara on your MAC as the ROOT USER! DO a google search on that
There is also a problem with the open GL settings causing a crash problem on Mac.
With 8.5 you shouldn't have to.
I've never encountered that so it's definitely not happening on all Macs.
Some info on your Macs specs and OS could help others to give better answers.
I've never encountered that so it's definitely not happening on all Macs.
Interesting, I used the old installer the first time i installed. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to use Carrara when I first got it. Never had the problem after reinstalling with the DIM. Don't know if that would or should have mattered. I reinstalled because of the DIM problem with the Carrara content not showing up.
Interesting, I used the old installer the first time i installed. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to use Carrara when I first got it. Never had the problem after reinstalling with the DIM. Don't know if that would or should have mattered. I reinstalled because of the DIM problem with the Carrara content not showing up.
I don't know that it makes a difference or not but I don't use the DIM to install anything. I just run the installers manually.
Interesting, I used the old installer the first time i installed. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to use Carrara when I first got it. Never had the problem after reinstalling with the DIM. Don't know if that would or should have mattered. I reinstalled because of the DIM problem with the Carrara content not showing up.
I don't know that it makes a difference or not but I don't use the DIM to install anything. I just run the installers manually.
I understand, I am still torn on this issue. The Dim worked ok with Daz Studio. But the vote is still out for me on Carrara. But I have so much to learn that it will be a while before I even worry about that part. LOL
I'm having the same problem with my new Carrara 8.5. Can't input the serial number on my MacPro. Works on my iMac at home, although crashed the first time I tried it. Both running 10.93 Mavericks. Carrara continues to be a frustrating program. It has NEVER been without major bugs on the Mac. I just don't see what their problem is. And there's nobody to call. They obviously want to avoid dealing with these things. All you can do is "open a ticket" and it can take DAYS to hear back. Bad bad bad. The Cinema 4D guys are terrific. Real American guys to talk to. Just can't spend the money so went with Carrara. Mistake.
is this a question?
Carrara 8.5 is running fine on my MacPro.
I suppose not unless you look at the comment and realize help is needed. It's just like everyone else who posts "I'm having the same problem".
No, it just seems like complaining and ranting. Questions generally end with a question mark. Thank yous generally end with the words "Thanks!" or "Thank you".
We are NOT you slaves, nor are any of us married to you. Try again.
Ok. To reiterate.
Has anyone found an answer to the issue that Carrara 8.5 crashes on entering the serial number?
Let's stick with ONE thread, shall we?
Since you don't know how to ask for help, it's quite possible you don't know when someone is trying to help you.