Script to randomly place objects from a selected group into a cubic volume
also randomly orient and resize them
1000 x 1618 - 283K
Post edited by mCasual on
OK, this works really good! I made a 0.1m primitve cube, and then made 1000 instances group. Ran the script on the group, and made them from 1% to 5% scaling, randomized. Snow! Very quick as well, using a primitive. Figure it may take longer the more complex objects. (you can see the cube I used to create the instances from in the middle)
One question I have is in the bounding box, what is the center? Also, does it grow in a certain direction, or in the X/Y/Z positive direction? It seemed to expand in both -/+ directions equally, but was not sure?
the cube goes from
xyz = -width/2, 0, -depth/2
xyz = +width/2, 0, +depth/2
if you move the root/group node you can move the entire flock
a while ago i think i parented my flock of birds to the sort of Lost-In-Space marauder truck vehicle
you can also use to positiom/animate objects in a scene
it can "emit" them from a point, a line, a circle, or fill a sphere or cube volume .... though it's harder to figure