ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
edited September 2013 in Bryce Discussion

Fifth DAZ 3D Bryce rendering Challenge


Theme for this month is "Halloween"

This thread is the WIP thread, so you can post here to show us how things are coming along before transferring the render to the actual Contest thread for judging.


All renders must be new renders.

You can enter up to 3 renders.

You must abide by the DAZ 3D forum TOS

Imported content is allowed, but the render must be obviously a Bryce render.

Post Work permitted, but please keep it to a minimum.

Rules may be changed for subsequent Challenges, depending on the theme and the person who has selected it.

The winner of the June Challenge will get the chance to name the theme for the July contest.

This will then continue with subsequent winners choosing the theme for the next contest, which will enable a new contest to start with the minimum of delay between contests.

Whoever nominates the subject for the Challenge can modify the rules to suit that challenge.


Challenge ends on 1ST NOVENBER Midnight DAZ 3D time.


DAZ 3D Sponsorship, in the form of Store credit

Ist Place $30
2nd Place $20
3rd place $15

This in addition to the $20 DAZ 3D gift certificate will be given to the person whose render is selected as the best, $10 for 2nd Place and $5 for 3rd place that I have already been offering

We will also be offering a special prize for the render judged the best from a Bryce New User. Jaderail has offered $20 and DAZ 3D will add $10.

Judged by members of the DAZ 3D CV team and guest judges.

By entering this contest, you agree to allow DAZ3D to use any artwork you submit in any promotional materials they may choose.

Post edited by Chohole on


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited September 2013

    Sorry that this Challenge is a bit late being posted.

    I am still waiting for the winner of the Summer Challenge to get back to me and clarify how he wants to handle the Halloween insspriation, but at least this way you can start working on things.

    Challenge will run for 6 weeks, and then the next one will start in Mid Novem,ber and again run for about 6 weeks.

    Will try it this way and see if it encourages more people to take part.

    BTW I do apologise about the lateness on the prizes arriving in the accounts of the winners from last time. There was a slight breakdown in communication. Should be solved by the middle of next week I hope. Some prizes have been paid , but not all.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,462
    edited December 1969

    well I started on a pumpkin..

    800 x 800 - 521K
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    I thought a photograph of yours truly would guarantee me the first place. But since it has to be a render ...

    Good start Rareth.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Rareth: Let's see, do I say nice pumpkin, nice table, or nice ground material? Naw, I'll just say nice image and let it go at that.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    Having some pre-Halloween fun with Skulduggery second skin outfits for V4 (available from Daz for V4 M4 and K4).

    1111 x 650 - 238K
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited September 2013

    The day Samhain, the day for honouring departed spirits.

    The's the time between times, when day has ended but night not yet begun, the time when the veil between worlds is at it's thinnest.

    The Summoning at Bryn Celli Ddu (The Mound in the Dark Grove)

    What will come through the veil this time

    675 x 900 - 449K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited September 2013

    Yeah, chohole, same here with 'Oiche Samhan' (Samhain Night) was always made to be a mysterious time - between 31 Oct and1 Nov. Fairies (good and bad) would appear, historical heroes would influence the night/day' proceedings, and Banshees (creepy women howling) could be killed; who can still be heard today – hint, young foxes crying :)

    All themes to make renders on, I guess - wonder what to choose, if any?


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • goofygrmom3goofygrmom3 Posts: 160
    edited September 2013

    I hope I'm doing this correctly. I'm new to this forum, but I've been dabbling in Bryce for about 2 years and Daz for 7 years. Most of the items were exported from Daz to Bryce. I added my moon (from a photo I took) and the Jack-o-lantern and the frame in Paint Shop Pro.


    650 x 490 - 60K
    Post edited by goofygrmom3 on
  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,462
    edited December 1969

    GussNemo said:
    @Rareth: Let's see, do I say nice pumpkin, nice table, or nice ground material? Naw, I'll just say nice image and let it go at that.

    pumpkin model was easy, I looped every other vertical edge and scaled it in. the stem is an extrude from the top (after 1 step of smoothing) then loop cut to separate.

    the table was a tutorial on youtube in the wings3d channel I bridged the top and bottom faces to make the hole in the middle for the glass panel. Bryce materials makes it look a lot more complicated than it is..

    the floor is a black vinyl material I made awhile ago

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I hope I'm doing this correctly. I'm new to this forum, but I've been dabbling in Bryce for about 2 years and Daz for 7 years. Most of the items were exported from Daz to Bryce. I added my moon (from a photo I took) and the Jack-o-lantern and the frame in Paint Shop Pro.


    Hi and looking good. Thanks for joining in. You have till the end of October to add any improvements etc before the judging thread is made up.

    Your render will also be entered for the special New Bryce users" prize.

  • goofygrmom3goofygrmom3 Posts: 160
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Chohole. I'm not real happy with the witch. I want to try and make her better.

  • goofygrmom3goofygrmom3 Posts: 160
    edited December 1969

    I've been working to improve the witch. When I finish with this render, do I delete that first one? Or do I just post the new one? Thanks.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited September 2013

    In this thread, just post a new version,. that's why it's the WIP thread.

    What then happens is I transfer the final image, once you say it is final, into a judging thread, in which the renders are only given numbers, but no user names, and then the judging panel votes from that thread. It is an attempt to make sure that they are judging purely on the renders, and not who made them.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • goofygrmom3goofygrmom3 Posts: 160
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Chohole. I guess I should leave my name and year off it then.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited October 2013

    Thanks Chohole. I guess I should leave my name and year off it then.

    No probs with that. The judges are not actual Brycers as such, so it probably wouldn't mean anything to them anyway.

    Forum names would be a bit of a giveaway though

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    I hope I'm doing this correctly. I'm new to this forum, but I've been dabbling in Bryce for about 2 years and Daz for 7 years. Most of the items were exported from Daz to Bryce. I added my moon (from a photo I took) and the Jack-o-lantern and the frame in Paint Shop Pro.


    That's a great start! :)

    If you fancy having a go at adding your Moon to your scene instead of in Post, I made a thread giving instructions on one of the many ways to do it here:

    Hope this helps. :)

  • goofygrmom3goofygrmom3 Posts: 160
    edited October 2013

    Thanks Chohole. I'm so used to putting my name on everything in my other groups. If I do it in all it's easier for me to remember.

    Thanks Savage.

    Post edited by goofygrmom3 on
  • goofygrmom3goofygrmom3 Posts: 160
    edited December 1969

    I bookmarker that link Savage. I'll give that a try. I've also made myself a new moon in Bryce and it's working pretty well in the new render I'm working on.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    Here is my work in progress, "The Van Pyre's Halloween". (Is the title too cheesy?)
    Feedback, positive or negative, is appreciated.
    The cat needs a bit of work yet. I haven't decided if I like the choice of water. I wanted something still enough to get a good reflection, but not so much that you can't see that it's even there. Every other water or water adjustment I tried looked really bad, so I stuck with this one for now.

    1200 x 841 - 289K
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    Goofygrmom3...I’m not real happy with the witch. I want to try and make her better.

    Looks good, but...ooooh....messing with witches is not advised, especially at this time of year :)

    Sean...colours are very nice – the window is a great focal feature. I think you’re right on the water reflective/still point; it might be that it’s causing confusion between where actual objects (tree, balustrade...etc.,) end and where their reflection begins. Wonder would adding some kind of ripple to the water, or dulling it down a bit, work? As for the cat – nope, works for me, anyway.

    Will have to get something started for this WIP thread...ideas...emmmm...ah!


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Jamahoney said:
    Will have to get something started for this WIP thread...ideas...emmmm...ah!


    Traditional Scottish Prayer

    From ghoulies and ghosties
    And long-leggedy beasties
    And things that go bump in the night,
    Good Lord, deliver us!

  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 896
    edited October 2013


    That really is a fine picture. Lighting and colours are marvellous, also the expression and gestures of the girls, the lady and even the cat looks perfectly right for me. I like the textures and the materials. From a technical point of view there is hard to find anything to improve. The only thing you have already mentionned by yourself might be the water. One point here is the dark rim below the bannister of the balcony just above the water. you can not find it on the wall on the left side.

    Another thing is the composition. Don't get me wrong please I critisize here on a very high level. I thought, what is the main thing in your picture. The title suggest it is the lady and the girls, but in my opinion it is this marvellous window. ;-) It looks really great, but it also takes the focus a bit away of the figures. Especially the two girls and foremost the left one get a bit lost in this scene. But of course this is a matter of taste, too. Another thing and here I am really nitpicking: the bannister has always a gap after three columns. No one would build it this way ;-).

    Post edited by Electro-Elvis on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2013

    the bannister has always a gap after three columns. No one would build it this way

    They look perfect as is, I think - the 'gaps' add that little extra uniqueness.

    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 896
    edited October 2013

    Jamahoney said:
    They look perfect as is, I think - the 'gaps' add that little extra uniqueness, and a sense of class, too, which Sean undoubtedly has :)

    You are perfectly right. I hope my comment did not sound too harshly. I added an ;-)
    Post edited by Electro-Elvis on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    You are perfectly right.

    Hahaaa, that would be a first for me, but seriously, Elvis, your suggestion is just as good as mine - after all, Sean is asking for feedback, so lets damn him and shame him for his work ;)


  • goofygrmom3goofygrmom3 Posts: 160
    edited December 1969

    Beautiful render Sean. I love that window.

    Thanks Jay. I'll be very careful with the witch.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2013

    First submission...hint of the mysterious - exactly what is the story telling/suggesting here?.

    Title: "Follow the Witch"


    1172 x 617 - 237K
    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    Everything I've seen so far really looks nice. Hopefully I get in gear after RW projects are done.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    All the entries are lovely.

    Sean the window is awesome, I downloaded the image to zoom around, trying to find the spider web........ where is it????

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    @electro-elvis, no worries, your comments did not sound too harsh. I did indeed ask for opinions.
    I'm working on some minor changes. The cat's tail got darkened a hair. I'm going to move the branches slightly, and maybe I will add the solid railing top. I hadn't seen that dark line by the water on only one side; I took it out to fix it at first, then decided the shadow helped define the line between the water and reflection, so then I added some extra stonework back in to emphasize that, and made sure to put it ALL the way across. I'm still thinking about what to do with the water material though.

    @mermaid0, the spiderweb is on the left side of the image, on the stair columns down and to the left of the light fixture. Oddly it's invisible in the default forum image post, (maybe the lines are just too thin), but if you click on the image for the larger version, then it becomes visible.

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